Describe the biggest risk you’ve ever taken

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  1. Something which I most likely to regret one of these days, is continuing to pursue a career working for somebody else with uncertain prospect of ever being recognized as being talented enough for higher position.

    The big risk I am taking is probably continuing to focus on regular work income while disregarding the need to spend more time with my aging parent, my fast growing kids and all the possibilities the world have to offer beyond the small cube of corporate working.

    The biggest risk that I am ever taking, continue to do what I am doing and ending the life that I have with feeling of mediocrity of not achieving what I could have.


    1. Why can’t you take a risk and do something that will really improve your life ? You seem to be unhappy with the life you’re living. Remember, you ONLY LIVE ONCE! It’s better to take a chance than have lots of regrets in your old age.


  2. I think the biggest risk was choosing to go straight into a 6 year program from high school that I basically couldn’t back out of, knowing literally nothing about the occupation. I’d still say its a bit of a risk, but I’m probably seeing it through to the end.


  3. Yes. The most risky part in life is to get together as partners in business.Experiences gave some unexpected results as doing in teamwork concept. However,big or small business,the feeling of making annoyances to others are some of the viruses.Dispersing negativism are not a healthy method. For those involved in MLM or other types of business,on line or off-line,beware of your partners.


  4. Oh – my whole blog is about the biggest risk I ever took, and as for what happened – well, we are getting close to the end now, but still climbing the mountain!


  5. Our biggest risk, was selling our house in UK and moving to Spain.There was no where left to run back to if we did not like what we found.No safety net!
    Fortunately we settled well and enjoyed our life..but then took a second risk by moving to Bulgaria where we are now.
    Life is full of risks and that is what makes it so exciting!


  6. You guys really need to stop peeking into my drafts for idea đŸ™‚ I wrote a similiar post on challenges over and week ago, scheduled it for today, then saw your topic. What do I have to do to keep ahead of you guys? You’re not making this easy.


  7. O maior risco já tomado? Já foram muitos, fui assaltada duas vezes, quando era jovem estava na cidade de Santos, com as minhas filhas pequenas, peguei uma inundação, terrivel e por pouco teria sido morta por um bandido que se ofereceu em ajudar eu percebi pude escapar.
    Só que fiquei com trauma de chuva, procuro não dirigir quando chove muito forte.
    Não consigo ver chuva forte fico nervosa.
    Abraços a todos Mina!


  8. Hmmm the biggest risk I’ve ever taken was moving from Chicago to Florida, leaving behind all my friends to live someplace where I barely knew anyone, but some family. It’s been going ok so far, but it’s no where near what I expected life to be like after graduation from college.

    Biggest risk not taken – packing up my stuff and moving to Europe for a couple years. Although this could still happen.


  9. meu maior risco foi andar em deserto só de areia, nas margens do rio são francisco bahia, foi muito desafiador em termos de riscos, muitos animais ferozes como: onça pintada, crocodilos, cobras, fiquei perdido, durante 3 dias, durante o dia enfrentava o ardor do sol , por volta dos 38 graus, e durante a noite a fúria fomenta dos animais selvagens, me refugiava em cima dos coqueiros , e arvores nativas do deserto, mesmo nas alturas via abelhas e outros insetos ao meu redor. pois as mesmas procuravam o doce da flores , para suas coméias , finalizei estes 3 dias bem abatido e sustado …


  10. Finally, an easy one for me!
    My biggest risk was deciding (after a lot of sleepless nights) was to not have either chemotherapy or radiation therapy. Since I have already have had both from previous bouts of cancer, having either would put me at high risk for major side effects which I already have. Just writing a post for a blog is hard enough, but it allows me to try to keep the juices flowing. I wish I could post-a-day and I signed up for that but the “logic flow” as I call it keeps me from doing so.

    As @neverending1 said, “you only live once”. I agree with that statement, but it’s how you live your life. Waking up up each day and knowing I will make the very best of this day it what it important.

    So now, was my risk one that I can live with…for that I surely hope the answer of that will be yes.


    1. Hi, Jim: Thanks for mentioning me. What I was trying to say is what you said: It’s how you live your life. If life isn’t so great, do something about it. Sorry about your cancer. It’s terrible the choice you have to make. I hope the best for you.
