When you get mad, what calms you down?

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  1. Singing! You can’t convince me that I’m not in a studio performing. Music calms me quickly.

    When I was younger? I hid somewhere, twirled my hair and sucked my thumb. Two tours of braces later, realize I should have just twirled. đŸ™‚

    Lol @ Speedball! If only I weren’t in the market for a job, I’d be rolling right along with you!


  2. When I get mad, first I need to withdraw from the situation. Drinking some water helps. But what helps most is to leave for a walk, or even better, get in the car and go somewhere–either run an errand, or just drive to a coffee shop and sit quietly and read or write or ponder. It helps most to physically move to a different space and move forward toward another purpose. Driving somewhere really helps the most, that is, provided I am calm enough to do that safely. Movement and change shift the energy and the “mad” energy dissolves.


  3. Music has always calmed me down. LIstening to music is a way of expressing your feelings without judgment, or finding a way to catch a certain feeling even if you’re not in that particular mood.


  4. Ouvir hinos, ou qualquer música pela qual nós sentimos bem, estar mais
    presente junto a natureza, um banho de mar, frequentar parques naturais,
    locais onde predominan o silêncio, meditação e ginastica, são meios de
    aliviar os momentos loucos dos trabalhos e estudos do dia, a dia. com isso
    Vivemos mais e melhor.


  5. My 11 year old, Hallie, is pretty good at calming me down. Yeah, she’s a tween/pre-teen and gives me a little lip from time-to-time, as most kids do, but the kid is friggin hilarious and she makes me belly laugh daily. She’s good at calming my nerves with her wacky ways.

    And when she’s not around? Chocolate. Gobs and gobs of chocolate.


  6. I usually try to remove myself from the situation, like going out for a walk. Sometimes I have tried going for a drive, but a couple of times this ended badly because I was so mad I ran into something with my car! If I have a chance to vent with a friend, I do. Lots of times I will hold it in until I’m driving home and then I will pretend to tell off the person I’m mad at! It works. Listening to music or something interesting on the radio in my car or at home is also a good way to deal with my anger.


  7. After a big blowout, I’m best relieved by going for a long walk with earphones in listening to music or a swim – it usually soothes me. If that doesn’t work, lord help anyone in my path!!! Our dog who left us last November was also very good at soothing angst – particularly with my kids ….


  8. Usually I tend to give a dirty look at the person who has made me mad & say very funny,! And burst into laughter, which shocks the opposite person.


  9. É para mim é muito difícil me acalmar, eu sou anciosa e nervosa. Procuro respirar fundo várias vezes e expulsar os pensamentos maus. Mas não é facil!
    Gostaria de encontrar uma forma mágica para tudo! Perfeição não existe não?
    Abraços a todos!


  10. Let’s see, depending on the circumstances and the reason for the provocation, I could range from giving it back to the person (if there is a point to be made), walking away (if it is futile, a waste of time or dangerous), going to a higher authority, making it official, calling the police, never use the product/service again. My getting angry usually is under circumstances of unfair treatment, tyrants, unaware and unthinking actions that affects others. Cooling down, usually by it sizzling out, my sleeping on it. My getting older actions are more patience to go through official channels, getting to know what it’s all about, being able to decide on the outcome that I want and take the steps towards it.


  11. People who potter around a very busy supermarket, in a world of their own, getting in everyone’s way, and those people who stop suddenly in a busy place and you bump into them! Grrr! What calms me down is a nicely chilled bottle of water and blog therapy!


  12. A deep breath and a prayer before the feelings get too intense. Then I try to analyze the situation: Do I have any control over the situation? Is it something I just need to let go? (The Lord really does work forgiveness in our hearts if we let Him!) Then focus on something positive! đŸ™‚


  13. Got mad, no not mad, irritated this morning. Was doing my weekly service work at the Children’s Center helping clean the yard, parking lot, etc., about 12 people showed up, and five of us did the cleaning while the rest sat around chit-chatting.
    Such is life, I kept cleaning, kept it to myself, and left when we were done.
    Came home and to rid myself of these negative feelings I went in to my garden and pulled weeds, then watered, for two hours.
    Some things just have to take there course in your mind, so when they are negative I do something constructive. Makes me feel good, and those negative feelings dissipate.
