Community Pool

The Community Pool is for those of you looking for input, whether on post ideas, writing, blog design and layout, or anything else. If you have a post, page, or idea you want to bounce off someone, leave a comment. Your fellow bloggers can then click through and offer input either on your site, or in the comments here (feel free to indicate which you’d prefer).

Read on for the ground rules and to leave a comment . .

  • You’ll get the best feedback if you can be as specific as possible about what you’d like people to respond to or where you’re struggling.
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Photo by t_a_i_s.

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    1. I love your Persist post! That poem is awesome! 🙂 It helped me because I’m going through a difficult patch right now. I think I’m going to bookmark that poem and come back to it when I need to.

      I’m not a big fan of that particular theme; it’s a little too minimalist for me. Perhaps that was what you were going for, but I think another still minimal but slightly easier to see theme might be good. Maybe 2012 or 2011?


      1. Thank you 🙂 Sad to know that difficult times haunt you. But then we all can persist, can’t we? And persist till we stand stronger than we did before 🙂
        I shall look into different theme and reconsider 🙂
        Thanks a lot 🙂


    2. Have you considered putting an “about” tab at the top? It appears that you are doing quite well, with over 1500 followers. How did you get so many followers so fast?


      1. Yes am working on it 😛 Well there is this thing called Publicise that lets you connect to your facebook and g+. So every time you post it automatically posts there 🙂 But don’t worry every few of my real friends read it 😛
        Thank you 🙂


    3. I like your post “The Tree” — although I didn’t read the title at first and I figured it out without needing the title. Maybe call it something else, and let the reader get there on their own.

      I also liked “The View.” These two had a solid flow and I felt reasonably well grounded and not dropped into the middle of the story. It was easy to follow the flow. Thanks for sharing!


      1. Thank you 🙂 I shall give my titles more thought when i post from next time 🙂 Well , i had felt that i need to have some attractive titles 😛 Your words sort of woke up that thought 😛 Thank you again 🙂


      1. I like the way you have presented that! True that we all miss him. December has been a sad year for a lot of people. First , Paul Walker. Next it was my favourite figure , my inspiration , Nelson Mandela. Then there was the death of a local comedian. Death. One thing no can escape from.


    1. I liked this post more than I thought I was going to! The title made it sound very blah, I thought “oh man, a trip to the mall? that sounds so banal.” But the actual post was fun and I liked the sense of humor! I would recommend coming up with more playful titles. And for a picture post, I always enjoy a fun introductory paragraph as well. As it’s the most consumerist time of the year, it’s the perfect season for posts like this.
      P.S. that Bebe jumpsuit is horrifying- did you try it on?? 🙂


      1. I meant Bold Captions after every photograph 😛 The one i can think of is for the two dogs 😛 Something like ” Brothers in Bond” 😛


      2. Nice post! First of all I am not an expert and working on making mine better too. Title was good but to really draw in the viewers you might want to consider something that would draw in viewers. Most of the time I really do not use captions but when you are posting a lot of photos in your type of post it is better to. I agree with NADIG7 that bold captions would had really worked. You have a very good sense of humor. Keep working on that.

        Nice photo. You really got a cute facial expression on the one puppy. Try getting at their level for more cute photos.


      1. Well, I have an attribute that allows me to take pictures in almost all shops, which is that I don’t care if they’d rather I not take pictures, and I take them anyway. 🙂

        I should mention that I didn’t take pictures in a shop that specifically said not to on several signs, and I never got someone’s face in a photo.


  1. I would like someone to check my blog to ensure that it is user friendly. I would also be happy to take any other suggestions!


    1. I’d say it’s user friendly! I would recommend a picture and little description about who you are and what you’re blogging about at the very top of the sidebar. It helps engage the reader, draw them in, and get to know you! I think you might also benefit from having categories listed as you seem to cover several topics regarding Healthy Living!


      1. Great tips! As time goes on, I am feeling more comfortable about sharing small pieces of my self. I didn’t think about the healthy living category, duh!


      2. I am still looking for that perfect picture. (I am a selfie queen.)What does the x indicate? Is it x=unknown variable from Algebra? I like your blog, because I taught high school (math) for nine years. This year, I’m at a middle school as a library media specialist. I will be following your blog because I like to know “what the young people are up to ” without following them on Twitter and such.


      3. I didnt think anyone would appreciate it on a blogging site, but hey, I’ll DEFINITELY upload one soon x
        oh, sorry, I keep forgetting a lot of people on here aren’t teenagers. Its a social symbol, it donates hugs and thank-yous. I SEE THE WORD LIBRARY AND I LIGHT UP.
        Thank you so much, hahaha I hope I’m able to represent my generation well
        ^__^ x
        Thanks so much, again.


    2. Very user friendly. Very nice blog. Adding categories listed they type of post would be an added plus.


    1. As SMARTSTUNNINGSEARCHING suggested you might want to let readers know what you theme is. I enjoyed reading your blog.


    1. You may want to explain what RTW is to the readers, as you may have a wider audience than you realize.


  2. Could someone please comment on my use of widgets and the general look of my blog? The posts are very long (and not broken by “click for more”) on purpose. There are lots of links also on purpose. My only questions are about widgets and general design. Please comment here and not on the blog. Thanks in advance!


    1. It has a clean look that makes it very easy to read. I like that you just have the one sidebar. I always like a widget that gives a little more info on what the blog is about. Also your Category widget with the title “Why Not?” was a bit confusing- I might recommend a more informative title.


      1. You’re absolutely right about the Category widget. And I hadn’t thought of putting an “about” widget in addition to the “about” page. Thanks for the ideas.


    2. Yeah, hi! You ought to consider finding a theme that perhaps has two columns for your widgets, that makes them more visible if I don’t feel like scrolling once I get to your blog. In terms of the length of your posts, you can shorten them (insert something called a “continue reading” sort of button) that will allow readers to click from your homepage to the actual post (drives up blog traffic). While editing your post, find a place where you want your writing to cut off on the front page and insert a “Insert-More-Tag” or just press Alt-Shift-T. Hope that helps!

      Also, check out my blog! I’d love feedback! – Catherine, from NeverStationary


      1. Thanks for the praise! What I like about your blog the most is the way your personality shines through and it’s positive and warm yet questioning. Never lose that positive, thoughtful attitude.


      2. Oh my goodness. Thank you so very very much.
        It means A LOT, coming that from you, because I feel that I can Convey my feelings
        THANKS AGAIN 😀


  3. Happy Sunday! I’ll dive in–

    I would love feedback on the 2 posts I wrote this week.
    The first was about my Thanksgiving spent in Washington DC. It was sort of a “This is what I did this weekend!” post and I’d love the hear if that sort of thing merits interest from readers.

    Thanksgiving in the Nation’s Capitol

    My second post captures a New York Minute, a brief fantasy from glancing at a stranger on the street. I’ve never written a post like it before. I’m considering perhaps making a serious of New York Minutes like this and I’d love feedback on that idea!

    Really any and all feedback is marvelous. Thanks much!


  4. Hi – I joined WordPress about six months ago, and made lots of changes on how my blog looks. Also, I’ve been trying to write better. I would really like your thoughts and suggestions Silent.


    1. Do you realize that the homepage goes to the “about” section? Also, when I click the “home” link, it goes to “about” as well.


      1. Oh – now I get it. Some of you always put your most recent post at the top. I thought that was too messy, and was trying to use the About Page to tell about me and show people where to go to read my stories. I will need to think about that. Thank you for your help.


      2. Maybe try creating a new Custom Menu. From your Dashboard (, go into Appearance –> Menu and try clicking “create a new menu.” Then include Home and About (and anything else that you want to add), check the “Primary Menu” box, and click Save Menu. That should override the old menu with a new one that works properly. If this doesn’t work you should be able to revert to your original menu.


    2. I found it confusing that you first come to the about page and it you hit home you get the about page again. I load to the most recent blog and most bloggers do. Not sure if most people are willing to look for that. Nice writing!


  5. My current area of interest is to know what it takes to run my blog directly, without the “.wordpress” extention.
    Can I retain my followers?
    Would I be required to make technical adjustments by myself?
    What really does it take to have a blog that I can call my own?
    Please throw some light. Feel free to stop by at my blog too.


  6. I just completely changed the look of my blog! It’s more centered on the content, vs. the pictures that merely augmented the posts. I’d love feedback on that, or anything else, really! (my writing!) Thanks everyone!! – Catherine


    1. Hey there, your blog is simple, and its actually a bit TOO simple,
      Add a few patterns, a banner,
      give it a personal feel, and you’ll attract a lot of readers
      Plus, the two sidebars, are somewhat putting off
      So try and see if you can carry those links to other pages x
      Could you please have a look at mine?


    1. Hi – I love the pictures!!!!!! Your tenderness and love shine through. What a wonderful present for your child. Save the blog.

      Some thoughts: (a) Loved the use of MORE – good for you; (b) About Page – we want to know more about you; (c) Home Page – I think the About Page can be the Home Page; (d) Archive Page – you are going to have so many posts, so this would be a good place to put them; (e) Categories and Tags so you and the reader can sort through your wonderful posts.

      I love your blog. I hope your baby appreciates what you are doing – Silent


      1. Thank you. I do have the About, Archive & Categories but they are buried at the bottom of my blog. I am still trying to figure out how to navigate my own pages. I will definitely take your suggestion & make a separate page for that information, just as soon as I can figure out how to do it. I really appreciate the feedback.


      1. Thank you very much for your input. I will work on both of those things. I am still learning to navigate my page and am unsure of what I am doing. It is wonderful to receive honest advice.


  7. I am also a relatively new blogger and am looking to expand on my following and start really interacting with a community that shares some of the interests that I do. My blog is based on writing and self improvement and I feel like I a lot of high quality posts, but I am not getting great traffic. Any tips on what I could change (preferably on my writing style of the link I post and if you have a huge heart some of the other posts on my blog) to bring about more traffic would be wonderful. Thank you all in advance! 🙂


    1. The look of your blog is very sterile and lacking of personality. An instant turn off. This made me assume your posts were going to be that way, but they’re not! I would recommend a picture for your header that conveys personality. That quote is waaaay too long for anyone who is not already invested in your blog to read! I also recommend, I’m saying this a lot today- a picture and little description about who you are and what you’re blogging about at the very top of the sidebar. This allows an immediate connection with new readers!
      Hope that’s helpful!


    2. Hi – Isn’t it fun to start blogging? I love it. I used to wish I knew how to grow a site. You and I are reading the same “grow it” articles. Did you know your “Site Suggestions” is not working? I would love to see your name or nic in your About section? Happy blogging – Silent.


    3. I think you’re an excellent writer. There is nothing wrong with your writing style! What I’ve found helps me is getting to know other bloggers for the sake for getting to hear they’re stories. Write because you want to write and not for traffic.”If you build it, they will come.”


    4. I think a theme change could maybe help but isn’t paramount. Just add your own personal touches to the theme! I can tell your personality is fun from the way you write, visually representing that so it’s apparent from first glance, should help you out a lot. That’s why a good, unique header is so important.


  8. Hey everyone~

    I’ve been debating on having some sort of homepage for my blog. I initially used my “About” page as that, but I didn’t have a post page. Right now it’s just my recent posts that make up the homepage, but I would rather have a static page. Would it be a good idea to use my “About” page as a homepage, or should I do something different?

    Also feel free to poke around and let me know what you think of my content, layout, all that jazz.


    Hopefully the HTML coding worked; haven’t tried it in the comments yet ^^;


    1. Hi Ben,

      I thought about this a lot, too. I tried a HOME page. The posts pile up. It got messy, and I got lost. Then I tried the MORE tag, But, I could not find anything anymore.

      So, I turned my ABOUT page into my HOME page (somewhere in the settings), and made an ARCHIVE page where everything goes (with a MORE).

      But, I still couldn’t keep my stories straight, so I made an INDEX page to list my articles, and jumps to go to the articles. I don’t know if it works, but, at least I can find stuff now.

      Happy blogging – Silent


      1. Ok, I’ll try going back to using my “About” page as my homepage; though I’ll add an “Archive” or “Recent Posts” page.

        I already figured out how to get all my posts organized, and I’m quite happy with it so far.



    1. I really like your poem “Rain Rain Stay This Way”, it is very well written and I personally loved it. I’ve only taken a glance but from what I saw you should post a little bit more (in my opinion) because currently you are posting once a month (unless that’s what you’re going for). Just a small thing, I can’t view the picture on your “About me” page. I’m not sure if that’s on my end or yours. Also in my opinion your about me page should say more who you are and then how it applies to what your blog is about. You do a good job of explaining you, but i think you could take that to the next level. I also think you’re home button is not working. Overall good blog though! I followed, if you want to get in touch feel free to shoot me an email at




      1. Thank you so much for your advice! Ya suddenly I’m having some technical difficulties but I’ll try to fix the picture on the about page.
        Thanks again!


      1. Thanks so much for the input! I just checked out your blog and I absolutely love it. Just followed. 🙂


    1. Hi, I liked the letter written to the protagonist in this story. One way to increase readership of long posts like this is to give them a paragraph that is in a graphic form, that looks like the back of an actual book– the preview that readers would have if it was a purchased book. It would help the reader get in the right mindset. I didn’t know if I should expect something funny, or serious or dramatic in the end until the story became very dark midway through. I like the theme of superpowers weaved in with life from a 20 year old.


  9. howdy! As I just joined wordpress I’m still new to a lot of it 🙂 My blog is still undergoing a lot of changes but I would appreciate any opinions on the layout – I am using one of the defaults, I think it’s very smart and minimal, I wonder though if it’s good for a page that features a lot of visual content. Anyhow, hi all!


    1. hello there, I can see that your blog is under construction x and I’d love it if you finish fast, because if it isnt appealing to the eye, it might come across as rigid. Also I feel your blog lacks a theme, so I suggest you jot down the things you’re most likely to write about x Have tags to help you organise
      Could you give some feedback on mine, I’m quite new myself.


      1. Thanks for feedback! yup, I’m still trying to figure out which way to go and how much of a portfolio look I can get with the written entries along.
        I just had a look at yours, very thought provoking and versatile.I will try to follow 🙂


  10. <—————Same as above — new to the blogging world, fiance (big blog reader) suggested I try and put my thoughts and everything down for discussion, and I just started this thing today -so any suggestions?


    1. your url definitely caught my eye and well, The theme kinda caught me off guard! I suggest you make it a bit more nerdy, with a booky banner of some sort. Maybe I’m generalizing too much But I’d love to see the blog resonate with the URL x
      Could you see mine? Much of a nerd and book lover myself


  11. Hey ya momma’s. I am very new to blogging. Would be nice if all you ppl can take time to have a look, & let me know ways to improve my content writing. And ya, how to write the comical way !! Do post your comments.


  12. I have recently started my new blog I would love any feedback about content and grammar. I would hate to have bad grammar and not realize. Thanks in advance for any advice and your creative criticism.


  13. I can’t believe it’s almost the end of the year already. I will be posting some itunes playlists from years gone by. Does anyone else have an unhealthy obsession with iTune like I do?


    1. I like your voice–very approachable and friendly and bubbly. However, I did notice a few spelling errors in your Christmas post (I’m a stickler about those, ask anyone).


      1. Hi, thanks for the positive feedback =) Is it my Christmas tag post?? Can you be more specific with which words I misspelled? I know Christmasy is wrong because I just made that up. lol.
