Bloggers Inspiring Bloggers

Turning to other members of the community is often the best way to get your creative juices flowing.

<a href="">Image</a> by <a href="">Fonna Seidu</a> (<a href="">CC BY-SA 2.0</a>)

When it comes to blogging, the things that keep us going are many and varied: the need to tell a personal story. Great feedback from readers. Even the pleasure of seeing our words and images presented on our site’s sleek new design.

One of the most powerful motivators, however, is the example set by other bloggers.

Not sure where to find blogs you might enjoy reading? The Community Pool is always abuzz with posts by bloggers both new and seasoned. Or give one of our excellent Recommended Blogs a try.

We recently invited all members of the Daily Post community to tell us about their sources of inspiration (if you’d like to add your own take, drop us a line or two here). A common thread was that whenever you doubt yourselves, feel tired and uninspired, or can’t find a good topic to write about, it’s always a good idea to visit your favorite site.

Let’s give the floor to some of the bloggers who like to turn to their peers for inspiration — are you one of those, too?

A Momma’s View

I get inspired by other posts, thoughts other bloggers have and write about, and mostly the conversation developing out of commenting on a post.

I feel that very often their comment or their answer to a comment I make gets my mind spinning. Spinning in a good way. The kind of spinning where letters develop into words and words into sentences and those sentences then build a new post.

Blooms and Bubbles

In college, I collected writer friends. Now I’ve found more of them here on The beauty of Quod Ero Spero, the poetry of scribblechic, KC Wise‘s truth and voice.

I began writing publicly to diffuse the scariness of a cancer diagnosis. I keep writing because this shared love of a perfect paragraph has us hopping to and fro to read and write comments like “I hear you” or “I wish I’d written this” and lots of “I sort of hate you a little bit for being this f**king talented.”

Off Your Mat

I often depend on my blogging neighbors for inspiration. In fact, last week for the first time I did not want to write my weekly post. I was out of inspiration, empty, stifled. So what did I do? I clicked on my reader to see who was mixing it up. Who had ideas? Who was on fire?

I landed on a flash fiction contest by Tipsy Lit and I was off to the races. I took my yoga-centered blog down the wormhole of my imagination. I treated my followers to my fiction writing and received a terrific response. Tipsy Lit‘s contest switched my options as a blogger. It occurred to me I didn’t have to limit myself.

Chasing Life and Finding Dreams

I have been inspired by a number of blogs, but one in particular never stops amazing me. Leanne Cole’s page has amazing photographs, of course, but she also pours out information on how to be a better photographer, hosts challenges, and introduces other photographers’ blogs.

As a photographer who is not very technical and a blogger who is still figuring out how to find other blogs, her blog has been great in both those aspects.

Is there a blogger whose work always pushes you to publish your next post? Leave a comment here, or let us know on our Inspiration page and we might feature your thoughts in a future post.

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  1. It seems another blogger and I are riffing off of one another mutually. It’s quite wonderful. I’ll see that something I had said in a previous comment had played into one of her posts. And her comments are the same for me.
    It stresses the importance of leaving thoughtful comments to other bloggers.


  2. Kudos! Seeing that we all are together in a platform where we love doing the same thing. Its true, we need inspiration and when I am less inspired, I read blogs of my competitors or the ones who are on the top. And then after giving my thoughts I imply their methods but in a niche way.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. The daily prompt of today did not link to my blog post of today. I wrote the blog post three times, and all three times I did ping the post back to Daily Prompt. However, it still did not show up. Kindly, tell me what is the issue here? đŸ˜¦

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I am having the same problem for two weeks now including today. But not only with the daily prompts but will all WordPress challenges. One of the happiness engineers told me via email that they have no idea what is wrong and how to fix it.

      I have received some comments telling me that I am only concerned about traffic to my blog that’s why I’m complaining. Though we all want views (or otherwise we can as well keep a bedside journal) the main reason why I am speaking about this problem is: when we decide to do a challenge, we hope to be part of the community, and being part of the community is being able to connect and communicate with others. For people who are introverts like me being out there is a giant step and take an enormous courage to venture out of our comfort zones, not to mention all the efforts we put in our writings. I hope they can do something about it. I don’t like the feeling of being left out.

      Liked by 4 people

      1. I went to a local blog convention a year ago and I have found a lot of support with those folks. They blog about food, I blog about travel, but the platform is the same. Look for something in your community and meet some peeps face to face. It has been a great support for me. #MixedCon


      2. Where exactly did you put your concern? Whom did you talk to about this? I am still facing this pathetic issue đŸ˜¦


  4. As an introvert, I am still struggling to venture out beyond my comfort zone. I ‘m finding it hard to fit in for my thoughts don’t often resonate with the most. I know there is a middle way there somewhere. I only have to find it.

    Liked by 4 people

    1. I have the same problem, I was really sociable when I was a kid, but then I started to talk less and think more. There is always a middle way somewhere for anyone :).

      You have really nice blog, I enjoy reading it so much!

      Liked by 2 people

      1. Did you find yours already? The middle way I mean… Or you’re not looking for it?

        Thank you for passing by and reading my scribbles. I know they are not everyone’s cup of tea.


    2. No need to fit in to the thoughts of most. Thats what will make you even more interesting. I write about me. But when I read about others I am mostly captivated by those that challenge my ways and thoughts. Reading about others is my way of stepping out of the box. Happy blogging.

      Liked by 3 people

      1. Life is never ending learning process. There is always something new out there to discover, especially through others’ thoughts and point of views. I like listening to what other people have to say as well. It helps with self-reflection.

        Happy Blogging to you too!

        Liked by 3 people

    3. You have an amazing blog! Is so interesting. My language is spanish but I enjoy to read your thoughts. Are you really an introvert? I don’t think so. I’m just an starter in wordpress. I appreciate every lesson of “Blogging 101”. I´learning so much, and discovering beautiful blogs and bloggers like you


      1. Yes I’m an introvert. Very much so In fact. But I can hold a decent conversation and not a social awkward. I just prefer solitude too much in real life. Online contact is ideal for me. I don’t have to dress up, go out and always on my own terms. safer too.

        Goodluck with your blogging and see you around.

        Liked by 1 person

  5. The blogger I love isn’t on here but on Tumblr and when I write, she’s the person I “channel” because she was always so honest and I wanted to be honest too.

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  6. I’ve been blogging for a couple of months now and the feedback and support other bloggers have given me has been amazing and really kept me invested in developing my blog! Thanks so much to you all!

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  7. Really good article. I write a popular science blog and like many I have a tendancy to make the comtent too technical and thus too defficult to read for a non scientist.Reading other similar blog gives me a better idea of what to aim for.

    The Science Geek

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Just remember who you are writing for. I write a travel guide for people who like spas. I am not a certified massage therapist. It is easy to get bogged down in the details. That being said, I do think people do like to learn new stuff. I also like to look at the stars and I have a new appreciation for them after a star tour at Primland resort. If you related the “bottoms up” theory to drinking…I’m sure I would have totally grasped it đŸ˜‰ just saying.

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  8. I’ve just recently started blogging and really love it. I do have to curb myself from getting personal though because I just feel to scared to say it all and we’ll who wants their inner most feelings on display for the world to see. I do enjoy reading other blogs. Thanks for providing some much needed entertainment guys.

    Liked by 2 people

  9. I wrote something in “Inspirations” about this too, but after a year of writing, I have really come to appreciate the community here. Whenever a fellow blogger likes something of mine, I always try to spend a little time looking at their own blog. I also sometimes pick a blog at random and read, especially if it is about something I do not know about. We all have our own concepts in our head, a way we think our blog stands out differently from everyone else’s. Does mine do that? Maybe, maybe not. But it feels good being a part of a creative community where everyone’s voice is heard, every point valid, and every thought appreciated.

    Liked by 2 people

  10. As a brand-spanking new blogger I am both excited and inspired by the absolutely raw honesty shared by many writers. Honesty & a thus far compassionate community are inspiring me to dig deep and have the courage to be open and honest in my own expression.

    Liked by 2 people

  11. As a mental health counselor, I get a lot of inspiration from my clients and from my readings. As it is a privileged position that few of us find ourselves in, I like to share insights that can be of use to others for their own well-being.

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  12. I come up with ideas either from my fellow blogger friends or from the newspaper. Yes the newspaper. Although I am telling an insane story about someone being not right in the head that I read from a newspaper, I can also add in my own voice. I can be as witty or as newsish (is that a word) as I’de like to be.

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  13. Yay!! So happy to see Tipsy Lit offered some inspiration for Off Your Mat! That makes me so stinking happy to know we’re helping to get the creative juices flowing! đŸ™‚


  14. The newspaper is a great resource (the Sunday Times is a treasure trove); but so are books and other blogs. They help me give form to what is already running around in my head.


  15. I get inspiration from my foodie blogger friends. Sometimes I think they have it easy because they just have to relate the cooking steps and measurements…but they do have a grind. People eat three times a day and there are a ton of food blogs, so it is really hard to stand out. When I think of that challenge, I take a deep breathe and remember I just write about getting weird spa treatments…I don’t do dishes đŸ˜‰ We both need to take photos…I’m trying to take mine while being dodgy in a spa robe. Nobody will know if thier food is cold.

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  16. The more I grow up, the more I realise I find it really hard to speak up my mind and be sociable around people. I can be really comfortable with people who already knew me a long time, but for new people they might think I am quite socially awkward.

    That’s why I like blogging and taking pictures. There are something different from talking with people. Words and images have power. I like to observe things around, I like writing about my feeling. I want to tell my own story, my own personal experience, and I want to write and take photos about it, even only a glimpse of it.

    Inspirations from other bloggers are very important to me because they truly show me that I can build something on my own and help me believe in myself.


    Liked by 4 people

  17. Well timed post, as this has been on my mind of late for both my blog and career. Inspiration cannot be taken for granted, and yet we all seem to when we get flooded by life! Thank you for this gentle informative reminder! đŸ™‚

    Liked by 1 person

  18. I have received enormous encouragements from a few established bloggers such that quitting is no longer an option for me đŸ™‚
    Most of them take time to read every post I publish and leave constructive comments. I remain grateful to them, and hopefully, someday, I will be able to motivate other newbies đŸ™‚ đŸ™‚


  19. I have just really delved into the world of reading a lot of other bloggers, and am loving (for the most part) what I see. I’m really inspired by life. Every day any number of things that someone says to me or that I read about in the news or encounter on the internet sparks something in me that makes me really want to write about it. I’m doing my best to create new interesting content on a very regular basis to establish a bigger readership. Check out my blog:
