Should You Connect Your Blog to Your LinkedIn Profile?

Many bloggers are already enjoying the benefits of connecting their sites to their social networks via Publicize. Sharing your posts on Facebook and Twitter might be a no-brainer — clearly, all your friends and followers want to read your latest piece of staggering wit. But what about professional social network LinkedIn?

Here are some points to consider before you decide to push your blog’s content to your professional profile, too.

Making the link

LinkedIn is the biggest and most vibrant business-oriented social network. It has hundreds of millions of members, who use it for job searches and for social interaction with actual and potential colleagues. It’s also increasingly becoming a forum for the exchange of ideas between professionals, companies, and leading thinkers.

Setting up your blog posts to appear in your LinkedIn profile will be a breeze, whether or not you’ve already used Publicize. To connect your LinkedIn account to your blog, head to your dashboard. Then, go to Settings → Sharing , and click on the “Connect” button next to the LinkedIn logo:

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You’ll be taken to your LinkedIn account, where you’ll have to log in and approve the connection. In case your blog has multiple contributors, you’ll have a chance, during the setup process, to determine whether the content others produce will also be released to your LinkedIn feed.

Once the connection between the two platforms is established, each time you publish a post on it’ll also appear on your LinkedIn newsfeed, just as it would on Facebook, Tumblr, or Twitter.

Looking to make the most of your blog’s connection to LinkedIn? Here are some quick tips:

  1. Add InShare buttons to your posts so that readers can share them directly to their own LinkedIn accounts.
  2. Browse and join LinkedIn Groups to find like-minded professionals and scout for ideas for new posts.
  3. Connect your LinkedIn account to SlideShare, another venue for your more visual content.

Blog your way to the corner suite

For some users, the advantages of this connection are obvious. If your site here is your primary professional home, or if you often write about work-related topics on your blog, having a presence on LinkedIn can give you a double boost.

Publishing on LinkedIn can broaden your blog’s readership and increase its overall popularity.

First, you become a more visible, high-profile commentator on the state of your profession, be it teaching, plumbing, investing, or artisanal cheese-making. This might lead to unknown benefits for your job (or job search), and open the door to interesting new opportunities and acquaintances. You make yourself known in a community of like-minded professionals, and take part in another public discussion, one that might be different in tone and focus from those you normally engage in through your blog.

Not less important, publishing on LinkedIn can broaden your blog’s readership and increase its overall popularity. It’s a form of syndication: readers who might never have heard of your blog if it had stayed only on now have the chance to consume and comment on your content. Sounds great, doesn’t it?

Over-sharing as a professional hazard

Well, if your blog focuses on your alcohol-drenched travels through South America, chronicles your love life, or is full of vocal (negative) opinions on notable members of your profession, posting to LinkedIn might warrant a second thought. In fact, any personal post, even the most mundane one about your uncle’s 70th birthday party, might feel out of place on a platform dedicated to (mostly) professional interactions.

If you don’t want to think twice about anything you write, connecting your blog to LinkedIn might be something to reconsider.

There is, of course, nothing inherently offensive about any of these topics, just as there’s nothing fundamentally wrong with dressing up whichever way you please. In a work-related environment, though, some people are used to certain codes of behavior, be it the things one talks about or the print on one’s shirt. Appearing disrespectful of these codes might alienate some readers with whom you’d still like to enjoy a professional relationship, if not a personal one.

As a rule of thumb, if you don’t want to think twice about anything you write, and even more so if you tend to approach sensitive or controversial topics regularly, connecting your blog to LinkedIn might be something to reconsider.

Finding a blog-work balance

Even with these caveats, it’s important to stress that blogging on and maintaining a lively presence on LinkedIn are not mutually exclusive. If you wish to enjoy the benefits of linking these two platforms without worrying of separate worlds colliding, there are still ways to do that.

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First, on any Publicize-connected account you have, you can decide which of your posts will get posted, and which won’t.

Say you’d like your LinkedIn connections to read your insightful review of your new smartphone, but not your equally sharp critique of Fifty Shades of Grey. Easy! In your post’s Publish module, on the Publicize line, click on “Edit.” Then, depending on your preference, leave the LinkedIn box checked for publication, or uncheck it to leave it out of your feed there.

It’s important to note that even if you don’t publish a specific post to LinkedIn, as long as you publish anything there, you never know which content on your site your connections might choose to visit.

For even greater separation between platforms, you might consider having multiple sites: for example, a work-friendly blog, and an I-don’t-care one. LinkedIn connections are made per blog, not per account — and since you can have as many blogs as you wish, you can compartmentalize your audience in whichever way you see fit.

How do you mix blogging and work? Have you connected your blog to your LinkedIn profile? If so, what advice do you have to share? If not, what were your concerns? Feel free to share your insight with us!

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  1. I had decided a long time ago not to mix linkedin with my blog. The odd thing is, my posts are measured and while they asks questions I cannot imagine that they would cause outrage amongst former (or future) colleagues. Now you have asked the linked in questions, I find it interesting that I am determined to keep the two separate.


    1. Sometimes, you don’t need a specific reason; if you don’t feel comfortable with it, that’s reason enough!


      1. You are right, I just need to trust my gut more and not over think things. I have spent a lot of time cultivating a fair sized gut – it deserves a say in these things now and again!
        Thank you


  2. Great points. My blog doesn’t have anything to do with my career, but I don’t post anything crazy and I think it showcases my hobbies and writing skills, which is why I’ve been so back-and-forth on it. But I think it’s just safer to keep the 2 separate in the end.


  3. Great post. Topical for me as I have recently wondered if connecting my photography blog to my professional network is relevant or if it just appears that I am seeking additional avenues of exposure within the wrong platform… a bit like those who promote their corporate work on personal Facebook wall…. interesting the first time you see it but grounds for a ‘de-friending’ when it gets out of hand.


  4. I think it is a matter of what your blog is about. I blog primarily about writing so am happy to link the two up as my LinkedIn is writing related as well.
    If there was ever any conflict then I would discontinue the link.


  5. It can depend on what your blog is about, if your profession is IT and your blog is all about IT then I dont see any issue. My blog is all about how I see life and topics that interest me. So I would not want my linkedin account linked with my blog. Same with FB, make sure you keep your profile set private if hiring managers are looking into you!


  6. I don’t think I would ever get a job if I connected my blog to LinkedIn. I realise my blog is in the public domain and anyone can find it but it’s clear it’s separate from Work Steve.


    1. Your blog should be your escape-ism, if you dont want people from work to know. People at my job dont know about my blog. It’s good for people at work not to know everything your involved in!


      1. As long as your real name or email address isn’t attached to it. I have a personal gmail and a professional gmail. My name does not show on my personal, and that is the email I use for this blog. Hope this helps!


  7. Great post as I recently joined LinkedIn. My blog is about partly about my job (teacher) but also other bits and I am not sure that I would necessarily want all of this linked to my LinkedIn profile.


  8. Well I first thought to keep my blog separate from Linkedin- then I thought that it can also be an opportunity to demonstrate some other aspects of my character that are also useful in my work but I do not have the chance to show these in or during my work.
    I do go for the option prior to publishing to either check or un-check the linkedin connection when some post’s are just too personal or (enthusiastically) express my personal opinions. I think the professional part has to remain more factual and neutral.
    If anyone from there wants to check out other posts only on this blog- I assume they will understand that it is separate from my work persona as otherwise it would have appeared on linkedin.


  9. Hi Ben,

    If you don’t want to think twice about anything you write, connecting your blog to LinkedIn might be something to reconsider.

    All the advice in your posts is dead on and I have become a fan. Please let me go a little further than you did above. I strongly suggest that those who expect to be hired in any white collar, para-professional or professional position in the future think long and hard about what they post online anywhere and under any name and email address.

    It may be obvious that employers hire researchers like me who will comb the internet and locate everything you have ever posted and everything that has been posted about you. If you think that posting to a blog you do not push posts to LinkedIn from, under a pseudonym and using a different email address, or even hiding behind a privacy setting guarantees that you can fly under the radar and not be detected, then you are dead wrong.


    1. Thanks for the kind note, timethief!

      I think you make an important point, namely that any claim to total privacy or hermetic compartmentalization is suspect, at best, in this particular moment in web history.

      At the same time, while I hope people do think long and hard about the content they publish (for this and many other reasons), I also hope that nobody becomes paralyzed by fear. It would be a shame if writers stopped expressing strong opinions, or talking about their lives, because they worry about potential future repercussions. And it’s also up to employers to understand that not everything directly affects one’s work performance.

      Ultimately, it’s a question of balance, and one where individuals will have to make their own (hopefully informed) decisions.

      Thanks for sharing your take on this issue!


  10. Absolutely! You can even share some personal content just as long as it is appropriate for the professional network you are creating. For example, posting an outfit of the day might not be appropriate if you work in the corporate setting, but is a great addition to your personal brand if you are a marketer looking to break into the fashion industry.

    When deciding what to share on Linkedin, consider the audience who would be interested in this sort of information and the contacts that you have gathered on the network. If the majority of them wouldn’t care, then leave it out. Linkedin is used to develop your professional online presence, therefore the content shared should somehow help establish you as a thought leader in your space.


    1. These are excellent guidelines — your examples really show how context-specific these decisions are. Thanks for your input!


  11. Well for me blogging has nothing to do with my career neither does it hinder it, i can blog anything crazy but it must not be abusive or bother anyone reading. Its like a hobby for me:-)


  12. I started my blog in the first place with the goal of establishing professional credibility as a writer, so even though I am currently employed in another field I want my writing– all my writing– to be as “out there” as possible. That said, I operate from the premise that anything I post online– whether it be on WordPress, Facebook, or LinkedIn– could at any time find its way to anyone. My boss, my employees, my children, my ex. So I conduct myself accordingly. If I want to write something that certain people shouldn’t see, I am not about to trust the internet to keep my confidences, privacy settings notwithstanding.


    1. That’s really well-stated — and really helpful insight for those who take writing seriously, but also have non-writing-related careers.


  13. Ben, I just connected to LinkedIn. Since my blog aims to reinvent myself as a life coach, does it seem odd to post my writing on this social site that still lists me as college English instructor? I’ve had so many endorsements for my skills as teacher. I do suppose that they will help in any case. Your thoughts??


    1. I suspect you’re the only one who really knows enough about the situation to decide how to tweak your profile, so I’ll refrain from any specific advice.

      That said, nothing stops you from changing your LinkedIn profile to better reflect your current career plans, or from using your writing to explain and tell stories about your professional journey.


  14. I am new at blogging, but don’t have a Facebook/ twitter for either myself or my blog. Do any of you recommend that I get an account for either if those site, solely for the blog only?


  15. Post your address of your blog directly on your linkedin works fine. I am working on a book so will be needing professional opinion too. The lines are sort of blurred here I know between personal and professional and I tackle this very subject in my book on internet freedom. We are headed towards complete linkage it’s the trend.


  16. ~ A year back, my blog was linked to my LinkedIn account then I disabled it. I have lots of posts about work, and while some of the posts are from my previous company, my current employer might assume otherwise. Besides, if you have an inkling or you’re not comfortable with it because your professional contacts can read what you write, it is better not to link your blog there unless it is a professional/tutorial blog which does not mention anything about your current employer/profession. Further, recruiters and bosses are doing a random search about their employees, just to be safe, do not publicize your blog in LinkedIn if you’ve written sensitive issues about your work experiences. – Bliss, The Lurker’s List


  17. I’ve asked myself this question several times. And although I only post photo challenges on my blog, I still dont think it a good idea to post to Linkedin. I allready see my coworkers “unfollowing” me because I would post to much. So I think I keep Linkedin out of my locations to post to. I do post to facebook and Twitter.


    1. You raise a good point — that even if nothing about the content is especially problematic, just including it in a professional context might irk some (though, of course, not all) colleagues.


  18. No, never!! Last year, I started receiving spam mail regarding/related with the information I had posted only on LinkedIn. I don’t know if they sold my information or if they were hacked, but I love my blog here in wordpress, and I will never compromise it by syncing it with something like LinkedIn; thanx, but no thanx.


  19. thanks for bringing this up. I had thought about linking to linkedin, but worried about how it would affect my professional life. Since more employers are looking at your online activities, I don’t know if it’s worth trying to keep it separate anymore. I think it’s probably best to try to keep them separate even tho I really could use the extra exposure.


  20. I have shared a link to my blog in various groups on Linkedin that are relevant to the content of those groups, even though it differs from my career. Certainly an employer can differentiate between the professional you are and the hobbies one has. Work does not define us. Our interests and aspirations do. In fact, being a well rounded individual, which can be revealed through a blog, may spark interest to a prospective employer. However, if the blog damages ones character based on the content, it’s probably best not to link it.

    Furthermore, if an employer really wanted to find out what dealings you had on the internet, it isn’t that hard to locate. Security settings are a false sense in which to hide behind. My motto, if you don’t want the world to know your secrets, don’t post it, anywhere !!!


    1. Thanks for sharing your experience — I like the point you make, namely that some forms of content can actually help employers learn more positive things about job applicants. If one’s online presence is fair game, it’s good to know that it can work both ways, not just as a negative factor.


  21. I no longer have a LinkedIn account. I was tired of getting strange email connections/invites that had nothing to do with my profession/job nor any of my personal interests.

    There are references to what I’ve done job-wise prior to blogging on the ‘Net. It’s ok.
    And for my personal blog: There is a reason why I choose safe topics and rein in my language. 🙂
