If you had to change your first name, what would you change it to?

Topic #310:

If you had to change your first name, what would you change it to?

Do you feel like your name matches your personality? If not, what first name would better match who you are?

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  1. I would change it to Cushla. My younger sister got the name. My grandmother wouldn’t hear of me being given an Irish (Catholic) name, so I copped Robyn instead of Cushla.


  2. I love my first name, Judith, but if I had to change it, my choice would be Caroline. Not sure why, though I bet that Neil Diamond song figures strongly into the decision!


  3. I’ve learned to love my name (Natividad) because not everyone has it. So know breaking into the writing world I will not be easily confused đŸ™‚ but if I had my choice, I would have probably gone for Ana, which happens to be my mother’s name….it’s so much shorter and convenient đŸ˜›


  4. I changed my name a long time ago as a teenager, or rather it was changed for me. My birth name is a pretty name my parents chose for me, inspired by a beautiful love song that they sang together in Welsh called ‘Eiluned Wyn’. As a young girl I was taken to a foreign land called England and there the natives struggled to pronounce a name in a strange language; calling me Lyn, Lynette, Lined but never Eiluned. During my adolescence I was typically gauche and accident prone and struggling to find my identity, ‘a proper Charlie’ name tag followed me about for some time and then magically almost seamlessly it seems I became Charlie to everyone but my Mum. Somehow I have become the name and this blog has made me question wether I might have been a different person if I had remained Eiluned. So what would i call myself if I had to change? I think it would be Eiluned, back to my roots but hopefully not to the accident prone teenager who prompted all this.


    1. Lovely story about your name. When names fit, all is well. When they don’t it’s hard to identify. For 25 years I had a last name that didn’t fit. It was plain and I wore it but I chaffed. Finally, I let it go and took back the lovely, long Italian name my dad gave me and I feel comfortable again.


  5. I’d change it to Whassup. I just think it would be awesome to have someone greet me by shouting, “Whassup!” My nickname would be Sup.


  6. I actually love my name: Elizabeth Ann. I think it suits my personality and can be shortened to Liz in a pinch! I also like my birthday a lot. It is May 1st, a medieval feast day when people danced around the maypole on May morning in England.


  7. I love my name but if I had to change it, my choice would by Corine. No reason at all. It is the first thing in mind when I read the question. đŸ™‚


  8. I’d be Giovan (I’ve grown up as Giovanna, to my Italian-born parents). I also love the names Alaina, Carrie, Aislinn and Grace. Rosella is pretty too.


  9. Dexter sounds good and kinda signifies my inner desire( to kill some people and the list is long)or may be Garfield,cos I am a firm believer that laziness rocks, so does nonsense …
    Wow haven’t given it much thought but now I will.


  10. I love the name Amber…or Jane, maybe Doe as a middle name. People would never believe your name. “Hi I’m Jane Doe.” Sparkly Diamond would be neat.Can you imagine if you got to change your name when you were say 13, then you grow up and wonder what you were thinking. At least I wasn’t stuck with facebook or apple as a name.


  11. I toyed with changing it to Mark for a while (my middle name) because Billy isn’t the best name for a small child. Kids can be so cruel. But I am now happy with my name, I feel like a Bill, unless I’m being told off of addressed by the tax man, then it’s William. I’ve written about my name here http://wp.me/p1hsEl-pA & here http://wp.me/p1hsEl-iN. Enjoy!


  12. I’ve always loved Elizabeth. I could choose a different nickname every day of the week – Beth, Betsy, Liz, Liza, Eliza, ZaBe, Betty. An huge array to choose from … when the mood changes, change the name too!


  13. I like the monker my parents gave me. It is unique to my families, allowing me to break with the dysfunctional traditions passed down through the generations. On the other hand…since doing family genealogy it might have been nice to have a family name, a connectedness.
    Thus, there are advantages to both a unique and a family name—a chance to make a new start or a family connectedness.
    If I had to choose that way, I would choose Isabelle Victoria, taken from my maternal and paternal grandmothers.
    However, when I needed to use a pen name, I chose Rebecca Victoria. I like the rhythmic sound of that name.
    On October 26 I created a post that told a story using the letters of my name, my entire name: A Story Using The Letters in My Name. Quite a fun exercise.


  14. Years ago I changed my first name for professional reasons. Its a name people remember and for the most part I stick with it and I’m comfortable. Once in a while, during a wave of nostalgia, I try out my legal name which is RoseMarie.


  15. I don’t think I’d ever like to change my name as my name is my true identity but if I really had to I think it would be Debbie…Just really like this name
