Community Pool

The place for advice, feedback, and friendly blogging conversation.

Photo by <a href="">Beachfront Solutions</a> <a href="">(CC BY-SA 2.0)</a>

Have you just published a new post and are dying for some feedback? Did you recently start your blog and could use some layout or design advice from your more seasoned peers?

Tap into the wisdom of The Daily Post blogging community and leave your question here in the comments. Others can then click through and offer input either on your site, or in the comments here (feel free to indicate which you’d prefer).

To help us make the Community Pool a productive space for discussion, here are some tips you might find useful:

TIP: To keep from losing your place in the comment thread while you visit others’ blogs, right-click on a link to open it in a new tab or window.

  • While you’re not required to, we encourage everyone who requests feedback to also reply to at least one or two other bloggers who need some help. Spread the love!
  • The Community Pool comments section can get quite big — and starting duplicate threads doesn’t help. Thanks for not posting the same question more than once! We tend to delete duplicate comments asking for feedback on the same post.
  • If you’re looking for quality feedback, be as specific as you can. Questions about a particular post tend to draw more comments than ones about entire blogs. Questions about specific design elements are more likely to be answered than ones asking for general layout advice.
  • We discourage leaving links without a more substantive message or question. These are often overlooked by other bloggers, and we remove them to make the comment reading experience smoother.
  • Please keep all comments civil and constructive. The idea is to have fun — it’s a pool, after all!
  • When leaving comments, please remember not to add your blog’s url as your signature. It’s kinda spammy: after all, your handle links directly to your blog.
  • If you haven’t looked at our Commenting Guidelines in a while, now might be a good time.
  • No running on the deck.
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  1. Allo, allo all! Leisel from Skill Up Skillet here. I run a weekly updated geek and game themed food blog and I’m on a never ending quest to discover new food, refine my cooking skills, and give excellent recipes to the masses. All with my own personal snarky twist, of course. This week I beseech you to gaze upon my works and grant me thy praise and (constructive) criticism for the selected articles: (Minecraft TNT Cake): This is my latest post for the 4th of July- a massive 4 layer velvet cake dressed in cream cheese frosting and fondant. And cheap pyrotechnics. Because ‘Merica and sparklers, that’s why. I mean, come on, you wouldn’t stick a sparkler in a Twizzler? This is also my first real project using fondant and I’d really like to get your opinion on it. …Also I might have spent 15 hours decorating.

    I’m also looking for feedback for my About page ( Should the FAQ be moved to its own special page? I have mixed feelings.

    I am also on a quest for additional followers and recipes. If anyone has any input regarding either of these issues please feel free to share your comments. I’m particularly interested in savory recipes at the moment but will consider just about anything.

    I should be available for most of the day to offer my 2 cents where I can. Cheers!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hmm. I see how you can be mixed on moving the FAQ. It could go either way. If you make the FAQ a separate entity you can expand the range of questions so that it’s not just about you, but more cooking and gaming stuff or a resource list of favorite things to cook with.

      Liked by 2 people

      1. List of favorite things to cook with:
        1. Marshmallows
        2. Marshmallows
        3. Marshmallows
        (And the list continues on in a similar fashion. I have a problem.)
        I’m sorry, I had to. If I end up doing this I already know what the gag question/answer would be and it’s not that.


    2. I love your blog. I think it is creative and fun and cute. You need to start hitting all of the Comic Cons and Wizard Cons and your followers will blow up! Keep up the creative and yummy work.

      Liked by 2 people

      1. Oh, I wish I could! We’re planning on going to conventions when we have some money saved up, which probably won’t be for a long while. >_< Love the idea, though, I'll keep it in mind.

        Liked by 1 person

    3. Hi leisel,

      LOVE LOVE LOVE the cakes! Just wanted to give you some feedback! From looking at your blog, the title, and content, it is safe to assume that your blog is all about cakes and cake recipes that are game themed. With that being said, I think a better layout could def benefit you and the reader. Being a person myself who constantly seeks out pinterest and google to research cooking/baking recipes, I am most attracted to and interested in blogs/food websites that are picture oriented. I see that you do include pics but that is not the focal point. I see lots of words. I think a layout that is picture oriented would be most attractive, especially since a lot of your blog is based on imagery. You make cakes that people may not have “seen” before so you wanna make sure thats the first thing they see. They should be able to click elsewhere for the full recipe or have a snapshot of the ingredients listed. I have seen a few free layouts on the wordpress site if you want an idea of the type of layout I am speaking of. Once again, I love the blog, I may attempt a few recipes myself although I am not a baker by nature lol please feel free to check out my new blog as well:

      I am new to this blogging concept but def not new to writing or reading. Your feedback would be much appreciated!

      Be blessed!

      Liked by 3 people

      1. It appears that I have three cake recipes (though one doesn’t really count, was a ‘failure’ post and a cupcake recipe, which sort of counts) I… actually had to check. That’s embarrassing. I’d like to make as many recipes across the sweet/savory spectrum as possible.

        What layouts would you recommend? I haven’t seemed to have any problems with my current layout so far so I’m curious. I have Pinterest linked, but I won’t pretend I understand Pinterest or utilize it fully. I’m not entirely sure I understand some of your points as my posts are fairly image heavy and the recipes are listed after the Read More tag, so you have to click on the individual posts for the recipe. Did you check out the individual recipe post or the main site itself?

        Regarding your feedback request, I do like the visually striking layouts but I personally cannot stand the Intergalactic theme. Maybe it’s just me? You do have some nice content though, and your About page is descriptive and inspiring.

        I particularly loved your “The Fire of Desire” post and was surprised at your inclusion of the law of attraction. It does work, no matter what your belief system may be. Synchronicity must be high, indeed: last night Skill Up Skillet received its first donation and I’m over the moon! Maybe now I can make those interlocking Lego gummies everyone’s raving about. Cheers!


      1. I’d love to hear more. Hit me up on the contact form on my About page. Would be interesting to incorporate geek culture into some healthy eating.


    1. I followed that link to read ‘Away’ and got caught up reading all your poems. My favourite so far is ‘She Sits Alone’ – it’s very poignant to someone who knows how it feels to be alone. I love meeting other poets and I can’t wait to read more of your work!

      Liked by 2 people

    2. Hello, Bianca. What a lament; it’s like a sad song. There is such regret in your words. I felt helpless reading it. VERY good at creating emotion in your reader.


    1. Hi, I enjoyed your post and the sentiments behind it. As feedback, I wonder if you could have avoided repetition of the word “things” as I felt this was a little clunky.

      Liked by 1 person

    1. I love your photos and it’s great that you got around to adding your social media handles to your About page. Have you considered adding them as widgets to the side of your page? The overall design seems a little stark.


    2. The white background definitely makes your photos stand out. May I suggest throwing a picture or image on the About page?
      Also, don’t be afraid to write more on each post (if you want).


    3. Love the logo. Wish you had more written content for the stunning photography. Also wish you were the principal photographer for my blog. 🙂 Great job!

      Liked by 1 person

    4. Really like your images! 🙂 Scrolled through a few and I love the D of E highland cow haha. Cute as!
      I think work a bit more on your opening page, maybe even choose a different them (this is a completely subjective opinion) but I think a theme that feels more open, with more links and archives (things like that, like where to go to see what) would be more attractive. Even if you started categorising your images…
      Hope this helps and keep posting these great photos 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Have you checked out ‘Snaps’? See what you think, I think it has good readability and you can decide wether you want high-content or just visual posts which I think would be great for your blog 🙂 Link to Snaps demo so you can look at it =>
        I like that it has a portfolio tab and a blog tab separate, so you can keep all your photos categorised and also post text content in your blog but it doesn’t take away from your


    1. Sounds yum to me. I wish I had a place like that nearby (or maybe I do. Who’d know?) Maybe one day I could try my hand at being a dunce restaurant reviewer, but that would involve some money and food blogging is challenging enough. Whew.

      Well done. (If you’re ever in the Cincinnati area, let me know. I can make a few recommendations.)


    2. I am on my way to Chicago this weekend. I checked out your Chicago posts. Tasty and informative and timely for me. I think you have an attractive looking blog for sure. Good luck with it. It seems lots of photos are what the food blogs are all about these days.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Thanks for your comment! I can’t really tell, do you mean that photos on food blogs are good or bad? Do you think they are necessary, or do you think lots of blogs put too much focus on them at the expense of the quality of their actual reviews? Thanks!!

        Liked by 1 person

      2. Good points. I meant that today’s food blogs are very photo heavy. I personally like it because I am a photographer and love good photos of food. It would be interesting to see what others think too!

        Liked by 1 person

      3. Makes sense! Yeah, I think I’m going to try to learn some photography skills so I can better represent the restaurants. I am also thinking of combining video journalism with these reviews!

        Liked by 1 person

      4. I think that is a great thing to experiment with! It seems though always a balance of figuring out how to do that without making a special of yourself and the cafe, right? Very excited to see how you do it. Happy eating!


    1. Hi! I love your style and think this is very good! I started my site– A Broad Abroad — when I went to Ireland. Meant to stay a year, had to leave after 5 1/2 weeks so now my blog’s about anything–not as much fun and I feel like I’ve lost my verve…keep writing and welcome to America!

      Liked by 3 people

      1. Thank you! I’m not surprised you didn’t change the name of your blog, its really catchy! Loved the post on stupidity by the way. 🙂


      1. Thank you! I might well talk about politics as US politics intrigues me but I’ll try and do it lightly so I don’t offend either side too much. That may be my biggest challenge yet!


    2. Love your blog. Looks like we have the same theme. (Hemingway.) I too have a travel blog. Check it out if you have a moment. Keep it up! Love to hear other people’s opinion of our fair country… 😉

      Liked by 1 person

    3. That’s a lovely post! I especially like the way you use your photographs, they’re beautiful and they break up your rather long text into digestible chunks. Well done!

      Liked by 2 people

      1. Thank you! You are right about the long text; I’ve just realised that the paragraphs are a bit longer than they should be. Lesson learnt for next time. Thanks for reading! 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

    1. I like the poem! However I think your domain name is a little too long. It’s hard for people to remember it I guess… Especially with the wordpress extension it’s even longer, maybe if you took that one out you could at least add hyphens into the name 🙂

      Liked by 2 people

    1. RyanWatchesFilms Reply
      Ha, your blog made me laugh! The chicken story was great. It’s a shame there arn’t more blogs like this! congratulations on 500 follows (i’m jealous)! continue blogging because its great, I’ll be following for more.

      I do a film blog, reviewing films and other casual film related posts, I’m working on one about ‘The demise of 3D in cinemas’ I’m also working on video reviews and even a podcast!

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Aww, thanks! I’ve been blogging for a while now (I started in September 2013) so I guess it’s just accumulated! I do make an effort to interact with other blogs and find new blogs to read/comment on which definitely helps 🙂

        Liked by 2 people

    2. Wao…congratulations! I am new at blogging …hope to celebrate my 500 and more followers sometime in the nearest future. I’ll take a look at your site and hopefully be you 501 follower.


    1. Ha, your blog made me laugh! The chicken story was great. It’s a shame there arn’t more blogs like this! congratulations on 500 follows (i’m jealous)! continue blogging because its great, I’ll be following for more.

      I do a film blog, reviewing films and other casual film related posts, I’m working on one about ‘The demise of 3D in cinemas’ I’m also working on video reviews and even a podcast!


  2. Hello Community Pool! One of the things I’m always being told to do is to connect with ‘like-minded’ bloggers. I am trying to do this – I like other bloggers as a rule (like minded or not), but aside from commenting here once a week and commenting directly on the posts blogs I enjoy, is there anything else I should be doing, or anywhere else I should be commenting?

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Comment anywhere and everywhere, as long as you have something to say. I know that’s what I try to make myself do (this would be so much easier if I wasn’t partially antisocial).

      I also know it’s a little hard for me sometimes to find ‘like-minded’ bloggers because I have a sort of unique niche, but eventually you figure things out. I don’t know for the life of me what I’d call you. A commentary blogger, a humor/humour blogger, a slice of life blogger? I’ve found it a little hard to put you in a neat little box, but that’s not really a bad thing.

      Are there any forums or social media groups you can join to connect with others? Apparently people connect over Twitter, but I’m useless at Twitter. =X

      Liked by 4 people

      1. Hi James,
        I agree with Leisel. When you were in Blogging 101 it seemed you were blogging about blogging. Now, I am not sure. Have you become a humor blogger? I would try to find a niche and comment on those blogs. You will find “like-minded bloggers” that way.

        Liked by 2 people

      2. I don’t know what box I fit in yet either. It does make it hard to find ‘like minded’ bloggers. I’m getting on quite well with bloggers who are not ‘like minded’ but it’s be nice to find another of my kind out there…


    2. Hey James! I suggest you get off WordPress from time to time, there are hundreds of amazing blogs on other platforms, too! Comment on some other blogs out there, maybe get yourself a Bloglovin account, that makes it easy for you to follow non-wordpress blog. Also you might find it useful to get a Twitter account and start talking to other bloggers there. The atmosphere on Twitter is very talkative and supportive, so it’s worth appearing over there! If you’re already there we could connect: @reelcarina

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Twitter is terrifying – I do have an account but I’ve got no idea how to use it – but I’ll revisit it maybe…
        I have signed up for Bloglovin on your advice too so thanks for the tip!


      2. Start with following fellow bloggers so that you can see how they use Twitter. If there’s a blog you like, look out for their social media buttons so that you can find them over on Twitter. Basically what you do to make Twitter work for you as a blogger is share your and other people’s content 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

  3. Hi everyone! I just started active blogging recently and my blog still need more posts to shape into what I envisioned. I write mainly about book reviews, events, product reviews, food, some writings and thoughts.

    Let me know what you think of my recent posts, any feedback is truly appreciated!

    Please do share your blog too so that I can visit and do the same!

    Liked by 5 people

      1. Thank you so much Ryan! I’ve dropped by your blog too and commented on some posts. You’re the first movie reviewer blog I’m following 😉 and I like your in-depth reviews of movies.

        Just a question, do you have an “About Me” page? I can’t seem to find it on your blog though~

        Liked by 1 person

      1. Thank you for your kind words and motivation Pankaj! I will keep writing good contents and stay inspired 😀

        Your reviews about Indian books and authors are fresh reads as I get to know better about the Indian literary scene. I guess the only Indian author book I have is a book by Arundhati Roy, which is still on my TBR list 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

      2. I do read other books too. As you must have noticed, I am taking a challenge called ”Agatha Christie Reading Challenge”. Thanks for stopping by and following. Looking forward to your regular visits.

        Liked by 1 person

    1. Community Pool is always a huge help. I would recommend adding an About page (or if you have one, I can’t find it) because I’m not entirely sure what to make of your content. Your current theme is great for a visually striking blog, but you only have one featured image (your latest). You’ll want to either add images or try another theme.

      Social media integration is a big one. Do you have any social media accounts set up for your blog? Throw them up there. Connect with other bloggers- like, comment, follow, etc. Pretend to be social even if you’re not.

      Content, content, content. Give your readers something they WANT to read. Quality over quantity. I took a look at your latest post and you may want to consider breaking your paragraphs up into smaller, easier to read paragraphs.

      Hope this helps a little, good luck!

      Liked by 1 person

    2. Like Leisel said, Social Media is a big one! I personally like Twitter and Google+ the most. The big + (pun intended) of the latter is that you can target your posts to specific groups of people by joining communities. For example, if you have a new post about food, share it in a foodblogger community 🙂


  4. hey Team

    One post i would love for you to visit and let me know if you feel you might have a thought to add as one of the series posts is all about us becoming that one bit less racist – i have invited a bunch of my friends [and you?] to share a thought on one way [looking at the small and often subtle ways we might miss] that we can change a word or a habit and work together to become that one bit less racist:

    Please let me know if you’d like to contribute at
    love brett fish

    Liked by 3 people

      1. That would be super amazing. i see from your blog that you’re a vegetarian – ran a really inspiring series recently [click on Taboo Topics and search] where a bunch of my vegetarian friends shared their reasons for choosing that as a lifestyle… really challenging stuff…

        Liked by 1 person

  5. My post isn’t brand new but it is the latest post on my blog. It is a music! I hope you enjoy my eclectic selection. Please leave feedback about content, layout, and be sure to check out other blog posts. Thank you!

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Do you have an About page? If not, you may want to consider it. It would also be easier/more engaging to read with shorter paragraphs, and maybe a few more related images added per post. And Read More tags… otherwise it’s scrolling, scrolling, scrolling past a review I might not be interested, to find a more relevant review to me. If I have the patience (personally, I DO have the patience, but I am not normal).

      You should also add some site navigation/social media integration/review archive. Personally, I like what you have going on. Have a follow, and keep up the good work. The Netflix Documentaries post was especially good.

      Liked by 1 person

    2. Love the header text and design.
      One tip: try to use the ‘Read More’ tag in your posts. It’s a bit cumbersome to get a overall view of your blog when all your long posts are expanded.

      Liked by 1 person

    1. hey there

      it is a fairly long post but you break it up well with pictures and it is covering a whole year after all – i enjoyed your style of writing with typical british witty banter and especially this paragraph near the end:

      It’s been a strange first year in America. I’ve discovered a previously unknown antipathy for snow, I’ve been asked if I’m French, Australian or Texan and if I’ve ever been to Buckingham Palace for tea. I’ve been told 2000 bloody times that Downton Abbey is great and that Doctor Who is the best thing ever just because I’m British. I’ve defended the honour of driving on the left and using Celsius and I’m finally starting to understand American weights and measurements. Some of them, anyway. I’ve turned from a shy awkward Englishman who didn’t know how to catch a bus to a cultural ambassador for England who can defend the honour of the letter “u” wherever it may be found. I now know how to catch a bus too!

      Nice one
      Keep on
      love brett fish


    2. Did you know you are double and triple posting the same thing on your blog, for every post? Based on what I’m seeing, I would recommend taking the Blogging 101 course that WordPress offers. I think you could gain quite a bit from it.

      Liked by 1 person

    3. I like the clean layout; good job there.
      Another thing: I myself am thinking of starting another blog. Any advise whether I should opt for Blogger or WordPress?


      1. Well I do find blogger a lot easier and cheaper to be fair. It is very limited on the designs you can have however. I would definitely check it out, its served its purpose for me and I do love it. Check out my other blog Dolly Wolly Wombat and see what you think to that. It might give you an idea of the layout. I do like wordpress as well and like I have said I am still getting used to it so its a little harder for me to judge just yet. Happy blogging!!!

        Liked by 1 person

      2. I’m asking this mainly because from what I’ve seen, most of the blogs at Blogspot don’t really have any structured format and all posts appear in one straight timeline. So my doubts are whether you could add any organizational levels as in tags and categories like on WordPress (like in my primary blog).
        If so, then I think I would love to try it out.


      3. I am not quite sure if you can to be honest. I have always kept my blogger blog quite simple, but I have never been able to get it to look quite like the way you have yours. I don’t think it has tags as such. I like it because I think in my opinion, you get seen on the internet easier.

        Liked by 1 person

      4. That’s the main reason why I want to try out Blogger as well. Obviously Google will put their own products higher up in the search results.
        Anyways, thanks.


  6. Hello,

    I have recently created a blog on how to read people and how to look at body language to see what a person is feeling etc.

    I have also published about fibres and their action under a flame which people will identify which type of fibre it is (mostly clothing materials)

    I am planning on posting about observational techniques and storing information.

    Also i am planning on blogging about using, the art of deduction to help people come to conclusions about other people or trying to establish what they do for a profession or even where they have just came from, by just going off what they have said, or what the look like etc.

    Please look at my blog and please like and comment on as much as you can and i will respond very quickly.

    You can also contact me by email –

    ask me questions and i will respond

    Thank you

    Liked by 4 people

    1. Interesting concept. I would recommend spell checking your posts before publishing. I’d also be interested in finding out a little more about you on your About page. Have you considered adding images to your posts?


  7. I have a blog where I do book reviews and author interviews. I am also taking part in a reading challenge called ‘Agatha Christie Reading Challenge’. Would love your feedback on my this little book shelve.

    About Me:

    Liked by 3 people

  8. Hey friends! I am hoping to develop my travel writing blog. If anyone has tips/suggestions to make it better, please let me know! I’m really hoping to gain more of a following, but I’m not sure the best way to go about doing so.

    Thanks to anyone who looks at the link and gives feedback. It is MUCH appreciated 🙂

    Liked by 4 people

    1. Love your blog. Good luck from a fellow travel blogger! Best advice I can give is to follow a lot of other travel bloggers and learn from them. There are so many wonderful and inspirational people out there.


    2. Hi, I like that the places you go to are so new to me. I followed! I prefer if the pictures are more aligned and equally sized though, as it is more challenging to read text when they run left and right.

      Liked by 1 person

    1. I’m on a free theme, the TwentyFourteen.
      To be honest, I started blogging only last year and was planning on spending my hobby on WordPress just as a hobby, and I’m still doing so.
      Nevertheless, I’ve tried all of the free themes, and in the end I opted for 2014 as it has a clean, simple and professional look and had support for additional widgets and everything. Overall I find this one to be a very balanced layout, well suited for a multi-topic blog like mine.
      Here’s my primary blog:
      (TwentyFourteen theme, customised with widgets)

      Again, I run a second blog as well which is a single-topic blog, on quotes. That one runs on the Isola theme which is again, free. It is a very minimal theme with a single column layout, which suits well with my other blog.
      My second blog,
      (Isola theme with minimal customization)

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Here’s a person after my own heart. I love books and reading. And, I love collecting old books whether travel related or not. Below are a few links I have posted about it in the past you might enjoy.

      I totally love the idea of reorganizing by rainbow color but I would NEVER be able to find anything on my book shelves. I tend to organize by topic. 🙂


  9. Hey bloggers. I am a normal girl loving in south western part of world but with a desire to reach out the whole world with my expression. I may not be great but I want you to tell me if my thoughts really matter or impress you. Waiting for your response at http://www.salorocks.wordpress.con

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I really LOVE the look of your blog. I love the theme a LOT. Really great and engaging photos. I think you might consider an about page or some sort of definition to help new readers understand what it is about. I couldn’t really tell just by looking at it from your main page. I am still compelled to start clicking around to see what it is about but I wouldn’t want you to lose readers for the same reason.

      Liked by 2 people

  10. Hi,
    I am Janice. I offer blogging advice to bloggers. Tips for engaging readers, improving content, and increasing traffic are waiting for you at my site. Here is the link to my About page, so you can read more about my blog.

    About Me

    I am looking to increase my followers, so check it out.
    I will also answer bloggers’ questions as needed. Thanks.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. What? But… you… I know you’re on vacation. I’ll give you credit; you never rest. Hopefully you’re at least sipping a frozen margarita or something, you deserve it.

      Liked by 2 people