Pick something you don’t like, and choose to accept it

Topic #117:

Pick something you don’t like, and choose to accept it. Think of something in the world, or about your neighbor or partner, that you don’t particularly like. Now choose to accept it. You don’t have to like it of course, but can you accept it and find something else to focus your energy on?

Bonus: Can we choose what we accept and what we don’t? What determines why? How do we know if accepting a truth about the universe (e.g. that we will die) is healthy for us, or condoning something we could possibly change if we refused to accept?

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  1. “Think about an ending that has always bothered you or you thought could have been better. Now is your chance to fix it. ”

    Someone used Writing Helper…


  2. I would like to accept the end of war vs. terrorism now that Osama bin Laden was killed. Needed: the acceptance of Arab culture, religion, enthusiasm; not accept as much, that I would make this behavior to my own style. But let them do what they want to do. No more trying to educate or control strange cultures. Like in Afghanistan. Pakistan. Libya. Serbia. Kosovo. Would have the result of voting for troop withdrawal. Beginning of my considerings: http://flickrcomments.wordpress.com/2011/05/02/bin-laden-killed/


  3. Hurry Honey!

    I’ve never seen my husband hurry in 11 years of marriage. He takes his
    time regardless of the circumstance. It drives me crazy, but it’s time for
    me to accept it to save my sanity. Some days it’s a good thing!


  4. I dont like what I see in our country world of today but in some ways I must except it also I believe in discrimination of religion/race It seems we need be more prone to doubt then we’d be more coutious & wise in what we see in our eyes hear in our ears be more aware of those who lie. When you find peace within yourself, you become the kind of person who YOU knew was there deep inside of yourself. S0 I believ A champion always have courage to stand firm on their ground+pages will turn for abetter chapter will start so I’m who I am b/c I believe in me & must except things even if I disagree


    1. corrrection I dont believe in disrimination of religion race my typo so when you read this read down to my reply to me also


  5. I seem to have a very narrow perspective, but I believe in possible changes, and the thing I have accepted and lived with that I don’t approve of it is unprofessional co-workers. What I now realize is that people who have found their comfort zones don’t really find the need to get out of it.

    But what irks me more as I now know is that its very easy to resign to fate and say people can’t change so I’d rather join them as I can’t change them, but it something to fight for, although I don’t really bother myself with what others do anymore!


  6. O que mais gosto, é estar ligada com vocês escrevendo repartindo os meus sentimentos, para mim é tudo de bom e o melhor ter os nossos professores.Sempre com idéias novas, aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaadoro o meu blog.
    Na idade em que estou nada poderia ter sido melhor na minha vida!
    Abraços a todos!


  7. At times I often baffled why people complain about their position. But this is obvious. I was once in an organisation where every body were asked to sow a native dress which I don’t like but I have to accept it because it is a must.


  8. I feel that one should face life expecting the worst possible outcomes in the secret hope that reality is not always dissapointing.In walking in to an interview I feel one should walk in expecting the post to be well and truly filled,in all bank transactions one should expect that all the money’s gone already so that the meager deposit does not dissapoint , in meeting someone you should expect to face criticism so there is hope for greater familiarity and fortunately once the hiccups are well and truly over, you can be the real you that only you know you are.In acceptance lies one’s real strength not in contrivance and guile.


  9. I can’t stand my boss, but I choose to stay at my job – so I guess I have to accept her, grudgingly. It seems to be too much to ask to actually have some bosses appreciate what you do rather than abuse you. Basically, I get punished for doing my job well by being grossly overworked.


  10. Eu sunt o fiinta foarte trista cand ma uit la lumea in care traim,la partea ei de culoare neagra.Mai sper pentru copiii mei ca vor gasi drumul bun pe care sa mearga in viata asta trecatoare.


  11. It is difficult to accept a dear, close,loved family member chooses not to have any contact with most of the family. I have dealt with it by choosing not to lament over their choice and think lovingly of them. Is this easy? NO…but it is better than a way I would have thought about it in the past. Let go…and if they choose not to return, just wish for them to find peace. I have learned that my life can’t be put on hold. I have so many days, months, years given to me and I want to enjoy them and give what I can to others who can accept.


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