Topic: Describe a recent Aha! moment

Topic #9  (just 356 to go).

These topics are optional – if you don’t like ’em, don’t use ’em. Feel free to post something else, or explain why you don’t like this topic as your topic. It’s all good.

Here’s today’s topic idea – brought to you by Plinky:

Describe a recent Aha! moment. What sparked it?

If this suggestion doesn’t fit your blog’s general topic (e.g. Your blog is about your amazing continual boredom in every living moment of your life) that’s ok. Simply apply the question by adding or changing some words. If you’re a photo-blogger, try taking capturing of photo of someone where they look like they’re having an aha moment.

Reminder: Do not answer this in the comments. That would be very silly. You should grab this topic and write a post about it on your blog.

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    1. Almost the same way everyone else does: you blog baby!

      Tag your posts the same way – At the moment you won’t appear in the queries listed at right, since they only hit tags.But we may find a way to keep an eye on self hosted blogs as well.


      1. It would be cool if you could track those of us using WordPress software but self hosting. I just migrated to self hosting my main blog last month, and I’ve been doing some of these and saving them as drafts for when I don’t have something else to post. I’ve been following along from the beginning. I like the concept of the blog. And the little encouraging posts as well.


      2. IF self-hosted blogs link back to the topic post, they’ll send a ping back, allowing others to see their post. Of course, only works best if you’re writing about the topic, but it could work. I add a couple of links to other peoples blogs on my posts, and my first port of call is the pingbacks for each topic.


  1. Thanks.. The incentive & help to post in itself is sufficient. But it is good to know that users might have the same advantages as sometime in the future.


  2. That’s kinda funny that you have to write and advise people not to answer in the comments. I’d think that’d be obvious in a blogging challenge but…


    1. So far, if you look at the comments, a few people have done this on every post. Not sure why. I don’t really care why, and honestly I don’t mind, as it’s always nice to get a comment, but I don’t want people thinking they’re participating in the same way everyone else is when they do it.


      1. Hi Scott,
        Perhaps they are writing about something else on their blog? I love to pop in here and see what comments people leave here…and then look at their blogs.
        That’s my aha moment! 🙂


  3. My AHa…. moment was when my neighbor continues to go above and beyond
    his simple friendship with me and helps wherever he can.
    I am widowed and sometimes you just need that extra strong hand for something. I call him and he pops right over and does what he can to help and just takes a thank you for all his efforts!
    So like the State farm commercial says Like a Good Neighbor there is Tom!


    1. “Reminder: Do not answer this in the comments. That would be very silly. You should grab this topic and write a post about it on your blog.”


    1. also… try taking capturing of photo.
      Interesting, you can read the thought process of the choice between “taking” and “capturing”, and then the rapid thinking of spelling how it sounds “of” is pronounced. I guess the tongue movement from velar /g/ and schwa into fricative /f/ for “photo” is hard to distinguish when wruiting quickly? I’m just a beginner linguist-wannabe, I’d like to hear a more expert analysis of what could have happened, since I haven’t read any theory 🙂


      1. Scott, I apologise, if you don’t get my odd comment, I didn’t mean any offense by it though, I just have an odd sense of humour. and you have also helped me out with a phonetics assignment due in on monday!


  4. I am having so much fun with your Qs.
    What you don’t know is I am handicapped in the written word not the spoken word, and I have chosen your Qs as my classroom to practice my writing. I am really happy thank you!
