Introducing: The Daily Post Newsletter

Every day, we bring you tips and tools to make your blogs the best they can be and highlight the incredible posts you publish. This month, we’re introducing another way to accomplish both those goals: The Daily Post newsletter.

Photo courtesy Cheri Lucas Rowlands.

Photo courtesy Cheri Lucas Rowlands.

Sent once a month, The Daily Post newsletter will bring you more useful content and introduce you to other amazing bloggers to follow. We expect that it’ll change and grow over time, but for now, you can look forward to:

  • Newsletter-only posts — bonus advice from our guest posters, pro blogging tips, and more.
  • The month’s top posts — just in case you missed a day.
  • Blasts from the past — the best older posts you’ve never read.
  • Challenge highlights — great Writing and Photo Challenge posts from the month’s most popular challenges.
  • Coming soon — a look at the coming month’s highlights, so you can plan your blogging schedule.

Ready to subscribe? Click here!

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  1. Oh…I like that. I can just never keep up, and stopped trying a few months ago. This will atleast give me the opportunity to gaze at what’s been going on…if nothing else. I like that 😉


  2. I’m quite excited for this. I love reading tips and personal experiences shared by bloggers given that I’m a recent blogger and still have a lot to learn.

    Thanks for always keeping us fed and equipped, The Daily Post!



  3. Is it possible to subscribe to receive only “Newsletter-only bonus posts”? I’m asking because the rest do not interest me at all.


    1. All the content will be in a single monthly email, so subscribing to one portion isn’t an option. However, we’ll make the design and navigation clear and scannable, so you can skip directly to what interests you.


  4. Great ideas. I’d love to see a few recommended blogs every month too (not just posts). I know you have a recommended blogs section in the reader but I’ve looked at a lot of them already. It would be interesting to see some new ones perhaps with a short blurb on content/ context of the blogs etc. You guys are doing a great job!


    1. I don’t feel the same way at all. I’m a long time blogger so I’m not naive. This blog has high SEO value because it is a Staff blog and the blogs that Staff choose to link to benefit from that SEO. I don’t want or need Staff to select new blogs for me to read as I’m quite capable of locating them myself. Further, I think those who rely on Staff to do their new blogs to read selection for them learn absolutely nothing about how to do effective research. In other words I favor the teach them how to fish approach.


      1. I think it depends on how you use the recommendations. If they’re all you use (or what you primarily use), it’s a serious problem.

        I’m relatively new here, but I’ve noticed a few things that seem relevant:

        1- If a few blogs are being lavished with so much attention, it’s much harder for newer blogs to break through. There’s only so much attention to go around.

        2- There’s a clear political slant to the Freshly Pressed selections and I suspect that the bias may also appear in the recommended blogs. Another highly visible feature of WordPress in a noticeably liberal political direction increases the risk of alienating part of the blogging population here.

        3- I like to read humor blogs and mine runs in that direction. However, a vast majority of the recommended humor blogs aren’t funny to me at all. It seems that only a thin slice of the humor spectrum is represented there.

        So I’m with Timethief on the whole. Teach people to find the blogs that they will like best. The editors’ selections bore me.


    2. We’ll be highlighting great challenge entries, so hopefully those will lead you to some fun new reads. And, of course, we’ll continue to publish roundtables and roundups here. We hope you’re also using the Reader to find blogs that speak to you — we’ve written posts on how to use it, but there’s no substitute for simply clicking around. The serendipitous finds are always the best!

      We strive to make The Daily Post, Freshly Pressed, and all our other sites and features reflective of what the community is publishing. We encourage everyone to let us know about outstanding posts and/or blogs — you can always comment here, or send us a link via Twitter (@freshly_pressed or @postaday).


      1. In reply to the above commenters, I’ll say that I certainly see their point of view. And any editorial work is bound to have a slant. Despite this, as a very new blogger last year, I found the ropes looking at some of the recommended blogs and Freshly Pressed posts. I click around a lot and find posts myself but there are some stats that might be available to WordPress that isn’t available to me (such as, maybe blogs that have a high volume of visitors, high number of followers, a very high rate of increase of followers etc.) If there are some recommendations based on those facts as well as content my work would become easier to find the blogs and I’ll still retain my freedom to click around. There can even be sections like “New Bloggers” maybe so everyone gets a chance. But most important of all, the recommendations can keep coming and changing if it’s going to be a newsletter which was my original point–that the current recommended blogs section seems to have largely remained the same over the past one year I’ve see them.


      2. @michelle w.
        “The serendipitous finds are always the best!”

        I agree with you. I love searching as it’s so much like treasure hunting. It’s fun and it’s exciting.

        I think Staff do a fabulous job in both Staff blogs.

        I know the majority of all blogs created today will be either abandoned or deleted by a year from now. That is why new blogs don’t tend to draw much attention from me. Blogs that have remained active for more that 1 year are of greater interest to me than new ones are. Perhaps Staff recommendations ought to favor established blogs rather than new ones.


      3. @ Timethief (your most recent comment)

        Sounds like catch-22. While your desired focus on established blogs is understandable, newer blogs need oxygen to grow and make it through to that one year point. I suspect a major reason for so much attrition is lack of an audience. (And it doesn’t take many of us too long to figure out how empty so many likes and follows are.)

        If no one feeds the calves, there will be no hamburgers to enjoy.


      4. Want to chime in on this discussion to add the business goals of WP do not necessarily jibe with the goals of WP bloggers. Sometimes they do (it’s in the interest of us all to have quality blogs out there) but WP is selling products and services as well. They’re not running a charity or a meritocracy, and the various tools they provide (including this newsletter, which I feel is an awesome idea and look forward to it) are probably more designed to support the business than as vehicles to tell us all how awesome we are (though we are awesome. High fives for everybody).

        That being said, I do share bottledworder’s frustration with finding good blogs. There’s a lot of dreck out there, but you can’t expect WP staff to wade through the dreck for us because they’re running a business, not giving out pats on the back. The best way to find good blogs is to find ONE good blog you like, and then see who they recommend, and then see who they recommend, and so on and so on.


  5. Love the idea in fact when I created my ordpress blog I wondered why there was no newsletter from the Daily Post. Just subscribed.
    All the best!
