Don’t stop blogging: a story of inspiration

Allen Jambalaya wrote on his blog recently about how DailyPost has helped him blog consistently, despite a whole bunch of things going on in his life.

When I started using WordPress, I blogged about my initial goal of creating a blog post every month. I was inspired by a new campaign of WordPress, which is the Post A Week Challenge. With the program, I renewed my passion in writing through the innovative efforts of WordPress.

With The Daily Post giving Tactics/TipsInspiration, and daily suggestions, I was able to pick up some tips such as free-writing, being silent, and keeping a notebook in hand (which I never failed to do). Whenever I missed a week (which I usually do), I never regret doing so after reading this.

Thanks for the mention Allen!

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  1. I agree! Sometimes it’s challenging to keep consistent with blogging, but when I do I feel more connected to others and what’s going on in the world.


  2. Hey Allen! It’s absolutly great to hear you’ve come back to writing regularly thanks to postaweek and wordpress! I’ve also found great motivation with the challenge. All in all, I’m totally fascinated with the blogging experience. I want to thank as well the dailypost and wordpress for the constant support and cheering up. 🙂


  3. Thank you for sharing your thoughts Allen. I’m in a bit of a negative blogging space at the moment – inspiration is slow in coming and when it does come, my self-critic tells me that my thoughts are too indulgent. So I post a photograph instead.


  4. Thanks for sharing. Makes me realize that there are people like me who also taking blogging one step , one day at a time. It is hard to be consistent every week since I joined post a week particularly on a busy week. I’m trying to come up for this weeks due having only a day off to recupirate. But one thing that motivates me is that I just love to Blog. It’s that inner calling in my heart that simply want to write, to express. It gives me an unwavering belief that by the end of this week, a new post will be born. I could sense that you are passionate about blogging, and that inspiration would make you create the most beautiful posts . Congrats.
