CNN article on Post A Day / Daily post

CNN just posted a nice article about what you guys are up to. Congratulations!

Over the New Year holiday, WordPress issued a challenge to its blogger-users: Write and publish one post a day (or a week) throughout 2011.

For non-professional and personal bloggers, writing and posting every day can be a tall order, so the good folks at WordPress have launched The Daily Post, a guide with daily tidbits of “inspiration, encouragement and advice about blogging.”

If you are here from said article, welcome! You can join in by following these instructions.

Read the full article here. WooHoo!

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  1. Congratulations on the huge coverage! But, the pacified cynic in me wonders if this attention has anything to do with the total inability for me to post my blog? Am I the only one who is having a problem with the publish button not working right now?


    1. das: I clearly published just fine, otherwise you wouldn’t be reading this. Occasionally there are intermittent issues – just hit save and try it again later. Or use the schedule feature and set the post to publish in an hour or so.


      1. Check and Mate! (lol) I was kinda thinking that after I read yours and a few other recent posts. I’m shall try to implement your Time Traveling Tip now. Thanks Scott!


  2. I love to write and reflect and I welcome the potential results this challenge provides. In a year I hope I am still blogging everyday, and making a few bucks at it, too! Mahalo & Aloha!


  3. How did you guys at WordPress know that I was setting up a new WP blog called “Every day I see a cow”? I’m up to the challenge and I could use the motivation to make sure I document my daily cow sightings. So far, so good!



  4. Funny, I thought they were talking about the publish button metaphorically, like fear of posting what you had written, or that darned blank canvas writers block…. No worries I never shut up, so good luck with that.


  5. Fantastic! The Daily Post is a challenge but writing everyday is a great habit to form and WordPress has certainly helped me refine my skills. I’m really looking forward to a year’s worth of writing with this challenge! 🙂 Thanks again!


  6. Lovely! 🙂 Now I need to get back to organizing all these wacky ideas for posts in my head…posting daily is hard-ish work.


  7. Great idea to start this challenge for all of those who struggle to post consistently!
    I’m participating just like I’m sure a zillion other people…speaking of that, now that we are a few days in, are you guys planning to compile/post some statistics like NaNoWriMo did? Like how many blogs are participating? How many people are successful so far?


  8. How exciting! I’m enjoying the challenge – coupled with self-motivation, it’s working. Thank You


  9. Exciting coverage. I have shared on my Facebook page to try to entice more participants. I do not know about anyone else, but I have had a great time and it is just Day 5. Thank you again for getting me going again.


  10. Awesome!!!! I am posting once per day, I started doing a 365 Days Photo Challenge, like many photographers do, where they take 1 photo per day for 365 days, but I put a little spin on it and will only be taking the photos and editing them using my iphone PLUS I will be blogging about each and every photo daily on my blog! So Far so good, 4 days down.. 361 to go!!! Come by and visit for some inspiration!! 🙂 I would love some feedback/comments.
