What will change now that Osama is gone?

Topic #114:

According to reports yesterday, Osama bin Laden was killed. What will change, for you, for the U.S., for the world, now that Osama is gone? Or it will it not have much of an effect at all?

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  1. Absolutely nothing will change. The so-called “war on terror” has long since ceased to have anything to do with bin Laden. Until the US manages to overcome its dependency upon foreign oil, we will continue to wage war in the middle east. If not bin Laden, we’ll just find another dictator to “overthrow.”


  2. There will be a lot of mystery surrounding his death. His burial at sea will cause many to believe there is deception surrounding the event, and as always…conspiracy theories. There will always be someone to replace the head of the Haters in any religion.


  3. Religion? Resources and power. People always say it’s about religion and the will of God. It never really is, though. If any good comes from a war, it’s only through the tendency of the Divine to make lemonade from lemons. War is driven by human selfishness and fueled by its cruelty. One dead man won’t change that. Think of the millions and millions of people that have died in wars since the beginning of time. If all those bodies stacked together haven’t changed us, what are the odds that one more will do the trick?


  4. Kat Richter, read her comment above, said: “Absolutely nothing will change.” Maybe. Some say, bin Laden was only one Al-Qaeda head – but terrorism is a hydra with hundreds of heads. So we will have a never ending war?


  5. I agree with Bill’s comment that nothing will change. However, he fails to understand that “Muslim” isn’t the problem. And that’s why nothing will change.

    Kat’s right, the bogey man that is “terrorism” will simply get a new face and we can continue living in fear and hate of people we don’t understand.


  6. I will most certainly write something on this tonight. I need time to process everything, though. I joined the military due to 9/11 so it’d be silly if I didn’t acknowledge this.


  7. Nothing, so I’m going to focus on what’s actually important today here in Canada.
    Our freaking federal election. GO AND VOTE!

    I would write about how I feel on Osama but feel like enough people are giving him attention already.


  8. Bill Greco, I am not a muslem but I think this isnt an issue that has to do with muslems, but one man who decided to leave the comfort of his fathers house having been brainwashed with theories of his likes. He as many others are only using “relegion” to cover up the blood thirsty souls they’ve got. Having said that, I want say something that’s very important here. The war on terrorism was lost when we decided to fight the men behind it insted of the “idea”. That gave it more popularity than it would have ever had. The death of Osama is one thing, the idea of terrorism is another – it has hatched to many of his kind. So I think the good news is: one of them is dead, but will that kill the idea? NO! The bad news is: we will no longer have a world without such men. The way out for us as individuals is to be able to overcome the FEAR of terro by returning to the God of our fathers.


  9. Sertainly something has to change. But what is it? Change of leadership! Its a fact that Osamas death is big blow on them, but that will only fuel their desire to have vengence. But I am optimistic that terrorism can loose its grip on our hearts if we can kill that bad idea with a good one.


  10. Bin Laden was the leader of Al-Queda= 1 down but millions of haters to go…
    Gang/Mafia leaders will forever exist
    KKKlan leaders will forever exist
    Republican leaders will forever exist & etc.
    Hate is Powerful-it will continue to control the world.


    1. Darling, you forgot the Union Leaders and Black Panthers in your list. They’ve certainly produced their share of hatred and vitriol lately. Oh and the Democrats too. Let’s be fair now! Hate is powerful. And as long as governments insists upon stealing from those who produce to give to those who refuse to, and people demand that they be paid pensions they didn’t earn on the backs of the working class, and as long as fanatics insist upon blowing up their own women and children in the name of Alla, things aren’t going to change much. Good point, just slightly slanted in one direction.


  11. Eu tenho forte sentimentos de um vingança por parte do terrorismo
    perante meus irmãos, Osama se foi pra sempre, deixando para traz seres
    desumano, homens Bombas ! mas suas imagens terão o mesmo fim. se
    não nesta vida, mas na outra vida espiritual .

    Eu peço a Deus, que interceda no Afeganistão e ao redor do mundo em
    que vivemos e que a paz predomine nos corações de nossos irmãos e
    a misericórdia prevaleça na alma e nos corações dos homens .


  12. The reports about the capture of Osama Bin Laden, and his subesquent “Burial at Sea”, are very disturbing to hear, since the governments claims to have done DNA and other definative testing that have determined that the person they captured, killed, and buried at sea, was, in fact, Osama Bin Laden.
    I may not be on the cutting edge of technology, but from what I’ve always heard, the results of these tests take more time than it was possible, given the very short amount of time between his capture, his death, and irretrievial disposal.
    Also, the statement that “No Country Would Take Him”, is proposterious.
    Of course, the fact that returning his body to his supporters would be a fiasco, serving only to enable a “Shrine” to be erected, and his devotees could further his “Matyrdom”, as such a place would certainly incite more violence, and further his agenda.
    That being said, he does have a family, and it would seem that there would be some way to “broker” his bodys’ timely release , in order to conform to his families religion’s 24 hour burial time, through our governments’ and his family’s agreement to bury him privately, in an unknown place.
    (After all, we were in posession of his body).
    The press had quoted the president’s alleged reasoning for his quick” burial at sea”, as though it was done a some sort of “kind act” in accordance with Muslim religion , rather than highly suspicious behavior, that makes even the most patriotic among us question that story.
    Our country already faces much criticism, for being seen as insensitive and dismissive of the Muslim religion, (among others), despite the fact that many Muslims viewed Osama Bin Laden with the same repultion and disgust as Americans do.
    Trying to show some respect for the many people in the Muslim religion, not for Bin Laden, could have possibly helped heal some of the old wounds, and hopefully, diminished some of the undeniable fallout that will occur from this action.
    Of course, the government has to be secretive in regard to many issues, but this isn’t one that can be kept under wraps.


  13. I agree nothing will change. But one has to realise why religion and terrorism go hand in hand. Religion is a belief that we have, based on what we are taught. So if it is taught in a way that it can keep its strong hold on us, that can become a one point focus to change people’s point of view and influences as well. If Osama was actually as strong a terrorist as he is made out to be, he will have his replacement all ready, and that too with the potent reason to avenge his death. If Governments are really concerned about their public’s well- being, they will need to be vigilant.


  14. Eu não acreditei ,e continuo não acreditando na morte de Osama, isso tudo é teatro. Pode ser que ele morreu já há tempos por ter sérios problemas renais. Mas não por os EUA. Mudanças para melhor eu não creio. Vingança dos seu seguidores sim! infelizmente o terrorismo continuará. Em nome da religião se cometem as maiores barbaridades.
    Quero lembrar que o corpo dele, Osama não foi mostrado por que?
    Abraços a todos!


  15. I agree nothing will change. Bin Laden was manifestation of the strategy adopted to fight the abuse of human rights by former USSR in Afganisthan. Perhaps imposing of sanctions on USSR for violations of human rights on the patters adopted for Libya and Iraq was not practical as USSR had Veto right. The Veto right enjoyed by some Leading Nations is blocking pro-active decisions by UN on the complaints of member Nations. If Governments are really concerned to reduce terrorism, they will need to make UN more effective. The exercise of Veto rights should be restriced to resolutions not supported by overwhelming majority ( say 75%), so that use of Veto is not abused.


  16. Osama has been free for years now. He is the known terrorist, knowing that way he must have recruited others with great devotion into his vices. Now that he is gone we should be more alert since some students learn fast.

    I just hope that we will be safe.


  17. Osama is gone, but will anything change, no. Earthlings, and I use this term for a reason, are concerned about the betterment of their station in life, primarily. Everything else is secondary. This is true for the better majority, yes there are some altruistic people who will give & fight for their causes. This is not the majority, the majority work, then go play. They do for themselves.
    This may be a pessimistic view of the motives of man, but…
    I, for one, work hard, cultivate my garden, go to meetings, ride my bike, but time for altruism, it is lacking.
    My business is one that I do for my betterment, but for me to successful, I have to help other people become successful. I say have to, heck, I want to.
    By helping people better themselves, that is the only way to truly better the world we live in.
    Be Well!


  18. What will change? ObL’s death is for the most part symbolic victory for Westerners. For some others it means, sadly, the fight continues.


  19. A bunch of guys come up with a plan, they approach their figure head and put it to him, he gives it the nod of approval and the world changes. It doesn’t matter who that person was, he or she would have become the world’s most wanted person. Therefore it’s irrelevant that OBL is dead because sooner or later another figure head will give their blessing for another group of extremists to create chaos.

    Nothing will change. Even if the world kills every last person they believe to be a terrorist they will only encourage others to avenge their deaths. It’s a vicious circle, one with no real prospect for resolution in the foreseeable future, regardless of good intentions or plans to change things.
