What Makes You Tick as a Blogger?

Do you have a good blogging story? We’d love to hear it.

A powerful post you just read on someone else’s blog. A switch to a new theme that finally made your site come together. A quote about writing that pushed you to draft your next post.

We all experience these “a-ha” moments, big and small, all the time. Why not share them with the community? We’d love to feature more of our readers’ insights here on The Daily Post, so we just introduced a page where you can share your blogging stories with us.

The page is accessible through our site’s main menu — just hover over Postaday and click on Submit: My Inspiration.

Screen Shot 2014-11-07 at 10.16.30 AMWhat are we looking for?

  • A link to the last post that really moved and/or entertained you — with a few words on why you loved it so much.
  • A quote about writing or blogging that you found particularly powerful.
  • The story of your recent (or upcoming) blog makeover (whether in terms of design or content) — what prompted you to make a change? What did it (or will it) entail?
  • Your advice and insight on how to encourage interaction and discussion as a blog host.

Don’t be shy — share your story.

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  1. When people say ps4 is better. Seriously, so many blind fanboys that dont know what they are talking about. today 5 guys said that sony makes way more money than microsoft… I mean what is wrong with them?


  2. Life experiences continue to inspire me. There is something beautiful about transforming adventures and experiences into words. As a writer, it allows me to relive the moments and simutaneously share it with the world.

    Liked by 3 people

  3. What a great idea, I’ve been inspired by so many blogs since I started blogging. As an expat, people who live in really different countries and really immerse themselves in the new culture inspire me the most đŸ™‚

    Liked by 2 people

    1. I agree with you! I love reading blogs from people with different ethnic backgrounds as well as have a total different culture then me also. It’s so beautiful .


  4. Life and the mysteries of it all. I love stories about overcoming adversity. I love things that are faith based. I just love getting to know people. I am inspired by what I read on here every day as well as by what happens to me in my daily life. It can be a quote or a conversation or something I have read. Inspiration comes in so many different ways.

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  5. People fascinate me enormously. I always been curious what makes them tick. It’s amazing how many stories one can find in everyday life by just listening and observing. Being part of the living is an endless source of literary (or any form of art) inspiration regardless of the genre. Me, I write mainly to vent, to exorcise some ghosts, to try to make peace with my past and to share my experiences in general.
    I think my reasons for blogging are not suitable for inspiring others therefore I will refrain myself from submitting any entry, but I am very much interested in other people’s stories. Can hardly wait to read them.

    Liked by 2 people

  6. There is never a golden day, only days that shine. There are, however, days when nothing in the world seems brilliant, or clever, or ordinary. My day can begin in several different ways. It can begin with me getting out of the proverbial wrong side of the bed, or it can begin with something incredibly wonderful, and following that, just disappear down the drain. Then there are those days that just have to be got through, like cutting through tough steak, trying to make it look tender for the sake of the hostess.

    This is life, isn’t it? Days made up of tough meat, chewing and wondering if it will ever tender up enough to be got through. It’s hard to write a beautiful story on days like this, in fact it’s hard to write anything at all.

    But the job of a writer, this writer anyway, is to write, and waiting ’round for some infusion of inspiration is a certain way for any writer to starve. So that’s why I’m here. To write.

    That’s why God gave me this brain, these perceptions, this ability to see something different in everyday things. That’s why I must write. This computer stares back at me, and on the screen there’s a blank word document. It’s my job to fill it, and more than that it’s my job to fill it with something beautiful, or interesting, or worth drawing attention to. So what am I to write?

    I don’t need a shack on the side of a mountain, a study overlooking the ocean, drugs, or alcohol, because nothing creates the imaginative juices easier than my wife telling me she loves me, or the way she looks at me, the sometimes hug, and the way she says my name makes my heart race.

    I know I can write. My arm is well oiled, and the words will flow because of her; because even if words fail me I know she never will.


  7. I have an inbuilt desire to create something out of nothing…of a visual nature. So blogging for me is an effective way to record my creative endeavours and inspire others to create to.


  8. For me changing the layout of the actual blog and fully understanding how to insert pictures, set the menu layout and the tagging option made a huge difference in the way i wrote my blog . My followers are so much happier that ive adjusted the setting sso they can find all my recipes much more easier and clearer.

    Liked by 1 person

      1. Massively janet it fustrated me not knowing simple things and i was reading other blogs thinking mine looks terrible and i dont know how to changer it

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  9. I am a Healthy Gluten Free food blogger – and for me, it’s the comments from readers that makes me smile, and keeps me going. Knowing that i may have made an impact, in some form or another. I love reading real stories – not obviously made up fake stories to “sell” the blog post. You can totally see through them – honest, truthful stories and posts don’t need to be boasted. Its writing – it’s art, whether the story is interesting or not.
    đŸ™‚ x

    Liked by 2 people

  10. Had an “aha” moment today (though it’s not the one I’ll be sharing). I was so ridiculously stuck for a post, but needed to create something, that I retreated to my skill in playwriting to describe what I was going through. Not the most life changing scrap I’ve written, and will probably go unused, but it did the job in the mean time đŸ™‚

    (If you fancy a gander: http://laidigsbroadway.wordpress.com/2014/11/10/nash/)

    Otherwise, I have an incoming blog revamp when time permits, primarily for career reasons, but also because of some upcoming photography and short film stuff I fancy testing out. Fingers crossed it all goes to plan! I only had that “aha” moment the other day.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Looked; liked; joined. I like seeing posts from New York. Having your “aha” moment in the middle of all else is a gift. Had a day like that yesterday — journal filled up with great ideas and then I had to do them!! Inches. Inches.
