Make a prediction about next week

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  1. I predict next week will follow this one. There will be sunshine as well as rain, sadness and joy, fear and enlightenment, bad news and good. The world will keep ticking along with babies being born whilst others pass on. New alliances will be forged and friendships renewed as if to counter balance the hatred and deception we all face at times.

    Whatever the outcome we should take time to smile and be thankful for what we have.


  2. Hmm Tricky thing it is as i cant very well foresee the next minute of mine, but given a choice i will surely wish and predict that next week will have improved and safe Earth to live in with lots of warmth and love spread, where everyone is friends with everybody, where every smile is considered and where there is no room for hate. Where you don’t have to sound intelligent to be loved, where looks are of no matter at all but your soul beauty is, where every dream of yours is nurtured and nourished, where you don’t fear death but death is petrified of you.


  3. Someone will purchase something from my online auctions. I know for a fact it will come to pass, since I already have bidders! đŸ˜‰


  4. I predict that I cannot predict anything because Living moment by moment is all I can handle right now working 55 hours a week. What I know for sure is that I have to change my work schedule and I pray to change it quickly. AMEN to that. If my health is affected no amount of money will keep me in a job I hate.


  5. Pergunta estranha, previsão do que? Se for para mim, trabalharei a semana inteira de manhã até a noite. Para o mundo? não tenho a minima idéia!
    Não sou vidente não!
    Abraços a todos!


  6. Os acontecimentos em nossas vidas são imprevistos , acontecem quando nós
    não esperamos, É bom que aconteça pelas graças de Deus só acontecimentos
    bons em nossas vidas, e previsão para um futuro melhor para cada um de nós.


  7. I predict that fuel prices will rise in the UK, this will probably be fuel for cars but I cannot discount fuel for the home in that prediction. I think it is a fairly safe prediction to make as petrol prices seem to increase on a weekly basis. It makes me wonder how far these companies (and of course the government who levy such a massive tax levy on fuel) can continue to raise the price of this commodity before there is an enmasse migration away from using cars, or at a very minimum a massive reduction in journeys…

    I also predict that when this fossil fuel is in decline then all of a sudden there will be breakthroughs in other fuel methods for cars such as electric powered. Not that I am a cynic thinking that these top companies are getting that technology to themselves before fleecing us for every drop of money.


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  9. Week of May 9-15
    This is a very sweet week, promising optimism, playfulness, congeniality, and enthusiasm, a welcome change to the fast paced fiery intensity of the past few weeks. The week begins with Mercury conjunct Venus on the 9th, and Moon in playful, creative Leo. Mercury and Venus will be traveling together all week through to the 16th, fostering harmony and ease of communication. It can be a good time for socializing, networking, buying, selling, planning, or talking about money. Mars moves from Aries to Taurus on the 11th. This day also ends the shadow period of Mercury retrograde, clearing the way for better communication and forward motion without obstacles and missteps. The Moon is in Virgo Wednesday and Thursday, boosting our ability to tackle our “to do” lists with efficiency and effectiveness. You’ll be able to accomplish a lot and to do the tasks with ease and pleasure these two days. Wednesday the 11th is a good day for a leap forward or for making an announcement or a commitment. Venus and Mercury are conjunct Jupiter, an alignment that fosters stimulating conversations that could ignite big ideas. Joy and enthusiasm abound; use them to stir up fun as well as to make good things happen. The abundant sweet, positive energy will make it easy to be happy and extend your good cheer to those around you. It’s a good week for parties and social gatherings. On Thursday the 12th Mars sextiles Neptune (which has just moved into Pisces)—amplifying our vision and softening our focus. The Moon is in harmonious Libra Friday and Saturday, excellent days to grace your home with fresh flowers, dine out at a fine restaurant, take in an art exhibition, or take a garden tour. Spend time with people you love and be sure to smell the roses. Venus and Mercury move into Taurus (joining Mars and Sun) on Sunday the 15th. Venus rules the sign of Taurus and is strong and happy there. Time to slow down and enjoy the beauty around you, sensory delights, fine food, and things that bring you pleasure.


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