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Photo by Brian Cantoni.

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    1. I liked the post on rumours. There’s a personal touch to it, and brings forth an important message not to gossip. To answer the question in the post – people spread rumours because it’s easy entertainment. It’s comforting to shift the spotlight on someone else and derive juicy discourse out of that, without putting yourself on the line. I think your article puts the ills of it into perspective.

      Liked by 2 people

    2. Hey, your posts are so easy to relate to and are so well written. Great work! Keep it up! I can certainly draw some inspiration for my new poem blog from your work.


    3. I lovethe way you write. They are your thoughts which somehow remain personal yet become ours too. Amazing Blog and refreshing read really đŸ™‚


    1. I really like your writing style, and also love that you always add a question to the “audience” at the end – something I’m afraid to do b/c what if there is no audience??!! You’re very candid and easy to read, and you draw the reader in. Thanks for sharing.


    2. It is a great post! I never realized that choosing between right and happy has something to do with how I would actually feel towards events in my life. Now I get to understand why there are things in the past that I haven’t moved on from. (I believed I was right and others were wrong). Now I decide to consciously choose “happy” for most cases. đŸ˜€

      Liked by 1 person

    3. This was a great post, lol I tried to answer your question “How have you moved on from things that have hurt you in the past?” and I got a bit stuck.

      I guess I’m not really sure what has helped other than to put myself in the other persons shoes, the one that hurt me or the one that I accidently hurt.


  1. Hey, i just started this whole blog thing, and im not going in any specific direction. ive put up a couple posts, and would love to hear some feedback if what im doing so far is a good thing, or if i should change it up a bit! thanks!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Hi Birdiih – you blog looks brilliant – far better visually than mine – I like the header picture and your ‘quotes’ really add to the feel of the page.

      Some things that might be worth thinking about –
      I’d suggest adding more tags – these are what will guide people to your page.
      Is it worth adding pictures? Either from your past or just ones that seem relevant from google search. I know I am much more likely to view a post in my reader if there is a picture – but maybe that’s just me.

      Good luck with this

      Liked by 2 people

      1. Hey Alan,

        I’ve browsed your blog and viewed some of your own work and I am really impressed! Hope to see more of your originals in future đŸ˜‰

        Your pal,
        David Long


    2. Hi there,

      I’m a new blogger too.. Haven’t had much chance to explore/blog yet so I would appreciate some feedback too!

      Your blog looks awesome. I really like your writing style -and Mr C?! what a douche! I hope you are in a much happier place away from him now -but I do understand how love can blind us and put you in such a vulnerable position

      Looking forward to reading more of your posts!


    1. Living with mental illness is a topic that is dear to me and really hits home. For that reason I may not be the best person to give you honest criticism. I don’t know if I can be fully objective, but I will try.

      When you talk about being afraid that others will find out about your disorder, it’s touching. I know many people with mental illness feel this way; always afraid of being branded “crazy” and potentially dangerous. Most people with mental illnesses are a danger only to themselves.

      I thoroughly enjoyed your post about Aunt Dorothy. It made me think about my grandmother that I have no memories of. She suffered with serious depression and spent many years in institutions. In the end, she died at her own hands when I was very young. Everything I know about her has come from other people, and yet somehow I feel closer to her than many of the relatives that I know personally. I guess I feel like I can understand her in a way many people couldn’t. And maybe, if she was still around today, she could understand me back. I think your post was a very good tribute to your aunt.

      I think it was bold of you to share your religious affiliation with your readers. I don’t mean it as a criticism to say that you shouldn’t do that. It’s just that there is always the fear that it will turn some people off. I am a spiritual person but I reject the concept of religion. However, I strongly feel that everyone has a right to place their faith in whatever they feel is right. Of course as long as it doesn’t infringe on the personal rights of other people. But some individuals are not so accepting and might not read past your first mention of religion in general. I guess it comes down to how strongly you feel about it, and if it contributes value to your message. Maybe it does, maybe it doesn’t. I don’t have all the answers.

      Liked by 2 people

      1. Hello,
        I enjoyed reading your post. For me the main message was ‘make the best of it’ (I guess this is if life gives you lemons make lemonade). This is so important for me as there is so much ion life that you can’t change and letting it get you down is wasting your only shot at it that you have, so I personally would have made this the conclusion, but the idea of what is in your glass and filling it with love and positivity is still a good point.
        Have a gander back at my blog if you get the chance
        Mainly satire. Thanks

        Liked by 1 person

    1. Hi Karen, love your post! Very positive and uplifting, especially for me a fellow pessimist! I find it difficult to see the good in my own life and I honestly think it has effected both my happiness and my chances for good things to happen! For some reason I get this idea that being optimistic is incredibly unrealistic and going to lead to disappointment. But I’m glad to hear that someone has overcome this issue! đŸ™‚

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Great response! I think that’s the way to look at it. I think for some reason I always thought that if I was too positive, nothing good would happen, like as a punishment for expecting too much/thinking too highly of myself. How negative is that?! But it is possible to look at the bright side of things that happen and not be over the top/gushy/expecting good things all the time. Bad things do happen, but seeing the bright side is key! And then moving on.


      2. Hello Victoria, just read your post from mine and this one, and wondered whether you have ever looked in to the work of Martin Seligman on optimism but a more achievable kind of optimism. Aslo the VIA signature strengths is an interesting way if striving for wellbeing without being disingenuous to yourself. This is all researched stuff and I think worth looking in to.

        Thanks Graham


    2. I really liked it! Sometimes I need reminding to look at my glass in a better light. On the critique side I think that you could have cut the 2nd paragraph and just used the last sentence of it.


    3. Great read, I guess my only thing is I’d like to see a dynamic photo – just something that would wow me and pull me in right away. lol I think that is going to be one of my comments I put a lot, me being a very visual person and all.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. It was a very thoughtful read! I am in the same situation and want to refrain using or stealing other people’s photos, nonetheless a site like or might be beneficial, in regards they are free stock photos you can use publicly and might give it that wow factor. If you have a chance check out my site too!

        Liked by 1 person

      2. Thank you for the tips- these sites will be a huge asset! Your blog is Ah-mazing! I love your photos, and after reading your About page I feel like I know you. I’m intrigued by the Farm-to-Glass idea. I’m following so I can learn about mixing drinks. Fabulous stuff! Thank you again, Karen đŸ™‚


    1. I actually liked the theme! It’s clean and zen. But I see what you mean if you want to spice it up a bit. I’m using the iTheme which lets you play around a bit with columns and gives more options for readers to click into on the side frames. I found your archives by scrolling down to the bottom of the home page, but if you don’t want readers to do that then perhaps switch to one with more columns (e.g. Twenty Fourteen)?


    2. I also quite like your theme, it’s nice and crisp so your images stand out really well. I use Twenty Fourteen (which Pixie kindly suggested to you), it gives you space to play around with widgets, and you can also choose nice large featured images which are rather eye catching.

      On a side note, your photos of Mexico are beautiful, it looks incredible. Keep up the good work đŸ™‚


  2. Hello all! I’ve recently started blogging more regularly, and would love some feedback on if I’m being too random, writing style, etc…I look forward to reading the blogs in this thread to see what else is out there!


    1. I don’t think you’re too random. I like the idea of writing about whatever crosses my mind on a given day. Which won’t ever be stiletto nails, by the way…Haha! đŸ™‚


    2. I love random blogs! I mean, a fitness blog, hair and makeup blog, or whatever, they’re nice too, and have their place. But my personal favorite is the random blog.


  3. Hi there guys,

    I tend to write satire, generally political but last one was philosophical. I enjoy writing it and I find my jokes funny, but I would love some honey feedback as to whether what I write is funny- check out any of my last ten blogs on
    Please comment directly under the article itself. Any commenters I will strive to give feedback back to I you also leave a question.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I love it! I love that you wrote it as a game show because I feel like otherwise, as a serious post, it would be depressing or scary. I often think about a lot of the same things! I have several posts about what I call “existential meltdowns”. I did think it was funny! More More!! ha.

      Liked by 1 person

    1. I liked your blog. It was well written, and the issues you raise will ring true for a lot of people your age. Keep going! And think about taking a gap year whilst you decide what you’d like to do, you could spend it blogging!


    2. I love it! However, the theme for me fills up too much of the screen. Personally, it’d be easier to read if there was a sidebar and a smaller width for the posts. Other than that, I find your topics interesting đŸ™‚


    1. Thank you for advertising your post here! I find your post helpful since I needed a quite accurate details on how is it going in Hong Kong. Do you have an idea if students of Chinese University of Hong Kong take part in this movement? Thanks for spreading awareness!

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Hi! Yes Chinese U students are part of it. The protests are organised by the Hong Kong Federation of Students (HKFS) and Chinese University is one of the institutions. The student strikes, prior to Occupy Central, began on the campus of Chinese U. Supporters from the different universities have shown up to the protests. HKFS leaders are the ones talking to the highest government officials in HK.

        The other student activist group is Scholarism, led by Joshua Wong. Scholarism works closely with HKFS.

        Hope that helps!


  4. Hello everyone.

    I started blogging about a month ago and I am looking for any and all feedback. It’s my first attempt at a blog. Please visit and don’t hold back on your feedback. Here is the link:


    Thanks all.


    1. Hi Robyn

      I love your photos of birds. The layout of that particular post was great – with the different photos of birds in one neat square. Those photos were beautiful, especially the one with the rain.

      An idea for the homepage – perhaps add a “more” line to each post, so that posts are shortened and more posts could appear on the same page? Currently each post is shown in its entirety. As a reader I’d like to browse through all your posts and choose to read the ones that interest me, but right now I have to scroll through your latest post to get to all the other stuff.

      Nice job with the blog so far!

      Liked by 2 people

      1. Hello pixie

        Thank you for your feedback. I appreciate the time you took to review my blog and post a reply. Time is a valuable commodity.

        I understand what you are saying about the “more” line. I see that in other blogs, including yours. When I first started writing entries, it wasn’t an issue since there was barely anything there. But now that my blog has started growing, you might have a point. Unfortunately, I have no idea how to do that. I am new to WordPress and still trying to figure things out. I’ll go click some buttons to see if I can figure it out.

        I visited your blog in return. I like the variety in your posts. You discuss some very serious topics, but you throw in some lighter pieces as well. It gives my brain a break and clears the mind for the next serious piece. Well done.


      2. It’s the second or third last button on the top right corner that has a dotted line; you insert it where you want the words “continue reading” to appear. Thanks for spending time to read my blog and for the kind words!


      3. Hi pixie. I’m going to give that a try the next time I’m reviewing my posts. I was going to do some reorganizing to my categories. I figure it would save time if I tacked both projects at once. Thanks for your help.


      4. Last night, I edited my previous posts to add the “continue reading” line, instead of displaying full posts, as suggested by pixie. I decided that I will leave my most recent post whole, and as I add new content, I will shorten previous articles. What do you all think? Improvement, or misstep? Did I cut off each post in the right place? Am I showing too much, too little, or just the right amount?


        Liked by 1 person

    2. Hey Robyn! Your blog looks great as it fits your theme and also, your writing style is definitely one of your selling point along with the great photo imageries.

      Love it in overall and definitely want to see more of your work and hence, you got a new follower! đŸ˜‰

      Your pal,
      David Long


      1. Hi David. Thank you so much for taking the time to read my entries and for following my blog. I really appreciate your feedback.

        I took some time to take a look at your site in return. You have a lot of content, so I haven’t made it through all of it yet. But after reading a few entries, I have to say that I feel a certain warmth and light coming through in all your writing. You come across as an engaging, encouraging, and confident person with a positive attitude. The most remarkable part is that you want to share that with others in a way that inspires the best in people. In a world where so many people push others down, in the incorrect belief that by doing so, they raise themselves up, you are a breath of fresh air.

        Liked by 1 person

      2. Hahaha first, thank you so much Robyn, for the compliment! I just do my best to try and contribute in whatever ways I can!

        Next, thank you for taking the time to go through my content as well and also, for your feedback. I’m sure it took some time and I really appreciate it because your input lets me know that I’m on the right track and I will definitely continue to ensure it stays that way.

        I hope my content will be beneficial to you and hey, if you ever want to talk or anything, just let me know đŸ˜‰

        Your pal,
        David Long

        Liked by 1 person

    3. Hi Robyn – what a gorgeous blog. I’m following you now.

      When you were talking about the ‘more’ line, did you mean the thing that looks like a very short bit of road? –

      Lots of luck with your beautiful blog. Looking forward to more fascinating posts – just read the one about the Sedlec Ossuary. I’d never heard of it, only of the more pedestrian bone chapels in Portugal and Mexico. Thank you for that. Have you heard of the Shell Grotto?


      1. Hi. Thank you for visiting and the follow. Your comments are very kind. I’m glad you enjoyed reading my blog.

        That could work for the “more” line. Thank you for the information. I didn’t realize that I could add it manually and chose where it cuts off. I figured there was an option in the dashboard that did it automatically for all posts. This will take some more thought to make sure I’m giving readers just the right amount of information.

        I have never heard about the Shell Grotto before. It is very beautiful. I can’t imagine how time consuming it must have been to arrange all those tiny shells. I also enjoyed reading about how it was discovered and the mystery of who built it definitely adds appeal. Thank you for sharing it with me.

        Liked by 1 person

      2. Although you can occasionally find such interesting man made structures in Canada, it is not very common. I suspect it’s because up until quite recently, North America was primarily wilderness. Many parts of it still are. Some of the structures built by native Americans still exist, but they are very different in structure and theme.

        Liked by 1 person

    4. Hello there Robyn,
      I went through your blog and as expected I loved it. Not because I’m bound to but because even though I can’t even hold a camera properly I love photography blogs and follow many of them already. So I followed yours too! Love it and also I think we do share the same theme (so much for same choices). Good Luck and Best Wishes! đŸ™‚


    1. A fashion blog! JUST the thing I need as I’m terrible at style I literally don’t carry anything except skinny jeans and t-shirt haha! I see a trendy blog already!
      Advice: Try uploading more pictures to the styles you mention as it’ll:
      1)Make your blog attractive.
      2)Make it user-friendly.
      3)Give your readers a visual idea of what you want them to understand.
      And about the profile thing, go to your widgets if you want a picture on your profile. If you want it separately then make a gravatar account. You c contact me personally for more help!
      Love and Best Wishes,
      Aakansha. đŸ™‚

      Liked by 1 person

    2. If you’d like more information on using widgets, here are a couple of useful posts from our archives:

      Also, stay tuned, as tomorrow we’ll be running a tutorial on creating custom Image Widgets here on the Daily Post — it might be just the right thing to try.

      Liked by 2 people

    3. Hey! I’d love to follow a fashion blog, but to make it a bit better, maybe try to upload pictures to go with it and use a little less color (: Personally, the theme is not the best, but of course it’s just my opinion! Best of luck~ đŸ˜€


    1. Hello there,
      Honestly I like personal blogs. They are a very good way to know the stories of other people. But a suggestion for you,
      Go to Settings>Sharing, and select the checkbox – Front Page, Archive Pages, and Search Results
      Now if someone visits your blog, he/she may like the post without opening the post separately. It will help you get more likes on the blog.
      This was suggested to me by a friend and its beneficial.
      I’ve followed your blog, let’s see what you have to offer. đŸ™‚
      Good Luck!

      Liked by 2 people

      1. Hi! Thanks for the comment, and the tip! I remember seeing that option before, but not taking it as something that could have a big impact. But thanks for following as well, that means a lot. đŸ™‚

        Liked by 1 person

    1. Hi, I’ve read quite a few posts of yours. First of all, excellent theme. And it goes very well with your content. I don’t think your posts are bland or repetitive, but maybe you could have a more rounded, traditional essay type of structure in them.

      Liked by 1 person

    2. Bold. That was my first thought on your theme. It grabbed my attention and I wanted to read more. I loved your post “Reader’s Block”. Personally I’d like to see long paragraphs split up more for easier reading, but it’s a writer’s choice!

      Liked by 1 person

    1. I like the theme of your blog, but was confused because the header photo is from Amsterdam, right? It made me think this might be a blog about a Dutch person moving to Italy or something like that. Recipes look yummy though!


      1. I went on a trip to Amsterdam and plan on writing about it but you are right. I have to find a header picture that relates more with my title. I will make that my goal this week. Thank you for your feed back đŸ™‚ I really appreciate it.


    2. Hi Fallon! I feel happy being able to stumble upon your blog. I am not a born cook but starting to try out some dishes. Your blog will be of great help! đŸ™‚

      As for the site, perhaps try to make the pictures a little smaller as they take up the “whole page” as I look at the site. It becomes a little too overwhelming. The background color is just great making the photos of the food emphasized.

      Hope you can visit my blog! It is far from cooking but I hope you get interested, too. đŸ™‚


    3. Oh my, those recipes look delicious (the chicken salad and the cornbread)! As a Jersey girl transplanted to South Carolina I can totally relate to your blog. Just remember that “bless your heart” can have different, and not always pleasant, meanings! đŸ˜‰

      In my limited time blogging I’ve found that right here is the best place to find followers. Check out fellow bloggers, comment on their posts, follow them, and keep posting in the Community Pool and on other Daily Post prompts.

      I’m following you now! đŸ™‚ Karen


  5. Well, actually, I’m just entirely new to the whole blogging world. A few tips and how-tos will be GREATLY appreciated.

    Liked by 2 people

      1. I liked the story and the message. I think what you’re trying to say is meaningful and beautiful. The beginning is a bit to harsh and dark to my taste, but this is your story and you should tell it the way your heart wants it to be told.


  6. hi guys! I’v just started blogging and would really appreciate feedback.
    ALSO, please ignore my overuse of gifs. I figured out how to add them to my posts only yesterday and got a little over excited.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Haha I love how enthusiastic you are! Your blog looks really unique as well and it fits that style of yours so thats great!

      The only thing that I feel is missing, is the “About me” page. Might be due to the fact that you are new but anyway, just want to say that I feel it’d be better if you set one “About me” page to let your readers learn about you and hence, know who is the creator of these posts đŸ˜‰

      If you got more questions, do feel free to just ask! Will be looking forward to more of your posts! Yup, new follower!

      Your pal,
      David Long

      Liked by 1 person

    2. Your blog really put a smile on my face, particularly your open letter to yourself. An ‘about’ page would be brilliant, I always tend to head there first to get an idea of what a blog is about, and to learn a bit about the writer – maybe worth adding, but otherwise your blog is looking great đŸ™‚


  7. Happy Monday everybody. My series of posts on Every UK Number One Song are really gaining momentum. I’d love to know what you think as I am having so much fun doing them and learning too. Thanks.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I think it’s okay to have variety of topics tackled in your blog. Although some viewers may prefer “specialized” or “focused” blog (travel blog, fashion blog, health blog and many others), I believe there is nothing wrong with having many topics. Just make sure you categorize them well. đŸ™‚

      Hope you can pay a visit to my blog. It’s mainly about life- dreams, love, family. Thanks! đŸ™‚

      Liked by 1 person

  8. Hey buds! David here and I am back to take review requests! If you are looking for someone to help review/read your work or may you want some feedback for your site design/layout, just respond to my comment or visit my blog and send an email through there!

    I will get back to you as soon as I can, promise! Will be looking forward to your respond!

    Your pal,
    David Long

    Liked by 1 person

      1. Hi David! I entered blogging to have a good outlet of emotions. I would appreciate help and advises on how to make my blog more interesting to readers. I would love hearing from fellow bloggers and know how they feel towards my posts. Thank you!

        Liked by 1 person

      2. Hey ishaishaisha28,

        Just reviewed your blog bud! It looks great, simple layout that’s easy for the eyes paired along with very engaging writing style and story telling is definitely a good traits of a blog. Keep this up and you will garner more readers, I’m sure đŸ˜‰

        Anywho, it might just be me but I feel that it’ll be beneficial for your blog if you include some images in your posts, maybe the use of featured image, because it feels a little too well, un-lively.

        Don’t get me wrong, your writing is really engaging! But I feel that it’ll be even better with some form of imagery to support it. Then again, might just be me lol!

        Regardless, you are definitely doing really well and I’ve followed you to see more of your adventures. Will be looking forward to your future posts đŸ˜‰

        If you got more questions you’d like to ask, just let me know!

        Your Pal,
        David Long

        Liked by 1 person

      3. Thanks a lot for this review, David! It is a relief that some readers are actually seeing my form of writing as interesting. đŸ™‚

        I actually agree with having to include images in my posts. đŸ™‚ I am looking at the possibility of incorporating some of the photos I took that can go well with topics I tackle. When I am not that busy, I’ll try it out! đŸ™‚

        Thank you so much! I am excited to see your works! đŸ™‚

        Liked by 1 person

      4. Hi B,

        I just reviewed your blog and I have to admit, it is something very different from what I’ve been seeing so far here so I found it to be very captivating and your writing style to be very engaging!

        You got a great ‘About me’ page that really showcases your personality and talks about what you and your blog is all about.

        Overall, I would say that if you keep this up, your blog would explode in no time!

        The only thing that I notice that is missing is the usage of images for your posts. I feel that it might help a little in making your site look a little ‘nicer’. Choosing the right image and letting your reader see them can set a visual and mental setting in their mind to prepare them for what might be coming up next for your post!

        Hope this all helps and should you feel that you got more heart burning questions you’d like to ask, feel free to let me know!

        Followed for more of your interesting posts. Keep up the good work, B đŸ˜‰

        Your pal,
        David Long


      1. Hi Meredith!
        I really enjoyed reading your posts, especially the ones about your daughter, SHE SEEMS ADORABLE!! I love how relatable and honest your writing is.
        Maybe, you could add a few pictures to some of your posts.
        Hope that helps đŸ™‚

        Liked by 1 person

      2. Hey Meredith,

        One of the easiest ways that I’ve found on how to get followers, is to do what you are doing now! Coming onto the community pool to check out people’s work and in return, have them check out your work!

        Of course, it is a really time consuming process and in order for that to work as well, you got to have good content.

        But, important thing is to not lose hope! Keep working at creating content while interacting with the community and when someone who has lots of followers sees your work and actually LOVE it and reblogs it?

        Your blog would appear in a lot of new reader’s radar.

        Some other advises would be getting your friends to read your work and of course, the usage of social media tools such as Facebook, twitter and others.

        But the most important thing of course, is to just have fun! If you enjoy what you are doing, your readers would see it and will be more likely to come back for more đŸ˜‰

        I hope this respond helped in anyway and I wish you all the best! If you got more questions you’d like to ask, just fire em away!

        Your pal,
        David Long


      1. Hey bud, I just reviewed your blog and here are my comments.
        First, I love the style of humor here! It’s very different from what I always see in humor sites so that is great for sure.

        Second thing I noted was that you have a twitter account but the twitter widget isn’t utilized which, I feel is a waste. Might be due to the theme you’ve chosen but if it’s possible, I’d recommend you to add the twitter widget provided in the dashboard site customization.

        Now, the layout is easy to navigate but I realize that you have no “Archive” page nor widget and I think that’s a pity cause your readers might want to actually check out your earlier post but they don’t wish to keep scrolling down the homepage before they actually reach it. Would recommend you to look into that as well.

        All in all, you got a solid idea, concept and you got the site design fitting in really well. I definitely want to see more from you and hence, I’m following you đŸ˜‰

        Hope my feedback helped and please, keep up the good work bud!

        Your pal,
        David Long


      2. Hi there,

        I’m trying to add an archive widget, but I’m a bit confused; i think ive added it, but I don’t know how to archive old posts. Can you help?



    1. Hi, I’ve read a few posts on your blogs. Very amusing, little stories and observations. Maybe you could reflect on them a little more instead of just accounting them. That will make your posts longer, and maybe you like to keep them short, but I think it will give something more to the reader.

      Liked by 1 person

    2. Hey dandelion,

      Just read your blog posts and yes, I am one of those who found your blog to be amusing and hence, followed! Will be waiting for your next post to be up đŸ˜‰

      Your pal,
      David Long

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Love your blog style of writing and theme especially your uniqueness usage of the word ‘of’. Interesting style of conveying your thoughts caught my attention and definitely made me want to read more of your future post.
      New follower alert! Keep up the good work đŸ˜‰

      Your pal,
      David Long

      Liked by 1 person

    1. I added a response directly to your blog. It is currently awaiting moderation.

      I look forward to seeing you on my side of the blogosphere at some point.


  9. Good morning. Like many others in this “pool” – I am diving into the world of blogging. I am enjoying myself but would love feedback from someone besides my family and friends. Am growing more confidence using Word Press but find it pretty cumbersome at times too. Would appreciate feedback on content and style and some ideas on how to bring in more readers. Thanks!


    1. Hi Barb,
      Your writing style flows well, and I like your topics & content. I am curious as to why your About section is in the third person, as if it was written by someone else.
      I find the best way to bring in more readers is to interact in the blogging community. Visit other bloggers, and here on the Daily Post. Best of luck!
      Karen đŸ™‚


    1. Hallo there,

      I left a (short this time!) comment directly on your blog. It is currently awaiting moderation.

      I read your post about J.K. Rowling’s new project, but to be honest, I still don’t have any idea what it is about. I suggest adding a bit more of your own content and relying less on Twitter quotes.

      I look forward to seeing you on my side of the blogosphere đŸ™‚


      1. Hi,

        Thank you so much for taking the time to check out my blog, it’s much appreciated!! I’ll be sure to take your comments on board.

        For this particular post I was sharing news on the project that had specifically been shared on Twitter, so the tweets were relevant to the post, but of course generally for my reviews and discussions it’s all me and my ramblings đŸ™‚

        I’ll check out your blog shortly and will leave a comment for you. Thanks again for your feedback, it really is very helpful!
