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Photo by Brian Cantoni.

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    1. Hey there!
      Let me begin by saying, I love your latest post, always defined myself as an ambivert, with an equal bit of introvert and extrovert. Now after reading your post, I realize I ticked off everything on that list 🙂

      Great post, new follower right here!

      Liked by 3 people

      1. I love the outgoing introvert post. I refer to myself as a social introvert, which I believe is a better description of who I am than “outgoing” introvert. I’m not that outgoing. However, I’m social enough that people will tell me I’m not an introvert. SUGGESTION: Left align your text. The centering of the text, to me, looks sloppy and is hard to read.

        Liked by 2 people

    2. I think your blog is really exciting with a calm atmosphere, if that makes any sense. I just came from your outgoing introvert and you’re right, it’s like winning the lottery when you find someone that you can talk to.

      Liked by 2 people

    3. I’ve been following your blog for a few weeks now, and I really like your choice of subjects and style of writing! I definitely relate to your last post; I am shy in new situations but love public speaking and certain other situations. I totally related to this post!!

      Liked by 2 people

    4. Michelle, I love your blog! The design, the incredible use of white space and beautiful pictures and your really good writing is just perfect. I commented on your post and I’m so glad I now know I am not odd.

      I’ll be sending you an email concerning guest posting soon. One more great blog followed. I should check my list for today 🙂

      Liked by 4 people

    5. I checked out your blog and I really like it! In fact, you’ve gained yourself a follower! One thing I’d suggest is to find a higher quality picture for your header, as it is pixelated, giving your blog a less-professional (although still really goo!) look.

      Liked by 4 people

    6. Yeah…I can relate to your latest post, I’m that guy. And it’s interesting that I’m a different person when I write. I’m more the me inside on the page…er, screen. I really like Hemingway theme, but really don’t like the big black thing over the picture…but it works well on your site, all in B&W!!

      Liked by 1 person

    7. I like you red lips posts I will keep that in mind with April coming up thanks for the post this topic does need more support and advocacy 🙂

      Liked by 2 people

    8. I really liked the blog, and would be very interested in writing a guest post. Forgive me if I missed it, but my only suggestion would be including a follow button. Otherwise I loved it! 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

    9. I read your latest post and I think it’s really good 🙂 It’s interesting and I like your writing style 🙂 Plus, I had a long talk, few weeks ago, discussing with a friend, that we both don’t feel exactly as introverts nor exactly as extroverts. We were trying to find a name for it, and here it is 🙂 Thanks!

      Liked by 1 person

    10. Michelle, I love your post about outgoing introverts! It gives those of us who don’t know where we fall in between extroverts and introverts a place to call home. You just gained a new follower!

      Liked by 1 person

    11. I am not a massive fan of centre justified text, but in saying that I don’t think the site would look as good any other way, Overall the site looks very professional with a lot of thought into layout, content and writing. I cannot help feeling though that it seems more like an entrepreneurial/self-help site rather than a personal blog but they may have been your intention, in which case you have it nailed.

      I enjoyed the outgoing introvert post and after reading that I would say that I classify myself as mainly that, although maybe slightly leaning to introvert 60/40. I really liked the idea of your “listen through my headphones” post and that maybe something that I do on my blog as I think my taste in music quite eclectic and non-mainstream (generally).

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Of course your search engines are tracking you. Everyone has to watch everyone else to escape their own lives. Try duck duck go; they claim they don’t track you.

      Liked by 2 people

    2. I’m with you. I don’t think I’ll date online. And I’m not real happy about google or anyone knowing more about what I like that me knowing what I like. Good post, dude.

      Liked by 1 person

    1. It didn’t captivate me if I’m honest. Maybe because I’m not a follower of your blog so I’m going in blind. It was good but I felt like it was going to take me on a religious journey. I’m not religious and find it tedious, maybe I’m wrong though, I all depends on where you take it really. I know my interest wouldn’t continue if this were the first page of the book xx

      Liked by 1 person

      1. I’m surprised because it felt that way for me, knowing that it’s not make its more interesting though, although I will still say that’s how it felt the first time I read it, have you tried other versions and seen how the audience react?

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      2. Well, I’ve written a different prologue, but I’ve decided to use it elsewhere in the series. I’ve been meaning to update this prologue, however. I want to just explain a bit more about who “he” is. (or who he’s thought to be).

        Liked by 1 person

    2. I get the feeling that you’re writing about a kid with a very bad childhood, grows up to be a not-so-likeable person and somewhat antisocial, until the person meets someone or finds “him” in a moment of need like surviving a really bad car accident that changed their life forever and the person is depressed.

      I get my fill of evil from comic books and manga. What separates you from them?

      Some criticisms:
      1. Even on sunny days, forests aren’t that bright because of all the foliage.
      2. Not “content”. It’s “content.” Period inside quotation marks.

      Liked by 2 people

      1. Well, you’re not too far off concerning the personality of the main character.
        What separates me from manga and comics? Well, it’s a novella series, so it’s non-graphic. But the characters think, act and speak like manga characters, and the series kind of folds out like a manga series.
        And thank you for the criticisms and for taking the time to comment!


      2. I don’t mean the physical difference between comic books and manga, I mean difference in content. I read a few “evil” in your prologue and gave you the benefit of the doubt that it was religious-based and thought “him” could refer to one’s fear, schizophrenic’s other voice(s), a scary person, etc.
        NP. I’m happy to help out another novelist.

        Liked by 1 person

    3. Wow! I don’t usually follow fiction blogs but I consider myself lucky to have caught yours at the prologue! Your first sentence caught me intermediately and left me with lots of questions. I’m excited to read more!

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Hello!
      Checked out your blog! The content looks good, but personally, I’m not crazy about the color scheme. The shade of pink is too “in your face” for me. Of course, it’s all your personal preference. If you like it, stay with it! Congrats on your upcoming one month anniversary!

      Liked by 1 person

    2. It takes a special kind of person to be able to fight these battles with a smile, and it seems as though you are doing just that. 🙂 What a privilege it is to gain an understanding of what far too many people suffer through daily. Very much enjoyed your blog!!

      Liked by 3 people

      1. Thank you for this amazing comment! It really made me smile! And thank you for visiting! I just visited yours and love your theme of having 2 people and sharing each point of view. I enjoyed reading the different topics you had as well!

        Liked by 4 people

      1. Thank you for visiting! I’m so happy you were able to relate, that’s why I created the blog. Your posts are very moving as well, I really enjoyed reading your posts and relating to your emotions.


    3. Your blog is really something, the fact that you can share your experiences, good and bad with all of us, is really inspiring.


    4. I read “Life’s Lightning” and I read these things you write that make you feel trepidation, but this facility makes it all better with their program and activities. I’m glad you don’t know the original Cinderella story. I like the pink background since pink is a color that makes people happy.

      Liked by 1 person

    5. Hi! I like your blog a lot. I was viewing it on my iPad, and the simple layout was easy to navigate. I saw someone else wasn’t crazy about the pink, but a good compromise might be to do a more ballet pink? Same tone, but with more white. I’m also struck by how positive you are! It’s really nice to see stories about real people overcoming hardship, especially when he or she doesn’t become embittered because of it. I think your blog will give people hope, inspiration, and a window into another person’s life. Empathy is the most important skill any person can have, I think. Keep it up!! 🙂

      Liked by 2 people

      1. First, thank you for visiting! I’m glad the layout is okay, especially on the iPad (as I have not seen it on that) Second, I did end up lightening it like you mentioned and am happy with it. And third, thank you for those kind and encouraging words!!! I’ve been trying to stay positive, and keeping a more positive blog has helped quite a lot! Again thanks! 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

    6. Hey Chelsea. I like that you bring attention to the realities of mental illness and those that struggle with it. As a former struggler myself, it is nice to see you fighting the good fight

      Liked by 1 person

    7. Hi, I would have commented right on the blog but couldn’t figure out where. I think your content is highly relatable, and you should find a good-size audience. I loved the wide-eyes picture too.
      You said you wouldn’t mind returning the favor. I don’t know why the post didn’t do well. Any ideas? Please comment on the blog. Thanks!


    1. your post is really well written, but I feel like it might not be in my place to accurately comment upon it because it’s so personal. I think there are some people who are just addicted to being sad, unfortunately. I hope your friend starts taking responsibility for her own happiness, instead of waiting for prince charming to swoop in and fix everything. Keep encouraging her! Maybe remind your friend that having a happy life doesn’t necessarily mean making a lot of money. Anyway, this was well written and I enjoyed your blog. Hope that helped!

      Liked by 1 person

    2. I don’t know what to comment about the content itself, since I don’t know the person you’re talking about, but you wrote it in a very coherent way for someone who’s angry. You’re a good friend for venting this frustration instead of letting it out on her, and a good person for sticking with her through what sounds like a very annoying and difficult friendship.
      Keep it up!
      I really enjoyed reading it, too.

      Liked by 2 people

    1. It’s a nice poem – very calm. I think you can say more, like give us some examples of what he did. How did he separate Singapore from Burma? Getting schools to teach English because it was the right move, attract foreign companies to create a better economy, things like this. But I am not Singaporean so I don’t know much about the country (except politics), what and all he did, so you should mention the things that outsiders like me don’t know, maybe what kind of person he was, the effects of the strict speech stuff. Would you consider also having characters alongside your English? I’ll check out your poetry soon – looks intriguing.


      1. Ah I see. Thank you so much for your feedback and I will definitely work on those.
        Sorry but what do you mean having characters alongside my English?


      2. 寫漢子。看一下。 I’m still working on something about Yang Guifei, so I can’t give you the link to that yet.

        Liked by 1 person

    2. Would you consider translating your Mandarin Poetry into English? My Mandarin isn’t that good. I did my best translation on “6, 7” and it’s definitely different or my translation isn’t good. Why don’t you write any more poems in Mandarin?


  1. Good morning my fellow bloggers.
    I have written a few posts in the last week but if anyone would like to look at the format of my blog (and new color scheme) that would be great!

    ALSO** Last night I had 181 followers and today it says on my blog that I have 685… and as flattering as that would be, I don’t even close to believe that.
    On my wp admin it still says 183 which is extremely confusing. Can someone help me out with this. I’m not sure if I simply am missing something or if it is just a glitch…


    Liked by 4 people

    1. hey, your mismatch in follower count might be due to the additional followers you have on your publicised accounts (ie Twitter/ Facebook) friends from there are also accounted for in your follower count!

      Liked by 2 people

    2. Hello!
      I really like the new color scheme! However, I’m not crazy about the fact that everything else in your blog is through a drop down menu bar. It would be a lot easier if you actually had clickable links on your blog that would take me and other followers to your content. I hope that makes sense! I may not have explained it as well as I could have!

      Liked by 1 person

    3. Hey mykulmitch. I just took a look at your blog, but it took me a while to find your post. Did you purposely create a static home page with what sounds like your “About” info? If not, one thing you might consider is making your home page show your most recent posts so people don’t have to search for them. Or you could put a link to your blog posts in the top menu..

      Liked by 2 people

      1. Thank you for responding. Im getting a lot of the same answers and I’m a little confused about how to put links at the top of the page without putting the in the sidebar you click on…


    1. I love your latest post. It delineates on the very conflict of friendship between different genders. Often, it is something we cannot prevent. Then again, we have to, because truly, we fear of ruining it.

      I’m not a very good adviser but maybe, should you guys be very close, you might want to talk it out and play by ear? 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

      1. I’ve considered talking it out. But I’m scared of how much damage that will do seeing how I’m not really sure I’ve fallen yet. But I know it’s coming and it just makes it a very confusing situation.

        Thank you so much 🙂


      2. I actually told him about it yesterday. He didn’t understand what I was getting at. Definitely made it into my list of embarrassing moments in life. -_- I guess nature must take its course.


      3. Hahaha, sometimes guys pretend (I must say so myself). Perhaps this is our way of wanting to remain status quo? (taking into account that your signal was very apparent!)


    2. I just read your latest post and loved your writing style. It was easy to read and I loved the little bit of humor at the end! The topic is something we all can relate to, but you have your own individual thoughts put into the story which I loved. Great post 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

      1. I recently took a break for about three weeks and came back feeling rather different and light. I wasn’t sure if writing that way was going to be any good. So thank you for this comment ! I needed to hear it ! 😀 Thank you so much 😀

        Liked by 1 person

    1. Hi, Tim. Your post was very well-written and I thought you handled a heavy topic with grace and made it interesting. I can only imagine what someone with dementia must go through every day, and I think you’ve made a pretty good guess. I wish you, your mom and family the best.

      Liked by 1 person

    2. Very powerful post. I have volunteered at a local retirement center for a long time, and been in the persons shoes trying to figure out how to explain things. I predict I will think of this post often when I am there. Thank you for writing this.

      Liked by 2 people

    3. Loved your post. I have a soft spot in my heart for older people having lost all of my grandparents over the years. Many of my friends have lost grandparents or parents recently to dementia so this really hits home. Hugs.

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Hey!
      I found your post really helpful, given I use between one and three tags on each post, maybe it’s about time I went a little tag crazy…

      My blog is still fairly new, so getting new followers and readership at first was/is kind of a blur. Thanks for the advice!


    2. This is INCREDIBLE advice and exactly what I needed! I’m constantly looking for ways to get more users to my site/increase my traffic. I’ve slacked with posted weekly, but I’m definitely going to start posting more regularly and hopefully that will help!


    3. My one month anniversary is coming up Wednesday so I’m still a newer blogger. I always love reading these kind of post. The Hashtags was a new one for me! I’m thrilled to have found out about the different ones! Great post, very helpful!

      Liked by 1 person

      1. It’s gorgeous. I just made my first visit to London last November. I can’t wait to return! I’m going to share some of my own photos on my blog site soon.

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  2. Hello everyone!

    I’m always looking for feedback on my blog (good or bad)! I am still fairly new to the blogging world, and I would just love any feedback you can give, whether it be on a specific post or the overall layout or content of my blog! Please check my blog out and I will be sure to do the same!

    Here is a link to my blog:

    Thanks in advance!

    Liked by 3 people

    1. I just checked out your blog, McKenna. It looks like you have a good variety of posts and I like that your layout is bright, engaging and easy to read. My one suggestion is to be consistent with posting (which you seem to have been doing recently – kudos!) It will definitely help you gain a following when people know they can come back often for great content.
      When I see multiple posts of people apologizing for not posting, it makes me think it’s a trend.


      1. I took a look at your blog, and I loved it! You have such a great variety of topics and I love your style of writing. I’m sure you hear all of this a lot, but I was very impressed. Now following! I look forward to reading more!


      2. Thank you! I’m so happy to hear that you liked my blog – positive feedback is so encouraging and helps keep me going 🙂 Thanks for following, and I look forward to more from you too!

        Liked by 1 person

    2. I’ve been following your blog for a few weeks (I think? haha) now, and I really enjoy the variety of post topics! Also, your theme with the “continue reading” feature is great. Keep it up! 🙂


      1. Thank you so much! I wondered how it looks on a mobile device. I have not even attempted to look at it on any device other than my laptop, so that is definitely good to know! Thank you for the feedback! I will be sure to check out your blog as well!

        Liked by 1 person

      2. Pretty sure I remember seeing something in the setup that “shows” you what it looks like on the mobile. So check that out to make sure you are happy with it. 🙂 I only wish I remembered where.


      3. Thanks so much. Great to connect with you. I’m glad you liked my blog. It gives me inspiration to hear that and to get new followers. What kind of posts do you like the most so I know what to keep doing?


      4. I don’t know if I could pick out a specific type of post. I really like the posts that are personal to you, such as the post about the money or the post about the souvenirs and coca cola bottles. I also really liked your Uxmal post. This is somewhere that I wish I would have known about before January as my family and I just returned from Mexico, and that would have been wonderful to see!

        I will be honest, I haven’t had too much time to look through a lot of your posts yet. I plan on setting aside some time to look through many more. I am not as crazy about the photo challenges. Don’t get me wrong, your photos are beautiful! Posts dedicated to photos are not really my thing, though I love when a lot of photos are incorporated into posts!

        I’m sorry I can’t provide you with more information! I hope I was able to provide some help!

        Liked by 1 person

      1. Oh, thank you! You’re actually the first person to return feedback. I really appreciate it. I’m very new to blogging, but I’m really finding a lot of joy in it.
        Thanks again for visiting, and keep up the awesome work!

        Liked by 1 person

      1. It is, by far, my favorite picture pretty much ever! Everyone is always a bit shocked by it! Love my turtles! Thank you for the follow!

        Also took a look at your blog, and you are hilarious!! Now following!


    1. Just read the post, the image at the beginning explains the feeling I had when I watched some of the movies on there! Sheer disappointment…
      I like how it isn’t a very long review of each movie, short and to the point.
      I also like that you used the images of the movies, layout is simple and easy to read. Do you have an about page? Didn’t see one, I’d love to know more about the reason you started blogging.
      Hope this was helpful!

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Thanks a lot, and yes, it was a GREAT help finding out what you think about my blog. And yea, we don’t have an about page as of yet, we’re working on it. Just a basic introduction, we’re mainly three teens, who spend their entire day watching movies and TV shows…… and during my winter vacations about 4 months ago, i got really bored, so i started this blog……
        Now i’m just working on innovative new material.
        PS. Just go through some other stuff on the blog, you’ll find longer reviews too! 😉

        Liked by 1 person

    1. I really enjoyed reading this post! I absolutely loved the repetition! It made the message even stronger. It was positive and uplifting which made me smile while reading it. I even loved the featured photo 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Hello!

    I’m putting my teenage diaries on WordPress in all their cringeworthy glory but they’re all in a long list at the moment. I’m thinking of separating them into different pages now there are a lot of posts on their but I’m not sure how best to do it. Year, subject…Or leave it as it is?

    All ideas/thoughts welcome!

    Ta! Tess x

    Liked by 3 people

      1. Thank you! Maybe I should dig out some of my non-diary notebooks that had daft doodles in them to include when there was a dry spell or diary doodling. I spent less time drawing my new shoes when my interest in boys went up a notch!

        Happy cringing!


    1. I think this is a cool idea and I like the format you’re using now for your posts — putting short entries together and letting longer ones stand on their own. Is there a specific reason you’re thinking about pages? If you want to group them together, maybe try using broad categories. Or you group them by age ranges.


      1. This is helpful, thanks! I thought perhaps it was too difficult to read on the home page with the most recent at the top but I maybe people just click on a post and read that way instead.

        It’s not like my teen ramblings made much sense anyway so maybe it doesn’t really matter if they’re not organised into pages!

        Liked by 1 person

      1. Hehe, thanks! I’m pleased you want to have a look. How times have changed… If you’d have told me 18 years ago that you were about to read my diary, I would’ve been very cross indeed 😉


    2. I love the idea of your blog. Keep up the good work. I hope it will help you manage through your days. Just be careful about posting personal things for the weirdos of the world!


      1. Thanks! My diaries are from the 1990s but I’m still being cautious about certain details. I’ve avoided naming things like my school and village. I’ve also changed all the names slightly to reduce the biggest risk that is my old school friends hunting me down and killing me for this 😉

        Liked by 1 person

    3. As someone who kept a travel journal for the past twenty years, I can assure you that keeping a record of your thoughts and feelings during this fleeting stage of life is something you will be grateful for later on


      1. This is later on (my diaries are from the 90s) and, you’re right, I’m glad I wrote it all down… most of the time. There have been quite a few diary entries that made me wish the ground would swallow me up as I read them back!


    1. Hello! I like the cleanliness of the blog, but was a little overwhelmed with the length of the page— I would suggest you might create ‘read more’ parts on your posts so we get a broader overview of your offerings! 🙂


    2. Love it! Great photos that pop! Looks good on a Mobile environment. Can’t wait to see where you go next.

      I also have a travel blog. I followed you. Check mine out and follow if you want to exchange ideas!

      Happy travels.

      Bulldog travels

      Liked by 1 person

    3. I love the idea of travelling a lot and having great pictures to remember places by but this is not about me…. Your blog design is stunning. Especially with that header image. I like that you let the amazing pictures speak for themselves. Great work!

      Liked by 1 person

      1. You can’t imagine how pleased I am to hear and see that. Thanks, Kate. I’m following you now and hoping, desperately, that I get to see some of the places you blog about. I am all for travelling around the world!

        Liked by 1 person

    4. Your travel blog is beautiful and the photos are gorgeous!
      If anything, you’re just going to make us all jealous. 😉
      I can’t wait to head back out myself this fall.
      Safe Travels!

      Liked by 1 person

  4. Hello! I run a travel blog and I wrote a blog post yesterday on the pains of staff travel! I’m hoping for some feedback on not only that post, but all my other posts as well!

    Liked by 3 people

    1. I like the idea behind your blog. I also have a travel blog I would love if you would check out. I was unable to easily find the follow me button on your blog in the mobile view. That might be an important change you might consider.

      Liked by 1 person

    2. Hey Andrea. Liked your blog. As a fellow travel blogger I find it useful & enjoyable to see others’ take on the wonderful act of traveling. Also liked your Curaçao pics-especially Playa Knip, my favorite spot


  5. Greetings, fellow bloggers!

    The Fab Letters is a blog written by two Canadian students, Sherina and Ceanray. It is a collection of letters about issues that we find important, and our unique perspective on those issues as teens. Any feedback is greatly appreciated, and we would love to read your blogs as well! 🙂

    Liked by 3 people

    1. I think it’s creative that your blog is called “the fab letters” and they’re actually letters written by both of you to the other. In addition, you both address your own topics in each post, but they’re in relation to the other, so that’s also cool. I read the one about the dress and I think Ceanray should write a few words about domestic violence or included a phone # or app people can get.

      I would suggest that a bigger font would be better for me.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Thank you for your kind words and feedback. Domestic violence could definitely be a topic we write about in the future, so thanks for that suggestion! As for the larger font, we’ll see what we can do! 🙂


    2. Really liked the unique ‘angle ‘ with which you address your concerns. The back and forth letter shtick is very clever and engaging way to share your views. Thanks for sharing this

      Liked by 1 person

    1. I think if it makes you happy, continue doing it; if not, stop. I also think that it’s really cool that you embedded a link to a youtube playlist. I’ve looked a quite a few blogs and sites and I haven’t seen it done yet, but I’m not surprised it can be done.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Thank you. That’s definitely what I’m aiming or. Mental illness can be very isolating and I know plenty of people have difficulty talking about it so hopefully I can demonstrate that no one is alone. Thanks for your comment 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

      2. You’re welcome. 🙂 I agree that many people have difficulties talking about mental illness, and unfortunately, our society still allows a stigma to surround it. I think that speaking out can be so effective in helping others who are struggling.

        Liked by 1 person

    1. Checked out your recent post and it’s … let’s say adventurous. You should find another use for these adventurous instances, like putting it in a novella or consider being a contributing writer to some drama show.

      Liked by 2 people

      1. Hi Leanne. Thank you, that does give me some confidence. With all the stuff I’ve had to go through with mental illness it would be great if I could put it to some cause. I was encouraged by lecturers at university to write so I’m definitely looking into it as a possible career path.


    2. Hi Kayla. Thanks for the insights you share here. As a former sufferer of depression I know that mental illness is a strain that those who have never experienced it can fully relate to. Kudos on having the guts to speak openly of your challenges and I hope your condition improves asap

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Thanks Ben. I think I’m one of the lucky ones , having the confidence to speak out about my mental illness. For a while I was afraid that speaking out on here so openly would be a cause for people to judge me but I now I feel like that fear is outweighed by the possibility that I could help someone.

        Liked by 1 person

    1. I checked out your jewelry post and 2 things that came at me were:
      1. There’s no story, really. What’s the story behind “comfy” or her jewelry? Why scarf and no scarf? You provided a clever tips for using a wine glass and utensils rack.
      2. Check your spelling.
      Don’t get me wrong; those photos are amazing and the models are super attractive, and the jewelry are shown very well. I’m happy you have happy clients. Hope this helps.

      Liked by 1 person

  6. I started a blog about living with schizophrenia. I would welcome some feedback on any post. I am also looking to follow other blogs about mental illness, so if you know of a good one, please leave it for me in the comments on my page, or here. Here is my blog…

    Thanks! I look forward to reading some great blogs today!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. A wonderfully informative read, living with mental illness is something horribly taxing I thank you for sharing. The post Mourn the Innocent, but Educate the Public I found particularly poignant and agree wholeheartedly with the sentiment.


    2. Really enjoyed your posts, and thank you for your courage in sharing and furthering the conversation about what it is like to live with a mental illness. I’ve added you to my Reader and look forward to reading future posts. Feel free to check mine out, I write about the family experience and my learning as a parent of a child who experiences mental health challenges.

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Hello. I like your concept. I found the images to be so large that they took control over finding exactly what to do- where to browse. Just food for thought.


    1. Hey! I like that you post about a wide range of things (as per your blog name). You might find it helpful to use tags and categories so that you can separate your posts and these could be widgets on your sidebar. I actually use the same theme as you (yay theme buddies!!) so if you want you can check out what I’ve done with the sidebar and see my tag cloud 🙂


    2. Would you consider changing the picture on the right side? The ones with all the colors? It blinded me for a bit when I got on your blog. Also, use the “read more tag” so your readers/visitors can see more posts instead of having to scroll all the way past the previous one to see the next one.


    3. I would recommend including some more graphics to increase the visual appeal. Also, be aware of your spelling and grammar. I’m no expert myself but I caught a few almost immediately and that tends to interrupt the flow of reading. Hope these pointers help


    1. I hear your passion and expertise about photography the way you describe your photographs. I also think that you chose just 3 to post is a good number – quick enough for readers and leaves them thinking and feeling they got a lot out of reading that post. You transition well in your writing. With all that said, I prefer to read things with a bigger font.

      Liked by 1 person

    1. So we have met. Did you change your theme?
      I think you post things that are important but get swept under the rug by things much less important and requires us to do less thinking about becoming aware that there are problems that need solving, and solving them. I realize that it’s selfish for me to request this, but here it goes: is there any way you can write it more interestingly? Seriously, I read a book about global poverty a few years back, and I know there’s a lot out there, so would you consider updating it so it’s more appealing to me?

      I also read your post on science and I can’t believe you believe in global warming. You were so logical until global warming. Yes, the Earth is warming, but Research has shown that global temperatures fluctuate naturally from one extreme to the other. Nevermind me, I’m going to get so much backlash from this.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Thanks for the advice.
        I now have also visited your blog and I see that the theme is helpful for effective reading of posts. On the other hand, the sideline of the blog where not only the name and tagline of the blog is, but also the widgets you place is light which leads readers difficult to read. you may would like to do something about it.
        That is all from my side.
        Good Luck on your blog!


      2. You’re welcome. I aim to do my best since I want the same done for my blog. I saw that you used the “read more tag” since our last encounter. You didn’t have the tag last time so I didn’t even get to see that you wrote that essay on science. See how powerful that button is?

        Anyway, thanks for the advice on the side. I tried changing that to black since I adopted the theme, but it won’t work. Looks like I’ll be replacing some of those images for darker colored ones so people can see. I chose a theme with big regular font so I can see everything better. You read that theme designers? Please create more themes with larger fonts.

        Thanks for the luck! Same to yours!

        Liked by 1 person

    2. Hi I was looking at your site and realized we share the Hemingway theme. 🙂 I was wondering if you could tell me how you set your posts so that I have to click on them to see the whole thing.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Ah…you must be talking about the “continue reading” tag, aren’t you? Well it is very simple; when you are writing a post, you see a “tool bar” on which there is BOLD, ITALIC etc. Over there you will also come across a “read more tag”. When you click on it, a dotted line will appear next to where where your cursor was. I insert it in my post after “abstract”. You may insert it with you own will. When you have done so, “update” or “publish” your post, you will see a continue reading tag on your post in the site!. Hope that was helpful. If you want to change something else, you may go to “Dashboard” and than “Settings”. Thank you!

        Liked by 1 person

  7. Hi Everyone.

    Here’s my latest post: on my website.

    Also, I’m confused about the feature image portion of a blog post. I like to use it and it looks okay when reading an individual post but when scrolling through posts on the site it ends up becoming a duplicate image. If I don’t use a feature image at all, it seems like my post appears without any image. I haven’t encountered this problem before, maybe it’s a theme layout issue….?


    Liked by 2 people

      1. It didn’t! I commented saying the things people buy and complimented your post lol, I enjoyed it! As for featured Image, I recently stopped using it because my theme doesn’t support it. In the ‘my reader’ if there is an image included in the post (and if a featured image hasn’t been set) the first image in the post auto goes as a featured image for the post. Hope that makes sense xx
