Post each day or post each week? Why not alternate?

The Post a Day/Post a Week challenge is all about helping you to achieve your own unique blogging goals. We encourage you to do what works best for you, whether that means posting daily, weekly, or a few times each week.

But have you ever considered alternating between different posting frequencies throughout the year?

Chelsie from Three Ring Mom started the year off by blogging a couple times a week, but she decided to post daily in April, naming it her “Month of Blogging Dangerously:”

During the month of April, I’ve decided to tackle my own version of National Blog Publishing Month. Traditionally, sadists in the writing world do NaBloPuMo in November in conjunction with National Novel Writing Month, but I don’t hate myself that much. November is an evil month full of deadlines and tests and turkey murder, and I can only dedicate about a quarter of brain capacity to writing during that time. So April it is.

This commitment means that I plan to write every day no matter how tired, uninspired, and unfunny I feel. I know I can do it–mostly because I’ve successfully completed NaNoWriMo and that has some batshit crazy rules. Like 1667 words per day for 30 days, or whatever it takes to get to 50,000 words by midnight on November 30.

Do you think you might try something like this? What kind of blogging goals do you want to accomplish this year?

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  1. I want to be more creative and share that, to meet new friends from around the world who share my interests. I already have a blog on Live journal (since 2004) but it’s more personal, about family, love, stuff that makes me happy or sad… Blog here on wordpress can/should/will be about stuff I’m interested in. Hopefully people like it 🙂


  2. My goal when I started was to improve my writing and to write more. I couldn’t quite commit to a daily, so went with the postaweek deal and find myself posting more often than just once a week and loving it.
    But 1667 words daily????????????? That boggles my mind!


  3. Thanks for linking to me! National Novel Writing Month is definitely hard, but it’s totally worth it. 1667 words per day sounds like a lot–but it goes really fast once you hit your stride.


  4. I started off thinking weekly would be good, but on Jan. 1 I made a last minute decision to go daily. I mean, it’s supposed to be a challenge. I know me and if I give myself an inch, I’m going to take a yard. As soon as I switch to weekly, two weeks later I’ll be writing bimonthly.

    I also have a crazy plan to post my NaNoWrimo entry this year as a way of holdin myself accountable.


  5. I love the post a week…I’m in the process of moving right now & over the next month…maybe once I get settled in , will try the daily one once in a while!


  6. I did well doing daily posts and daily pics for 365 project. Then, the busiest month of the year hit at work and whooshed me away. I’m posting weekly now (and usually more). It’s still a challenge and fun. June will be two years of blogging for me and that boggles my mind (bloggles? Lol).

    Way to go Chelsie! Love your attitude on reaching goals – very inspiring. 🙂


  7. I love Nancy “to have a life outside of blogging” lol! I love to write and blog. I will do my best to post when I can. I love to meet all the new bloggers joining in here too.


  8. Eu como visitante me acostumei com todos , como na minha Alma e
    no próprio espírito eu tenho muito a Agradecer no mais profundo
    agradecimento do meu ser : Uma nação não só de escritores , todas as classes
    Literalmente , Literária .


    Atenciosamente .


  9. Posting everyday has been good for my discipline and my writing. But after the year is up, while I want to keep posting, I think I will go to a posting on week days only, and take the weekends off.


  10. I generally take post-a-week as a guideline I gotta follow.
    Even though I don’t have to do anything like this, I’m actually trying to blog (or share) on a semi-regular basis. It’ll bring my confidence up if I can keep this up. 8D


  11. I’m really starting to see how addicting posting challenges can be. I joined a 365 photo challenge late, started out feeling really casual about it and am now obsessed with it and determined to catch up with everyone else! I’ve not done anywhere near as much writing as I’d planned and want to improve on that – probably through weekly writing; the daily prompts are great but I feel rushed and want to give myself more time to construct something half-decent


  12. yeah. i like that. i could switch now and then – at times. it’s rare that i post only once a week.

    too fast into January and i knew once a day was going to make what i do in my art more stress oriented than better. so i post once a week or more – and have that tag – postaweekormore2011 along with the postaweek2011 tag.

    of course anyone posting more than once a week but less than once a day is welcome to share that tag: postaweekormore2011


  13. Now the technology has developed rapidly, the ancients did not expect, and we can do that. The future development of our society will be more in the world in better shape. One hundred years later, my vision of the world is that website


  14. Eu adoro o que chamo de nosso blog interno, no começo fiquei tão perdida, como um cachorrinho num deserto, mas fui indo em frente, consegui entender o quanto é estimulante esse blog, só tenho a agradecer, conhecer novas pessoas é tudo de bom. E sentir que o meu blog cresce a cada dia, isso me anima todos os dias.
    BELLA esse recado é para você, não desista, mesmo encontrando dificuldades, vá em frente você consegue! se precisar de ajuda conte comigo ok? Me procure. os meus agradecimentos a todos!
    Abraços Mina!


  15. No. Never considered being variable. I like consistency, and hope to attract those who also like it. However, recent tornados in our area have made Internet intermittent. For instance, I just now attempted to post a reply similar to this one, but was disconnected. Sighs.
    My most recent post was entitled “Huge OOPS!” Until I get reliable service back, I will be waiting, waiting, waiting. Will not post the weekly photo challenge this week, either. So sorry, but I WILL BE BACK! 🙂


  16. Eu pretendo dar Boas Vindas aos novos Blogueiros , mas fiquem certos ,
    Não esquecerei dos Velhos , meu Amor é por todos .

    Meu coração é o mesmo, e minha fisionomia é Humana .

    Todos sejam bem vindos .
    aqui no WP. tem lugar para muitos intelectuais .
    Boa Sorte.


  17. Although I joined a bit late, I have been greatly enjoying the challenge of Post A Day. We had an unexpected move that brought with it internet challenges for a while, but I’m back at it. I’m gradually getting a flow with the whole thing, and it is a lot of fun to try to share something that will benefit others without being too terribly obsessed about absolute perfection–there’s always tomorrow! 🙂 I like to use the challenge ideas from time to time, but not necessarily right when they are suggested.
