Poll: How long does it take to write a post?

As part of today’s  fun, here’s a poll. I’ m curious how long it takes people to create a new post and get it ready to publish.  Of course some posts take longer than others, so answer on average.

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  1. Wow! I was reallysurprised at the time people take to post/publish. I am a less-than-15-minutes gal. I think if I spent anymore time on blogging, I wouldn’t do it at all. I like that it’s a quick composition that comes up in real-time (according to when I schedule it). I rarely go back an edit a post, either (unless I catch a typo) — I mean, I never go back and edit the content after it has been posted. Even my longer posts take about the same time because those are the posts where I am so in the zone with the topic that my fingers fly over the keyboard. This was a very interesting poll! 🙂


  2. Some times the longest section of time can be thinking about what I might write, then thinking about it while I write it and/or type the draft, then the process of preparing the post online, selecting tags and potential picture to go with it, then looking at the “publish” button before I actually decide to click it 🙂 I guess and average 30 minutes.


  3. I don’t know how to write quickly unless I absolutely have to. My posts typically take 3-4 hours at least. Today I finally thought of a very simple solution: set a timer for 20 minutes and publish whatever I have when it goes off. I won’t do this with every post because some will definitely need more time, but I’m gonna force myself to do it at least once a week. Invigorating, really, because I don’t have 3-4 hours to devote to this every day.


  4. It takes time to produce high quality content (about 4 hours/post for me). The result may not be high volumes of traffic, but the conversations and readership more than make up for the difference.


  5. After having signed up for the Blog a day challenge, I must admit that the average time it takes for me to finish a post has gone from between 1-2 hours to somewhere between 30 mins to 1 hour. I have however experienced a 200% visitor increase.


  6. I think it takes around 30 minutes. Because I, for myself, always develop my ideas in mind, I sometimes carry them with me for days. Most of the time writing happens when inspiration hits me and then it does not take long. It cannot take long, because you already know what to say and how to say it and if you just start typing the ideas and right words keep coming.
    If I was to sit down and tell myself: ok, now you’re going to write something; and if I would have no inspiration at all I could spend a whole day sitting there without having written anything.


  7. Ok, well today has taken me ALL DAY! I’ve given my post a title based on one of the suggestions which, by the way, I have filtered to a folder all it’s own in my Outlook. I have had a terrible time focusing today and just feel like I’m procrastinating terribly! My problem is all of the email, facebook, twitter, etc. notifications that I get…I can’t stand to not look into them! So, I’m about to take the advice given in a recent post…shut down my email & turn my phone to silent until I’m finished with my post, then I won’t get the notifications until I open email again!!!


  8. As a mathematician, I am admiring the bell curve on the results. It really honestly depends on the complexity of the topic and the situation I am in the availability to create a post. It can be as short as five to 10 minutes to probably an hour. I try not to over extend my boundaries and take frequent breaks to think and breathe.
