If you were God, how would you have started it all?

Topic #223:

If you were God, how would you have started it all? Do you think you could do something more interesting than the big bang? Or would you leave everything just as it is?

Topic submitted by Joey Sforza of the Joey Sforza on life blog.

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  1. Let me just say that if I were God and things turned out so wrong I would start over . ya He tried that once with Noah and that stupid Moses iwho prayed for and ntervened for Israel when God wanted to wipe everyone off the face of the earth and create a new people . I kinda wish he had but then again I’m not God .


  2. Thank God I’m not God! I believe He gave us the tools/ templet from the beginning (God spoke things into existance) to help shape our own “Big Bangs” in our lives…. We can and should speak good things into our lives to help us bring our desires into reality.

    I like to start my day by speaking positive things to myself in the mirror – then I am able to speak positive things into others lives.

    It awes me to know how many wonderful things have happened to me and to those around me just by speaking one up-lifting word, which I learned from the One who started it all… God.


  3. I think the way God created all things as stated in the Bible is good enough for me. To try to put ourselves in the place of God is unatainable because we cannot think like God. We weren’t there when He created the stars, planets and us so how can we know what was in His thoughts when He did so. As for the “big bang” theory, yeah, that’s all it is, just a theory… 🙂


    1. But the God of the Bible is a fictional character, just like the Bible is a work of fiction. I think that all sane people and all insane people (except for the criminally insane) can’t think like God simply because they cannot match him in terms of his genocide, his infanticide, his evil.

      Furthermore, your statement “just a theory” is intellectually dishonest. In scientific terms, a “theory” is as close to reality as something can be. Obviously when they called it the Big Bang Theory, they weren’t surmising that it was just a hypothesis but rather, a group of interconnected Laws and concepts that seem to be true.


      1. The only part of evolution that can be tested and observed is micro evolution. Cosmic, stellar, planetary and so forth have never been witnessed. The “fairy tale of evolution” is religious just as Christianity and Islam are religious. Both require faith to believe in. However, it takes a lot of faith to believe we all came from a “Cosmic Burp.”


  4. If I were God I wouldn’t change anything. First off since the beginning we were giving the choice to choose our own paths in life. Knowing this, you choose your own destiny and the things that are going on now in life is not God fault, it is people fault. Therefore, the way things are now and how they began, would remain the same if I was God.


    1. But since there is no god, “he” did nothing. Furthermore, in creating a world with places that humans cannot live in, with 70% of the earth’s landmass being covered in water (most of it being salt water) and creating thousands of species that would eventually go extinct, it seems that the world we live in today is far from perfect.


    If we assume there is God, and He started all this, we must assume He also knows how to communicated and He SAID it started just with words. Not a bang. Good idea.
    Now days, of course, we realize DNA is just another language, another set of words with right and wrong spellings, sentences with right and wrong syntax, doers and receivers of multitudinous actions. It was words. Words, not a bang.
    However, if I were God, I would have made a mess of it. No human is that smart, as we are just beginning to prove with all the gmo junk.
    I would not have had the mercy to provide a Back-up, as He did.
    I would not have had the wisdom to provide several second chances, as He did.
    I would not have thought to build self-healing into a world that was intended to be perfect and without hurt or harm.
    I would not have known to give canine teeth to my little herbivores.
    I would not have been so committed to love as to allow my creation the CHOICE of whether to love me.
    But God did.


      1. Hey Jessica!
        I don’t have a phony baloney god. Maybe you got me mixed up with someone else. 🙂
        However, I was alluding to the comment by Dave Farmer. In case things did not go perfectly (which way, by the way, they appear not to have gone, right?) He had to have a backup and He did. He said He would make all things new and He does. But first we have to get on His program, which makes explaining it a tad difficult, since folks who don’t understand it also do not understand all the explanations. It’s a little like trying to explain a beautiful sunrise to a blind person, or something–a communication breakdown.
        However, if you would be actually interested in an honest exchange on the subject, I would, too. I just do not think this is the best forum for it. You name the time and place and I’d be happy to carry on.


  6. Difficult question. Here’s what I would do. Start with Love and Freedom. Let Reason (comprehensibility) structure the love freedom couplet. Let the evolution of this couplet evolve life. Now alive, let the love freedom couplet evolve an awareness of itself. Now, let this evolved self-awareness come to 1) an understanding of from whence it came–from the simple to the complex, 2) the further understanding of the values that follow from love and freedom, and, 3) the potential to right the wrongs based in “ignorance based injustices.” These values, the values used to judge right from wrong follow from this extensive connection process; that is, values used to judge right from wrong are life affirming and freedom affirming values. In other words, in terms of a minimum quality of life, within the prevailing economic realities, no person should be denied the basic necessities of life; and further, sufficient freedoms (within the limits of reasonable expectation) should be in place to allow for meaningful self-expression (the first ten amendments of the United States Constitution are a good place to start). As long as these two conditions are satisfied market competition, within prevailing economic realities, should be permitted. Anything less than this—the minimum standard of living for all human beings, — is an “ignorance based injustice.”

    But, alas, and unfortunately, I am not a God! Thanks for the question!


  7. I have to say I don’t agree with the people that said if they were god they would’ve created a back button I think that if I was to be god I would’ve done so many things differently but no back button because when we make our mistakes is when we grow and learn I’m a whole new way. Happily I’m not god so I don’t have that responsibility on my shoulders. 🙂


  8. My God is good and He has given to us all choices and loving Him and enjoying the Joy Ne 8:10 and Jn 14:27 & 16:33 is such a great promise for me and I wish to bless all the ones that have written above my comment.
    I have had experiences without him, my choice and I have experiences with HIM AND BELIEVE ME WITH HIM HAS BEEN AMAZING,WONDERFUL AND I JUST PRAISE HIM. I am so blessed to be a part of His team and our mandate is to love others!!WOW..Bless you..saintjo


  9. If I were God, I would leave everything just as it is.. As for me, what He has created is perfect. Every living creature, good or bad, they’re there for a purpose. We all are lucky to be given the chance to live in this world through the resources He has provided us. The life that we’re living is the life that we are choosing to live on, so let’s make the most out it and continue to be ambassadors of goodwill to one another…


  10. As far as playing GOD I think it’s best if I just left well enough alone. The thing I wonder is how all the other species of animals we share this planet with look at us. Last time I was at the zoo for instance those other primates had such a look of sympathy….


  11. First I would kill the Devil.
    Next, I would create angels of all races and not just white ones. I’d also make some of them female-like, you know, to discourage any hanky=panky between the males.
    Then I would do away with gold and precious metals which I clearly don’t need. It would be absurd to limit myself to a heaven where the streets are made of gold when I have the whole universe as my playground.
    Finally, I’d kill my dumb son who abandons ship only to be crucified by the Romans and the Pharisees. And all that phoney-baloney of rising on the third day, I’d lock up all those believing loonies, In hell, out of harm’s way.
    Ah, but I’m not God and I haven’t won the lottery.


  12. The very thought of it makes me shudder. I have my beliefs and they are always with me so the idea of the beginning is :

    In the beginning there was a war in heaven between Lucifer and God and God threw Lucifer out. God made the earth and it was pristine with everything we needed to live.
    Lucifer was sent to earth where he could reign but never return to heaven. The spirits in heaven were now split and the Lord decided that the only way they could choose between him and Lucifer was to gain a body and live on earth.
    He made Adam who was lonely and from one of Adams ribs he made Eve, and they lived in the Garden of Eden. It was a paradise. God said that they had their own free will, that they must not eat of the fruit from the tree of knowledge or else they would be cast out of the Garden of Eden, and the last that they must go forth and multiply. They knew nothing and did not understand. Eve knew that in order to gain knowledge she must eat of the fruit from the tree of knowledge. Had she not taken the fruit we would have no way to return to the Lord in Heaven. They had their free will and both ate the fruit from the tree of knowledge and they were cast out into the world.

    Adam and Eve went out into the world and multiplied. Two of their siblings Cain killed Able and so it began, good and bad. They had many children.

    As human beings we are greedy, envious, hateful, but we also have qualities only the Lord can give those who love and follow him. We were given our own free will. The earth was ours to live and we in are ultimate greed started to destroy the beauty and the animals and the environment, and the air.

    Pollution and toxins made mutant animals with two heads, children without limbs, diseases like cancer, dead zones in the sea that nothing lives except jelly fish that have increased greatly, animals have become extinct, forests are declining, water poisoned from the fertilizers that are sprayed over the crops and wash into the soil and into the rivers. The axel of the earth has changed dramatically and the weather has changed.
    I often wonder if the two atom bombs dropped on Japan made a difference to the fault line and the crust of the earth. As human beings we did not take care of anything we were given. Lucifer was doing a good job here on earth. He even tried to tempt Jesus.

    We like to blame others for things that happen to us especially if we travel the path of uncertainty. I did have a miracle happen to me. I was deathly ill and in pain. The pain was so great that I could hardly take it. People came and prayed over me and gave me a blessing and when they had gone a euphoric feeling of happiness, love and warmth came over me. It was the Lord. He was there and I fell asleep. I was not taking medication and the next day I had an operation.

    We are on earth in a body just like Jesus. He came down gained a body and died so that we may return to him in Heaven if we choose. What has happened in the world is not his fault. It is our fault or maybe it just is.

    We cannot expect everything to come to us on a plate and return to the Lord without effort. There is good and bad and we know the difference. If we choose to disregard this
    And make our own rules just like Hollywood then there are circumstances.

    All religions have guide lines. We have the Ten Commandments. We have our own free will. Inside my Father’s House there are many mansions. This life is very short. Live well and return to the Father that loves and cares for us always.

    Written by Susan Oliver with a little help from above.

    The Brooklyn Tabernacle Choir – I’ll Say Yes

    The Brooklyn Tabernacle Choir – I’ll Say Yes


  13. If i were god how would i have started it all? For sheer irony’s sake i want to say “With a big bang” defeating any Argument about creation simply coming to be.
    Afterwards I’d let my creation play its way out, Much like any parent does with his or her child.
    “And although i may wish to intervene, I promise to stand by and support (at least to the best of thy ability). For the life created and given to them came from me. It is their own to live and breathe as they please…“


  14. Wow! This may sound nasty,maybe I’m just having a bad day,but if I was God, I’m not sure I would have created humans. The Garden of Eden was paradise, and I may have just left it as that. But with the animals,of course.
