Community Pool

The place for advice, feedback, and friendly blogging chatter.

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  • If you’re looking for quality feedback, be as specific as you can. Questions about a particular post tend to draw more comments than ones about entire blogs. Questions about specific design elements are more likely to be answered than ones asking for general layout advice.
  • We discourage leaving links without a more substantive message or question. These are often overlooked by other bloggers, and we frequently remove them to make the comment reading experience smoother.
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  • No running on the deck.

Photo by Brian Cantoni.

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  1. Hi Guys! if you haven’t checked out my blog, please do! I would love feedback and if you think it’s good or has potential, please follow. I would love to check out your blog in return!

    Liked by 6 people

      1. Your blog is awesome for people like me–I have no cooking creativity or knowledge so I dig what you’re doing. I would suggest a theme that lets you feature multiple recipes on your homepage to give a smattering of your specialties to someone who just stumbles upon your blog.

        Liked by 2 people

      2. I love some of your recipes and I can’t wait to try Cheddar Potatoes! As you grow your online cook book you may want to think about adding a “read more” line after your intro and ingredients list. This way, people can scroll through, catch the essence, but don’t have to scroll through recipes they are disinclined to try.

        Liked by 2 people

      3. Thank you for taking the time to read! You definitely should try out the potatoes and let me know what you think!
        I have been trying to figure out how to add the “read more” feature to my page, but I am very new to the world of blogging. I have learned so very much and gained so much appreciation for the technically savvy in my short time doing this đŸ™‚ Also on my to-do list is to add a printable version of my recipes.
        I am figuring out that building my blog to be just like I want it is probably just pipe dreams. đŸ˜› I am most likely going to be working on getting my blog ‘just right’ for it’s entire lifespan. Maybe I’m wrong. That’s half the fun, right?

        Liked by 3 people

      4. A blog is not something to be finished…ever! I agree…half the fun is making it yours! Constantly changing and unique đŸ™‚
        The read more line option can be found in your editor. When you’re writing the post, look up where your proof reading button is. Read More is two thick block lines with a dotted line going through the middle. Make sure to preview your post before saving the whole thing though. I find, especially with pictures I sometimes like to play with where my cursor is before I click the button đŸ™‚ I have found it super helpful in keeping my blog roll neat and giving people a peek rather than the whole show up front. đŸ™‚
        I think I will try the potatoes this weekend and will be sure to post how they turned out!! I’m a novice but have manged some goodies out so far.
        Good luck with your blogging adventure! I look forward to more tasty treats to try đŸ™‚

        Liked by 3 people

      5. It looks so great!! And no one would think of it right off the bat. I got the tip from a post in my reader one time. And I’ve just bee spreading the word ever since! đŸ™‚

        Liked by 1 person

      6. Thank you for checking out my blog!

        I really like your blog, both the content and the theme. I think the theme really fits with what you’re blogging about. đŸ˜€ Your blog isn’t too cluttered either. Good job, and keep blogging!

        One tiny bit of constructive feedback I would offer is adding the Follow widget that would allow people to follow you via email. This would allow those who aren’t signed up with WordPress to still see what you’re blogging about. đŸ™‚


      7. Thank you! Which recipe did you try? So glad you enjoyed it đŸ™‚

        Please hop on over and check out what else I’ve got ‘cooking!’ Also, I always appreciate any feedback and would love to hear requests on recipes to feature on my blog.


      1. Thank you for the positive feedback. It encourages me that my blog encourages other. đŸ™‚

        I’m sorry about the topic of your blog, but I respect your ability to talk openly about it. There’s a sentence on your home page, “What parents with a baby in heaven want you know (but may not say.)” Just need to add “to” in between “you” and “know”. đŸ™‚

        The topic of your most recent post is a good point. We ask people how they’re doing all the time; how often do they respond honestly? And what can we do to help them feel comfortable with sharing with us what’s going on in their lives? A thought-provoking question.

        Liked by 1 person

      1. Thank you for stopping by anyway. As always, I encourage you and everyone who visits my blog to keep coming back. đŸ™‚

        While your blog isn’t really my wheelhouse either, I do think your theme fits with what you appear to be blogging about.


      2. This reply is for alanjryland, but there is no REPLY option under alanjryland’s post.

        Thank you for visiting my blog. I encourage you to come back.

        I think your blog’s theme fits what you’re blogging about.


    1. Rach, it’s amazing to spread awareness of all the violence taking place in other countries my heart goes out to the families who have lost a loved one!
      Check me out I am looking for feedback


      1. Thanks for visiting!

        I like your theme. What’s the name of it? I also like how you put in your About page that you need Jesus daily. Don’t we all. đŸ™‚

        Liked by 1 person

      2. The name of the theme…oh my I haven’t a clue, I will try and find out for you. This is all so new.


    1. I really enjoyed your blog. …I was feeling down today kinda lost what the real meaning of life is all about through all the pain I’ve been going through. ….I felt like nobody wants to remember the good just the superficial. But your blog inspired the memories back in me. Thank you

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Dear Ms. Suzie,
      You give some very wise advice to young humans. I only hope they will listen. The story about your former student is quite something!
      The Lady noticed a few tiny grammatical errors and typos when she read me your post. She says she will e-mail you about them.
      Kindly yours,

      Liked by 1 person

    2. I like the clarity and coverage, which is thorough and well-paced. The presentation is very professional and the layout enhancing your focus with bolded headers are strong. I am not familiar with the actress, but I was informed enough to tie the subject to the ending advice, which was good common sensical advice that needs reminding.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. It’s an important one. I teach in addition to writing and parenting. My two teenage daughters as well as my teenage and adult college students (as well as my 80 year old father)–everyone–needs the reminder, daily.

        Liked by 1 person

    3. I completely agree with alanjryland – ‘articulate, precise and warm’.

      Your story about your former pupil was so well paced and well put that it reminded me of a Rumi parable. I can’t think of much higher praise. đŸ™‚


      1. You have a very light touch when you talk about your former pupil. You say enough to give a clear picture of him, but you don’t get bogged down in painful, personal memories. There’s a real skill to that.


      2. You walk that tightrope with grace.

        As I read it you speak about your former pupil in a way that’s useful, without being unkind or gossipy. You’re not being personal, you’re using him as a universal. I doubt if he’d be offended, even if he recognised himself in your description. You give away no details that would identify him to his peer group. In your post he represents a way of being, I think?

        Liked by 1 person

    1. Hello, your blog is really great. I think it is so important to have something like this to help bring awareness that the holidays are not all unicorn farts and butterflies.

      My husband lost his mother on Thanksgiving while he was in Basic Training nearly ten years ago. Now he has a blended family and it comes with it’s own challenges as they are all ‘adult children’ trying to be a family.

      Embracing what life holds is hard, but it’s part of ‘the ride’ I guess. I’m really loving reading what you have going on your blog.

      Please stop by my page. It is a different sort of focus, but I would appreciate feedback as well. Thanks!


      1. love it all! what a lot of good ideas and we don’t even have a blended family. Just dealing with regular “in-laws” can be a headache. Am following you and looking for more.

        Liked by 1 person

    2. I like your blog, but some of the posts are a bit lengthy for my taste. I normally try to cut it down and make it as precise as possible before posting, since I know how easily it is for us Internet-obsessed people to get bored. đŸ™‚ But it’s just my own personal preference. And btw – your header picture is nice, except I would make the quality clearer. Nice, clean pictures are always appreciated!

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Steve says…i like your blog it’s edgy and full of what PERSONALITY…maybe you can give me some feedback i’m new to the blog

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Hey! I’m admittedly a design novice so take this worth a grain of salt: but your background image cuts off not entirely the length of my browser window. I don’t know if this is an intentional design choice or the resolution of the image, but I think your blog would look a good deal cleaner if the image either auto-sized or you simply had a solid color/patterned background.


      1. I thank you for visiting my blog, but I’m not really sure about what you mean by “your background image cuts off not entirely the length of my browser window”. Is it not covering the entire length of the screen? The background image appears fine to me. It’d be great if you could elaborate.
        Your critical views are much appreciated.


      1. Very sleek and engaging…I love the layout colors and fonts…
        I am new to the blog world please check me out at


    2. Wow – I loved your blog. The theme is so clean and simple, and your posts are also intriguing. I wish one day I could write as well! đŸ™‚ I’m going to look forward to your posts in the future~


      1. Why thank you đŸ˜€
        Your lovely words are appreciated. Truly.
        As for the writing, well I can just tell you this- write with passion, worry not whether you’re being appreciated for you work or not and keep writing your heart out. Mark my words, the effort will not go vain.
        Good luck friend!


    1. I’d flesh out your “about” section and brand your blog a little. Use tags so that people can link your blog when they enter key words of their interests. Also pictures are key! Use them often, especially memes. People love memes!

      Liked by 1 person

    2. I like your voice when you write, it crafts a personality that I think I’d jive with. However, posts are better as succinct as possible. The one that I read, while well-written, was lacking in direction and asked more questions than it answered.

      Clearly you don’t need writing advice, and your blog looks nice–but I’d be mindful of your medium when you’re crafting your posts đŸ™‚

      Liked by 2 people

    3. Hiya, I love the topic if your blog, very interesting and the many questions (in a good way!) inside the post I have seen can’t seem to make me stop reading! For me, the layout is clean and professional. If I come across a blog that is messy and confusing, I usually won’t stop to read it as there are so many other blogs out there that are much more easier to read, right? This is not the case here. The only thing I would do differently, is in the future, once more posts have been published, categorize them to make it easier for the reader. đŸ™‚


  2. As a student journalist trying to make it in today’s crazy world of journalism, I would love to know opinions on my blog. I want to know if it comes off as interesting yet professional and if it helps in promoting my skills! Thanks!!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hi Katy, you have a great blog! You seem very confident and focused on what you are doing. And, gosh, you are tall. Looking at you and the actress Karen Gillan I think I really am a midget at 5’2″!
      All the best with your career. There is a blogger on YouTube called Emily Eddington (emilynoel83) who used to be a full-time news broadcaster and has some excellent advice on the field. You could check her out!
      One thing though. Provide a better link to your blog next time. I had to select and google the one you provided.
      All the best!


      1. Well thank you so much for looking at my blog and taking the time to leave a comment! I really appreciate the feedback. Oh goodness we are a complete foot apart in height! That’s crazy!
        I will have to check out Emily Eddington thanks for that suggestion.
        Sorry that you had trouble with the link. I’ll do better with that in the future.
        I also figured I’d return the favor so I looked at your blog. I really like how you write – you seem very intelligent and your opinions are well thought-out and supported. I can tell you’ve established yourself and have been working on this for quite some time. I enjoy how there is a picture before each article.
        I would suggest taking some pictures yourself to post on the blog but that’s not extremely necessary. I’m just a very visual person and there’s a lot of text to some of the pieces.
        Nevertheless, the pieces are entertaining to read so they can stand alone without visuals.

        I’m impressed so I hit that follow button! I look forward to reading future posts!

        Liked by 2 people

      2. Thank you so much Katy for the feedback and for following!
        I agree with you about the visuals. Initially, I didn’t have pictures at all, because I, too, believed that I should only post pictures I have taken. My gravatar is the only picture I have here that I took. But, The Daily Post advises on how an interesting visual might draw in readers, and once I started doing it, I found it to be true! I know my blog is too text heavy. Even I would skim through it if I were someone else! But, I just can’t help talking too much and writing too much. It is a condition I have that can’t be cured!
        Thanks again for reading! Hope you’re having a great day!


    1. I like it. It’s well-written, informative and something that I, as a teacher(and/or parent) would have enjoyed in my younger days. Personally, not my cup of tea for my limited “down time” as a retired person, but that’s NOT a negative about it, at all. I think it’s a very good piece for it’s intended audience!!! đŸ™‚

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Your post is essentially a diary entry, and your style seems to be stream-of-conscious. So it works well in that regard.

      However, your title doesn’t reeeeeaaaallly tie in to your post. You ask the question but only peripherally discuss it. If I read the post thinking “yeah, why is melancholy blue” and you just talked about how you were chatty at work, I’d be like “well, I still don’t know.”

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Took a look at your blog & enjoyed its modern style & crisp graphics. I was about to take pity on you for claim of not having many followers until I saw 112 bloggers liked your post which means you get far more feedback than I do đŸ˜‰

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Hi Ben, thanks for checking it out and commenting. I wasn’t sure the theme worked anymore because there are certain features in more modern themes that it lacks, but so far it’s ok. I will probably stick to it a little longer. As for the feedback it’s specific to that post and because it was kindly reblogged, although I do appreciate every comment, like and view overall. It’s great to know we have access to a large pool of readership from the world!


    2. To me, your theme seems like it can be upgraded. It looks simple, which is nice, but sometimes a little bit of complexity can make it even better… I hope I’m not being too confusing đŸ˜›

      Liked by 1 person

    1. I enjoyed looking at your blog! You seem very friendly and nice. The presentation is clean and inviting. Plus, your article was funny and basically you shared some of my same thoughts about when people don’t reply – it’s the worst! haha

      Liked by 1 person

    2. I really like your blog design. You’re a very fun writer. The only thing is that you only have 2 posts? Definitely write more! You got a follower from me. If you want to check out my blog. I’ve had it for two weeks.

      Liked by 1 person

    1. You’re off to a great start. “Inspiration” is thrown around a lot, and often people think that the route is just to say “hey be inspired!” and just hope people will read it and think “well, because you said so…”

      Inspiring through actual trials, stories/experiences is what greases the wheels for me, and you seem to be doing just that.

      And this is person to me but I would minimize the number of pre-made images that have platitudes written on them. I can’t speak for other people but I’ve always found them really unhelpful and generally empty.

      Liked by 2 people

    2. Hi! Really like your blog. It’s amazing how many places you’ve been to. Really interesting! Keep doing what you’re doing. Maybe even talk about places that you haven’t been to and why you would want to go there. You just got follower from me. If you want to check out my blog. I just kind of started and I discuss many things. Here’s the link.


    3. Really enjoyed your blog. I too write a travel blog & I think inspiring readers involves having powerful photos and capturing a sense of place ( I throw in humor as well, not so much for inspiration as entertainment value). You have a nice variety of subjects. As a new follower I look forward to seeing more


    4. I love your blog! I would maybe add a section with “photos only” since you have so many great pictures. If you do have the section and I somehow missed it, please point me in the right direction! đŸ™‚


  3. Hi Guys!

    I’ve recently started blogging again. My blog is based on Health & Fitness. Its basically a page that people can look at to get hints and tips on health & fitness, find workout routines, get motivated, follow my progress and let me know how their getting on with theirs, or just have a chat in general.

    My biggest problem is my writing style, I’m not particularly sure weather it flows and reads well! I would greatly appreciate it if you guys could check out this post on Nutrition, and let me know if you think that the writing style should be worked on, and you never know, you might just learn something!

    Nutrition 101 – How to manipulate your diet to achieve your goals!

    I will happily return any feedback given, and I don’t mind if you post it as a reply to this comment or on my blog itself!

    Thanks guys, have a good day!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Awesome info. As a fitness enthusiast I can get down with that jazz.

      However: you laid it aaaaaalll out. That post could have been several smaller, easier to digest posts. I took the time to invest in your post, and I’m glad I did–but how many people do you think will do that without already knowing you are on top of your craft?

      Smaller posts, shorter paragraphs. Those would be my writing style suggestions to you good sir.


      1. Thank you so much for taking the time to read my post! I see what you are saying and from now I will try and construct my work a little differently (smaller more concise posts)

        I’m glad you enjoyed the read, and I will take a look through you blog now too and give you my thoughts.. If you would like them that is!


        Liked by 1 person

    1. Hi Karen, I’ve just finished reading your most recent blog (congratulations by the way, it’s a massive achievement). Your fluid writing and down-to-earth approach found me quietly laughing in the corner as I began to relate to your situation. Don’t worry, we have all been there đŸ™‚ I can’t wait to read more!


      1. I’ll try to give him some of the credit should I have some success… đŸ˜‰ Thank you for the reciprocal smile gained by your clarification on the correct pronunciation of Long Island. You have a fantastic looking blog! đŸ™‚


      1. First of all, congrats on the baby. By documenting your experience I imagine you’ll be preserving your thoughts for posterity, & wouldn’t it be interesting if your child grew up to become a follower & read this in your archives. So…was it planned? Oh. Right. I forgot đŸ˜‰

        Liked by 1 person

  4. Hey guys I have recently started blogging and would love some feedback. Possibly on my content and how I could improve my writing for future purposes that would be great. I am aiming to continue writing on relationships, sport, celebrities and health. If anyone possibly writes something similar I would really appreciate it!




  5. Hi guys! I would love it if you checked out my blog and I was wondering if anyone knew an alternative to rafflechopter. I really wanr to dp a raffle but not sure how. Thanks!


  6. Hello everyone! It’s been a couple of weeks since I’ve had the chance to post on here so looking for lots of support! I’ve rolled out a new theme this weekend, so any feedback on that would be great. I’ve also hit a wall on posts so and feedback on posts and what works well etc would be good.


    1. It’s a cute blog, but the text is very small. At least on my screen, I have to squint to read it. Sure, I could hold down ctrl on my mouse and scroll to make it larger, but should the reader have to make adjustments or should that fall on the content provider?


      1. My blog has this “same issue” (small print), but I was under the impression that you had to have a “paid upgrade” to get font that was larger. Yes? No? Did I misunderstand this?


    1. I’m no expert on poetry, but I liked it. The only thing that I would do is stay consistent with your punctuation(particularly your periods). And like I said, I’m no “poetry expert”…Good poem!!! Like your writing!!


      1. Glad to receive your feedback đŸ˜€ me too, am no expert in the “poetry department”. In fact, this is my first creation. I know what you mean by consistent with punctuation, but I want the climax to be slightly dramatic and longer than the rest, so it doesn’t look consistent. Really appreciate your feedback though :DD


    1. I like your blog. I don’t have kids but I found your blog fun to read either way. Found it very entertaining. Please feel free to stop by and give me some constructive criticism I’d appreciate it. đŸ™‚
