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Photo by Brian Cantoni.

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      1. Thank you for the review! Everyone needs, and has access, to God’s grace. đŸ™‚

        First off, LOVE THE PUP IN YOUR PHOTO. If you find him or her missing, I’ve stolen the cute little furball. (JK, but seriously, he/she is adorable!) I like your blog, and am now following. I would only suggest adding the widget that allows people who aren’t on WordPress to follow your blog via email. Opportunity for more followers.

        And here’s a friendly, encouraging reminder to keep reading the Bible and your devotionals daily! đŸ™‚ Nothing like spending some time with the Lord!

        Liked by 2 people

      2. Oh, if you don’t know how to add the widget I mentioned, let me know and I’ll tell you, but I see that you’ve added other widgets so I know you know how to add widgets. đŸ™‚

        Liked by 1 person

    1. I like the analogy as a springboard for thought, but the issue I have with it is a lack of continuation. Salvation in a moment is exactly like an almost finished jigsaw puzzle, but it isn’t just something you compete and check off from a list of goals. It’s a lifelong commitment. You may have already done another post that I didn’t see, but I would love a continuation with a different analogy based on the more permanent changes that accompany salvation.

      Liked by 5 people

      1. That is a very good point, Jake, and I appreciate your feedback. Perhaps I’ll add what differentkindsofgrief said below, “It’s up to us to seek Him and His help in completing the puzzle and then living in it” if they’re okay with it. And then add something about salvation being a life-long commitment.

        I enjoyed your post about Pizza Math. It was entertaining. đŸ™‚ I feel like your blog could use a little more color, and I would suggest adding the Follow widget that allows people who aren’t on WordPress to follow your blog via email – just a way to get more followers. đŸ™‚

        Liked by 1 person

    2. Each life is a different puzzle. We do have a Master Creator who designed our puzzle. It is up to us to seek Him and His help in completely the puzzle and living in it.

      Liked by 2 people

      1. Hi,

        I’d like to add your sentence, ” It is up to us to seek Him and His help in completely the puzzle and living in it” to the end of my blog post, if you don’t mind. đŸ™‚

        Also, I can’t give you any feedback because I can’t click on your name to go to your blog. So if you want to post the link to your blog, I’ll take a look. đŸ™‚

        Liked by 1 person

      1. Thank you for the feedback.

        I enjoyed your blog and am now following. đŸ™‚ I would suggest adding the Follow widget that allows people who aren’t on WordPress to follow you via email – just as a way to allow for more followers.
        I like the theme you’ve used, with what to me feels like the sunrise at the top of your page. It’s refreshing, just like what you’re posting about – God’s love and grace. đŸ™‚ His mercies are new each morning!
        Lamentations 3:22-23 The steadfast love of the LORD never ceases; his mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning; great is your faithfulness.


    3. I like the analogy. Since you asked for comments, I’ll be a tad critical in hopes it helps. While i see the overall connection to the music video at the end of the post, It feels like it may not belong with the specific theme of the specific post. It has a great message, but feels tacked on to a very precise message of what Salvation is and how to receive it. Even as is, I appreciated your post, but wanted to offer my opinionated… opinion đŸ˜‰ Happy blogging!

      Liked by 2 people

      1. Thank you for your honest opinion. I was listening to the song about a week ago and added it then. It wasn’t originally on my post. Not disrespect to your opinion, but I think I’ll leave it for right now as someone else said they enjoyed it, so the opinion is even at the moment. đŸ™‚

        I enjoyed your most recent post – a very interesting idea. For those that we have a good relationship with and talk to daily, we can just start talking to them without an awkward “hello”. A good reminder to pray without ceasing. How else does a relationship grow except by talking and getting to know someone? God knows everything about us, but we have SO much to learn about Him and His love. I don’t think we will ever truly understand just how He sees us and care about us. At least not on Earth. đŸ™‚

        I would suggest adding the Follow widget that allows people who aren’t on WordPress to follow you via email – just as a way to allow for more followers.


        Liked by 1 person

      1. Thank you for the feedback!

        I enjoyed your cat jokes. đŸ˜› Your theme is very colorful, which I like. I would suggest adding an About page, unless you have one and I didn’t see it (?) đŸ™‚


      2. No problem!

        Haha thanks! Have many more thanks to that post now! đŸ˜› All of my friends will be pleased they don’t have to hear me repeating them all of the time! There should be an about page, but I will see if it’s got messed up in my silliness! Thank you for following, I hope I don’t disappoint!!

        Liked by 1 person

    4. Hi Rachel, I like the analogy as well. It’s something many people can relate to. Additionally, I think the format of this post could be overwhelming to someone who does not understand who Jesus is. However I think you make some great points to those of us who know and understand the grace that has been given to us all!

      Liked by 2 people

      1. That’s a good point, Kelly. But perhaps it will peak the interest of those who don’t yet know Jesus as their Lord and Savior. đŸ™‚ I encourage you to keep coming back to my blog!

        You have quite the organized blog, and I wouldn’t change anything. đŸ™‚ It’s rather impressive-looking.


      1. Thank you for the feedback!

        I really like your blog’s theme. đŸ™‚ It really pops out, and your blog looks super professional!


    5. Thanks for sharing Rachel – i feel like it is a decently-written piece for Christians and so if that is your audience you are aiming at then spot on. If no then i’m afraid the language and jargon [cos let’s be honest, words like salvation and sin mean something to those of us inside the church but not much to those outside] might chase people away before they get to the heart of your message. But like i say, it really does depend who you’re aiming at. If you were aiming outside of the church then i would suggest taking more time to set up the jigsaw analogy, convincing people why there is that missing piece in their lives before jumping to Jesus being that solution.

      All the best
      love brett fish

      Liked by 3 people

      1. Thank you for the honest opinion, Brett! Cool last name. Do you like to fish?

        I enjoyed your post “The Joy of Friends Who Hurt You”. Duncan sounds like quite the encourager – obviously his gift. đŸ™‚ I like your theme – what’s the name of it?
        Also, love the raiSIN <— on the side of your blog. But really, they're not THAT bad. đŸ˜‰


      2. Thanks so much Rach.

        i’m not a huge fisherman, just my nickname – stands for Faithful In Serving Him, the way i try to live out my life.

        Ooh wow, i will have to disagree with you there – raiSINs are my absolute nemesis and should be taken out of this world completely…

        Thankx for stopping by
        love brett fish


      1. Thank you! I encourage you to keep coming back to my blog! đŸ™‚

        I love your study tip. đŸ˜› I feel that what you’re blogging about could use a more… colorful theme. Then again, the more plain theme makes your pictures really stand out. đŸ™‚
        I would suggest adding the Follow widget that allows people who aren’t on WordPress to follow you via email – just a way to get more followers. đŸ™‚

        Liked by 1 person

    6. The analogy was interesting to me because I suffer from depression and anxiety. Funny how when 999 pieces are in place, most people think that last piece should be easy, but sometimes last little steps seem insurmountable. Great post.


      1. Thank you for your feedback. I encourage you to keep coming back to my blog! đŸ™‚ Here’s another message I posted a few months ago that I hope will help encourage you when you’re depressed and anxious.

        I like your blog’s theme – simple but nice. I would suggest adding the widget that posts your top posts and pages – just as a way of showing readers what posts other readers liked most. đŸ™‚

        1 Peter 5:7 Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you.

        Liked by 1 person

    1. The wording is somewhat vague in detailing the event, but positively packed with emotion. Not a style I’m used to reading in, but I really like it. Excellent work.


  1. Hi Guys

    I have a week of posts under my belt now and would love some feedback on how i’m getting on.
    My blog has a humour and art theme. Any feedback of any type is appreciated, are my posts funny?, Is there any design changes i could make? etc.

    Include any feedback you want in your comment and i will return the favour.


    Liked by 4 people

    1. I like your choice of the blog theme for starters, and I’m in love with how you alternate your own work and the work of masters. It’s a very pleasant blog you have and I will happily return for more đŸ˜‰

      Liked by 2 people

    2. The tone of your posts links together really well, and I like the way you’ve got some of these traditional masterpieces interspersing your own posts. Your humour is also wonderful, “like when you accidently put the straw all the way through the capri-sun packet” really had me chuckling. Your writing is accessible and engaging, I’d say you’ve made a really good start.

      Liked by 2 people

      1. Thanks for the tips. The tag line is a difficult one as it needs to show that the blog isn’t serious and has a humorous theme, I will work on this!
        I’m not much of an art critic, I tend to just share professional art I like to dilute all the rubbish art I do! đŸ™‚


    3. Art, I love your blog’s combination of sophisticated classic type paintings coupled with the cartoon like ones such as my favorite of “Bernard” (what a face!). I love the whimsical paintings and your bright vibrant use of color. And yes, they are funny! Somewhere in comments (below) I have asked others to read two of my stories for feedback.

      Liked by 3 people

    4. Hi Art. I liked your blog a whole lot!

      I come from the motion picture world, and sometimes I find physical art a little inaccessible, but I am following your blog with anticipation. I really like your tone in describing art and the things you create, and why you create them. Very cool.

      I will say I think your theme of your blog doesn’t do it enough justice. I think you could feature the art you’re showcasing a little more prominently. Hope this helps!

      Liked by 3 people

      1. Thanks for your comment. I want to change the theme but i think i might leave it a few weeks, i’m worried I will mess it up, the first time was a nightmare! haha

        On that note, your theme is awesome. I love the way the header stays as you scroll and the starbucks cups picture fits the blog nicely! I’ve read a couple of your blogs and will definitely be following!


    5. I too use humor in my blog and know well the hopeful nervousness in hoping my readers get my jokes. Honestly, I didn’t really find it all that amusing, but humor is subjective. There’s definitely a lighthearted theme & I really liked your titles

      Liked by 2 people

      1. Thanks. Your travel blog is amazing, the travel phots are great and your recent blog was funny and interesting to read.
        Will definitely be visiting regularly!


    6. I am glad to read through the replies and see so many positive comments about your blog. Looking through the posts I felt happy. I believe the combination of interesting art and wry humour will find a lot of readers. I think it reminds me a little of “the far side” humour. I agree with the caffeinated theologian that the tag line should be changed. Maybe remove the “Please Like Me” as without context it is hard to tell in what manner this should be taken. Finally, just wanted to say I subscribed because I enjoyed reading through the posts.

      Liked by 2 people

      1. Thanks a lot. I have edited the tag line but am still torn as i like it to have a bit of humor in it, although i can see your point!

        Your blog is fantastic. such a wealth of wondrous photography! I can’t figure out how to comment or like anything though…

        Liked by 1 person

      2. I really like your about page… what about a tagline of “My name is art. It is my favourite”.

        I have comments disabled as I like the cleanliness of the page – I think I might have a slight problem with being overtidy :).

        And if you want to like something an option should come up in your reader when I post something new.

        But please don’t worry about either, but feel free to stop by from time to time.

        It is not meant to be solely a photography site – I am in the process of adding maps, videos etc. to each of the blog posts already made. So hopefully it will start taking shape soon.

        Liked by 2 people

    7. Great stuff – your blog is fun and that’s definitely what we need once in a while [or once every day or more] – i love the simplicity of ‘Hey look, there’s sheep’ but i also dug the one about your running prowess…

      So yes, keep on
      love brett fish

      Liked by 1 person

    8. Your post on joggers was my favourite! I would have liked a bit more elaboration though! That’s a joke that certainly can be stretched a bit.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. I’ll think about making them a bit longer! It’s tough coming up with original content though…

        I love your blog, great words and I love your Stephen King quote from Carrie in your latest blog.
        Will definitely be following.

        Liked by 1 person

    9. Hi! Photography had been a hobby of mine for a little while and so your blog was very interesting. I love the style and layout and I the way you used humor in your titles like, “I scare myself sometimes”. It was funny and creative and engaging. Keep up the good work!

      Liked by 2 people

    10. Is your about page supposed to sound like a 4-year-old? You said your blog was supposed to be humorous, so I’m assuming that was purposeful. You may want to kind of be yourself in your about page:)

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Hey! So I checked out your blog and I love that theme! I just changed to that theme yesterday!
      Anyway I think the theme is definitely giving you what you want which is clean and easy to access!
      Good Job!


      1. I love the theme too, I couldn’t resist when I saw it coming up… Thank you for sharing your feedback, I’m glad that the theme is working the way I wanted it. Good to know. Happy blogging to you!


    2. Hi Mara – well i didn’t see you old blog but having taken a look and just scrolled down a little to get a feel for your blog i would say that i really like the new look – just the right mix of words and picture and has the impression you are going for i think – i like it! Thankx for sharing.

      love brett fish


    3. Mara, I absolutely LOVE your author blurb! I think that the most important thing that I can tell you about that is that it is very engaging. It grabs my attention and makes me want to see what your talking about by viewing your posts which were also very good. The layout was very clean and professional looking. I loved this website and I followed your blog!


      1. Thank you, Rosella, your comment means so much to me! I checked your blog, and it’s perfect too — I knew immediately what it was all about and how to navigate your site. Love it đŸ˜‰ Thanks again and here’s to happy blogging!


    4. I love your theme. It is tasteful and you work in your twitter and instagram feeds flawlessly. Bravo!


  2. Hello everyone !
    Hope that you’re doing well .
    For today’s post , I want to share with my photography / lifestyle blog : .I recently change the layout of It .
    This is my recent lifestyle related blog post It’s about my current favorites.
    Your feedback about this post and my blog in general is so important for me ..

    Thanks in advance

    Liked by 3 people

    1. I love your theme, accidentally I’m using the same đŸ˜‰ Your blog is lovely, I realise this is not very helpful, but I do like it a lot, especially the posts that show one picture of several things and then describe the items.


  3. Hey guys! My blog is about my life as a German teenage dad in the USA! Just moved here! Check it out and give me feedback! I’ll do the same! Thank you

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Love how you accepted your life as is it. You embrace it! Rather than regrets and complaining, you are grateful for where you are today. Great writing. Great pictures. Look forward to hearing more from you.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. wow thank you a lot! i need to get better in writing…but i guess by reading your blog and aothers my english becomes better and better đŸ™‚

        Liked by 1 person

    2. Hi – what a lovely blog. There’s a great feeling of energy about it. You sound as if you’re powering forward with your life and enjoying the adventure of a new family.

      Your English serves you well – it communicates your enthusiasm and it seems close to your heart as a language. I’d guess you sound pretty similar in English and in German? It’s a great idea, by the way, to speak to your son in German while your wife speaks to him in English. He’ll probably answer you in English once he’s at nursery or school, but don’t give up! It doesn’t mean he doesn’t want to speak German, it just means that he’s identified English as the usual language of the world that surrounds him – and he’ll know that you understand him because I guess you speak English to his mum. You’ll be keeping German alive in his head and he’ll come back to it when he chooses. It’s a great gift for him to be bilingual.

      Best of luck with your blog. I hope you print out the things you write too, so that your son can be sure to see them when he grows up. He’s gorgeous, by the way.


      Liked by 2 people

  4. Hello friends!!

    So I have recently written a new blog post! It’s a humorous piece called “To The Ignorant Noise Maker” If anyone would like to read it and give me some feedback that would be awesome!!

    If anyone wants feedback on their blog please let me know!
    I have also changed my blogs theme so if anyone would like to tell me if it works or not that would be much appreciated!!

    Thanks in advance!
    Bianca! đŸ™‚

    Liked by 2 people

    1. I like your post, although i think i might be a culprit as i do love the sound of my own voice!

      On the theme front, your colours all match when and the blog looks really nice so a good change!


      Liked by 1 person

    2. Only one pet story a week? That’s cruel… đŸ˜‰ I love the design of your blog — I’m using the same theme, so it’s obvious — and you’re making the most out of its options! And your posts are very well organised and structured, a pleasure to read. Sorry, I have no advice really…


    3. I’d say your theme works really well, the contrast between the colours means the splashes of pink really pack a punch and create interest.
      As for the post, I can see where you’re coming from but for me it came across as more rant like than humorous. It may have been the bullet points, but the bits where I should have been chuckling were lost in the fierceness. Personally, and this is just my thought so feel free to ignore it if you wish, I would have made use of an overblown, exaggeration of the sort of person you were talking about. Still using your examples, such as ten pet stories a day, but putting a name and a description to it. Fictional of course. And that way you have the target that the post is about without being accusatory air that could put some readers off.
      As I said though, it’s your blog and the most important thing to do is write what you feel is right for you.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Thank you so much for looking at my blog! You are one of the first people on here to give me contructive criticism! I appreciate your honesty and your advice on my blog post! I did want it to be a little rant like with small pieces of humor! Thank you for taking the time to write a comment that really helped me out!


      2. Thank you for taking the time to write such a lovely response. I’m always happy to give feedback to someone who responds so positively, if you’re ever stuck for feedback feel free to drop me a note.
        If you’ve got the time I’d also love to hear what you think of my blog. đŸ˜€


      3. Hey! I just looked at your blog! It’s definitely well orginized and there is a lot of content to go through! It seems like you know what you’re doing since you are an experienced blogger!
        One piece of advice I would give is maybe make it a little more visually pleasing with more pictures and more colour other than just black and white!
        But that is just my opinion!
        Good Luck with your future endeavours with writing!


    4. Your post definitely made me laugh đŸ™‚ I’m glad to say I’m not a I.N.M. I like the colours on your blog too, it’s pleasant on my eyes đŸ™‚


      1. Thank you for your comment!! I went to your blog and you’re from Jamaica! I went to Jamaica on a school trip a few years back and absolutely loved it! I hope to go back someday! I like your use of pictures and your writing is beautiful! đŸ™‚

        Liked by 1 person

    5. Awww.. I love your blog, your writing style and your theme too.. I’m so glad I’m not an I.N.M. I made it through the list safely, so I guess I have many punchlines then.. Keep up the good work!

      Liked by 1 person

      1. It’s a privilege. Your blog made my day. I’m really glad I came across it! Thank you very much for checking out my blog, I’m simply trying to add more value to the world around me đŸ˜‰

        Liked by 1 person

    6. I am in love with your blog and your writing! I enjoyed reading all of the posts I clicked on, and I admire your ability to express deep meaning in a few sentences as opposed to my long paragraphs haha! I know I’m going to enjoy following you! If you have time, please check out my newly hatched blog on


      1. Omg! Thanks for your support! I’m glad you enjoyed my writing!! I went to your blog and I love the name you picked out! Also your blog posts are interesting and very insightful! I don’t find them too long! You seem to be very mature for your age and your posts definitely reflect that!
        Good Luck in the future with your blog! I followed! đŸ™‚

        Liked by 1 person

    1. By the question I’m assuming you mean the challenge you set, in which case I wouldn’t say it was too difficult at all. If I had my sisters camera near by I’d be tempted to go and test it for myself, but I may have to make do with the camera on my ipod instead.
      As a virtual camera skills nube, I’d say you’ve written a really clear, informative piece. It’s easy to get to grips with, even for someone like me who’s main technique is point and clickety-click. You also have a fantastic grasp of how to best utilise photos within a post, the ones you included, especially the snow one, were stunning.


    1. Right, I’ve read through the three pieces you’ve published and they all certainly have interesting story lines, however for pieces of their length they don’t pack as much punch as I was expecting. You still need to make people care about the characters and I don’t really feel anything when it comes to Captain Morton. I like the storyline but I feel that you need to work on drawing the reader into the scene more. To parrot an old adage, show don’t tell. Let the reader feel her gut sink as she sees someone else got their first, the prickle of annoyance, the way her forehead creased into a frown. Give her unique tells, have her hiss when she cuts her hand instead of simply say she cut her hand on a dead man’s teeth which by the way, how? That’s not a jab, I really am curious. I’m racking my brain trying to work out how she caught herself on his teeth.
      As I say to everyone, you more than welcome to ignore me, but I’ll leave you with this. Don’t stop writing, because the only way to improve is to read as if books may be on the verge of extinction and write as if you will lose the ability tomorrow.
      Best of luck.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Thank you. To be honest I wasn’t hugely pleased with that one but needed to post something. I’ve personally cut myself on someone’s teeth (don’t ask) so I know it can happen, but mainly it was a way for her to get infected


      2. I know it can happen, I just couldn’t work out how she’d gone from checking if he was breathing to catching herself on his teeth. It was the mechanics that were confusing me.


    1. I like your blog theme, though I’m not sure about the header image. Does the image have a special meaning for you or is it simply a pattern you like…? I love your post though, it’s saddening that posts like these still need to be written and ring true.

      Liked by 1 person

    2. The overall feel of your blog is inviting and I think the theme works well for your site. However, I think that using the ‘Read More’ tag lines would be beneficial to you.

      Your post about being a woman was beautifully written and it brought up some great topics. You’ve got my follow! Can’t wait to read more!

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Thank you very much Olivia! I hope you like reading my other posts. I don’t know what a ‘Read More’ tag is. Is that the ‘Read More’ option you see at the bottom of some blog posts with two or three suggested posts? I’ll look for the option then.


    3. My phone won’t let me view your theme, so that’s unfortunate. But, based on the posts I’ve read so far, I like your blog and all your opinions. It’s easy to read and very relatable, especially the Tagging post!

      Liked by 1 person

    4. hii !
      Took time and read your whole post and definitely have to admit that you have some style but to be honest as well i didn’t like the idea that the best thing about being a woman is having lifetime of pain but had to agree with some points as doing something for a boy’s sake ! anyway liked your blogs you seem to be a person of thoughts !

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Thank you! I agree, I knew I was being controversial with the “lifetime of pain” idea but my justification of it, quite indirectly, make up the rest of my post. The idea is, because these injustices are unlikely to go away, a woman can learn to accept it, and find inspiration in that pain to fight it back. I don’t like using such violent imagery, but that is the general idea. We would like the world to be a safer place for women, where they are given credit and opportunities in everything but, because that often isn’t the case, we can still use unfair situations to our advantage by going ahead and doing what we want to do anyway.
        Thank you for your thoughts. I’m glad that like yourself, the community pool has offered me so much feedback on this post that I wrote with much passion and apprehension at the same time.

        Liked by 1 person

  5. Well I would like suggestion for my “about me” section; I don’t want to sound too narcissistic and I’m not sure if words convey enough meanings to describe me as the noble person I like to think I am, so any guidance will be greatly appreciated. Thanks!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Show, don’t tell. Don’t give your readers a laundry list of attributes and adjectives. Try sharing an anecdote of what makes you noble or whatever else you are trying to convey.

      Liked by 2 people

    1. Good pacing and character development, you managed to flesh Alex out really well and the I liked the use of dialogue to give the reader details about both of them. I don’t think the ending was as strong as the rest of the piece, it was a little jump out of the window and finish this quick, but it still worked for the most part. A good story all around I’d say.

      Liked by 2 people

    2. This is a very well written story! I love your descriptions- It was easy for me to understand how the character(s) were feeling, and gave me a clear image in my mind. The twist at the end was even better. Nobody wants to be able to predict how a story ends! Good job overall.

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Well as far as general style goes I think you’ve got it covered. I don’t think you really need the bullet points, paragraphs would have been enough for me but that’s a personal choice.
      I would say though, it might be worth thinking about putting a basic bio for Ant Man at the top for any readers who aren’t clear on the marvel universe. Apart from that I think you’ve written a really good review of what we’ve been given so far, even if a trailer for a trailer does rile me a little, but that’s an issue with them not you.

      Liked by 2 people

      1. Haha, a trailer for a trailer is a little frustrating! Thank you so much for your feedback, it’s very helpful! I’ll definitely look to add a bit of a synopsis for the film, I agree that would be an improvement đŸ™‚


    2. Hey Luke! I read your post and also poked around the rest of your blog. First off, the theme and look of your blog is really great. It’s crisp and professional looking and still gets all the information out there. Nice work!
      The post itself gives a lot of punch with the large images and fun tone, but I would work to flesh out a few of the points a little more. As a medium-strength comic-book-turned-movie fan, I really don’t know Ant Mans premise and a little explanation might help me get as excited as you are about another Marvel movie.

      Liked by 2 people

      1. Thank you so much for taking the time to take a look at my blog, glad you liked it! Your feedback is fantastic!! I’m definitely going to get an outline of the plot and film on there, I think that’s a really good idea đŸ™‚


    3. This post was fantastic, amongst the many that are out there about these things, yours seemed personal but also made common sense. I look forward to some more reviews and thoughts of yours!

      Liked by 1 person

  6. I am trying to tell the story of my brother who just got released from prison. But my mind is full of holes and psych meds and my memory is shot. I’m giving it a try.
    First part is Uncle Matt
    Then Uncle Matt Part 2
    Thanks to all who read. If you leave me a comment I’d love to read back and meet you. I love all sorts of topics.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Your art is beautiful. The blog layout caused me to step back a moment. Do I want to click on each title to see what is behind it? And once I clicked on one – I wanted to see them all! Lovely. May I reblog some of them on my blog?


  7. Hello whoever might be reading this! I’m a newer blogger and I’ve recently started a poetry blog. I’m curious to hear some overall feedback regarding the whole shebang, but any insight poetry critics can offer on specific pieces would be greatly appreciated.

    Latest post:
    Personal favorite:

    Thanks again!

    Liked by 3 people

      1. I like the last line of the second one, and you certainly have an interesting style. Be careful of clichés though, it’s very easy to fall into using them. I did feel that perhaps some of the force of the first once was lost in the sheer amount of words and that the second stanza had more to it than the first but the poetry itself wasn’t bad. It was more original and readable that a lot I’ve seen. I would advice sticking up an archive widget or some other form of navigation for your poetry. Perhaps a page of personal favourites. At the moment I think your older work is likely to get lost under the newer pieces and that would be a shame.
        Best of luck.

        Liked by 1 person

    1. I really like skin stories. I think you could do a lot more with it too! It’s a great title and concept. Maybe do a skin stories part 2? I also like Here and Now. Keep it up!


      1. Awh, you aren’t an idiot. Just fortunate enough not to be scarred for life by a lifeguard hollering at you and your childhood friends not to run at the pool or lake.

        Liked by 1 person

    1. I’d say this is a strong first piece of flash fiction. You’ve got a good use of imagery in there and the characters contrast well with each other. I’d maybe suggest putting a line or two between the quote and the rest of the piece as I don’t really see how they flow into each other that well, but apart from that it reads fantastically. Well done.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Thank you very much for your kind feedback, I really appreciate your thoughts. Okay, I can understand that, I have a rather disjointed style of writing that sometimes doesn’t read particularly well! Thank you again for your kind comments and for visiting my blog.


  8. Hi! I would love feedback on my blog, do you find the subject interesting? How’s the writing? Does the blog look visually appealing? I’m VERY new đŸ™‚

    Liked by 1 person

      1. I think you have a beautiful blog. The first post I read was a call to prayer…which…I just skimming at first, I thought, oh boy…another Jesus freak hahahaha too funny…I have lived in the South (USA deep South) too long and all of that makes me project those negative thoughts of southern baptists trying to “save me” on people around me…It is amazing how a word like prayer can be interpreted in so many different ways! I am a recovering Catholic and when people at my Buddhist center first started mentioning prayers it kind of freaked me out. I was like “I thaought we were going to chant!” I’m past that now, thankfully. I do see the beauty in your religion and I hope others can see it too!
        Best Wishes in 2015

        Liked by 2 people

  9. A week or so ago I started a new blog. I wrote first about my losses – 20 year old son died and daughter with mental illness. Today’s post is about an Adoption Fail. I plan to also post encouragement to those who are struggling with their own kind of grief.

    I would appreciate feed back on that post, but also on the theme and layout of the blog.

    To those who post feedback here, I will check out your blog. Thanks.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Very clean, well worded post and site. I like the idea of posting encouragement as well. One suggestion on how to do that would be to update posts in the future if you learn of how situations either turned around or yielded good at some point. Grief is so difficult for many to experience in a healthy way. I hope your blog is able to help those seeking that healthy help.

      Liked by 2 people

    2. I really like your writing style. Its an accurate description of grief and the ways it affects thought patterns and everyday life. Posting in such a way will definitely help people grieving and i hope posting will help you express your grief too.

      Liked by 2 people

  10. HI folks,

    My blog has been active for a few years now but I’ve never reached out to get any feedback from the community on it. It’s a horror and metal themed blog with a humorous (well, hopefully) approach to the topics. Would love some feedback on it regarding posts and the blog in general (what works, what doesn’t). II will gladly do the same for anyone who takes the time to check it out.

    Protected: Showcase


    Liked by 2 people

    1. Your blog looks blackly humorous, which is what I like! My only issue is the background, it quite hurts my eyes to read white text against black background. But I understand why you chose this colour.


      1. Thanks for looking! I really like the photography on yours, especially the nature themed posts.Also the cats, because how can you not love cats? The background/text issue is something I’ve been trying to deal with for a while now but have yet to find the right combination. Gotta keep on looking! Thanks again for taking the time to look.


    2. I had to look…cause who hasn’t been drunk in a graveyard? lol!!! I will follow you on twitter too đŸ™‚ I do think the black background makes it pretty hard to read. Perhaps a more satanic looking font…that is not too annoying? Or maybe a gray background? You do have a cool Rob Zombie Vibe going on…what does he do? Maybe just alternate the art more with regular txt so it will load better on mobile anyway?
      Just some thoughts…
      I write about spa services…but I did go to Riotfest in Denver, just saying…
      maybe you have some thoughts about mine? I’m trying to branch out more.
      Best wishes in 2015


      1. Reviewing and blogging about spas? Seems like a win/win situation all around.The spa reviews, particularity the Salt Cave ones look great and you do a great job of thoroughly covering each one. You aren’t the first person to mention the black background so maybe it’s time to try out some other options. Maybe a really dark grey to keep the aesthetic. Thanks for taking the time to look.


    1. nice photos…with just two posts from last year, both pretty exotic posts…makes me wonder what you have been up to the rest of the year! Post more often! I will follow. You take great pics, I bet you could take some good street fashion pics, you know…what people actually wear đŸ™‚ If you look really hard past all the sweat pants and messy buns, I bet you could find some worthy styles to shoot đŸ˜‰

      Liked by 1 person

    1. I really like the voice you use in your writing. Because it’s so informal, I can easily relate to you. I’d considered how I would do the same exercise. I also don’t have anyone in particular I could write to, and really wanted to reach out to other strangers, which is why I won’t be promoting my blog through Twitter or Facebook. I’m glad that we share in the same excitement in getting comments, glad I could brighten your day đŸ™‚


    1. Make sure you’re using tags and do the leg works by reading, commenting and liking other people’s blogs, comments will tend to get you more traffic than likes in my experience. Keep updating your site, and perhaps take part in some guest posts on other blogs to reach a wider audience. Apart from that I can’t think of much else.

      Liked by 3 people

      1. Thank You! Just made a commitment to come on here at least once a day to go through some blogs. There’s actually some really great stuff to read. Thanks again, enjoy your New Year.


  11. Thank you for your help. I do have a question. I posted a blog that I wrote for the first time last night on Word Press. I usually wrote them on Blogger. I didn’t know you had to hit the link tab before you published. Someone mentioned this in a comment. Someone then said no you didn’t. Do you push the link tab to share your blog to the other sites you post to? I hope this makes sense.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hi Roxanne —
      I’m not sure what you mean by hitting the link tab. Your site can automatically publish your posts for you on any of the social accounts (Facebook, Twitter, and the like) you’ve connected to it via Publicize. You can read more about it — and find instructions on how to activate Publicize — here:


      1. Hey Ben, Someone just made a remark on a post saying that I needed to select a tab somewhere on the page if I want to post before I publish it. That way it will be on G+, FB, etc..
        Then someone else posted they had no problems viewing it on those sites. So I guess I am doing it correctly. I followed up myself on G+,FB,etc.. and they were there. No worries.
        Thanks for your help.


      2. Hey Ben,
        Thank your help. The scar tissue that causes my seizures is close to the area of vocabulary in the brain. That’s why It is hard to understand what I am saying sometimes (most of the time). My meds don’t help either. Thank you for tying to decipher it.
